
CICT - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

- How well are you prepared for a long-term poweroutage in your home? You got some candles,maybe a flashlight or two, hopefully one withbatteries that work. Well that mighteven sound like fun, if it only lasts a fewminutes or an hour or two. But what if it's outfor days or even weeks? It can happen.(dramatic music) There are so many ways the gridcan be seriously disrupted. And it can shut downtransportation, communication. It can even lead to foodand water shortages. Out in the wilderness, oneof the keys to survival is securing food and water. It's exactly the samewhen you're at home, trying to survive extremeweather or a natural disaster that's taken down the grid. So sure, keep the candles around and flashlights withfresh batteries. But let's get seriousabout preparing your home, and power yourself with aGenerac standby generator. - [Announcer] Demand for powerputs stress on an aging grid, and power outagesare on the rise. (thunder crashes) So when the powergrid goes down, your electricity can beout for days, even weeks. Are you prepared? Now you can be with a standbygenerator from Generac. (motor humming) - Having the Generac generator, I felt secure that ifthere was a power outage, I didn't have to worry about it. That there would beheat in the home, there wouldn't be busted pipes. My sump pumps wouldcontinue to run. - [Announcer] Whenyou lose power, your Generac standby generator instantly detects the problem, and within seconds,your home powers up. No struggling to startyour generator in a storm. No extension cordsthrough windows and doors. No waiting in lineto fill up gas cans. Because your Generac runson your existing natural gas or propane supply, you neverhave to think about it. And the wifi-enabled MobileLink Remote Monitoring system keeps you posted onoperating status, maintenance updates, and more. Only Generac featuresTruePower Technology, delivering best-in-classpower from a G-Force engine, specificallydesigned to withstand the rigors of generator use. Generac generators aredesigned, engineered, and purpose-built by Generac. And Generac is thenumber one manufacturer of home standbygenerators in the world. Today, 8 out of 10homeowners choose Generac. - I love my Generac.- I love my Generac. - I just love my Generac. - Hey, you can't beat a Generac. - [Announcer] Your GeneracHome Standby Generator delivers more than power. It delivers peace of mind,keeping you, your family, and yes, even your petscomfortable, safe, and secure. - [Announcer] Callor go online now to request your free quote with one of Generac'snationwide dealers. Together you'll determine theright generator for your home, based on yourunique energy needs. Installation is fast,usually in about a day. Plus, if you actnow, you will receive a 5-year extendedwarranty absolutely free. That's an over-$700 value, free! And the local Generaccustomer support team is always availablearound the clock to answer anyquestions you may have. Call now to requestyour free quote. The call is free,the quote is free, and there's noobligation to buy. So the next timethe grid goes down, your home powersup with a Generac. Call now to power your life. (upbeat music) The preceding was apaid advertisement for Generac HomeStandby Generators. Brought to you by GeneracPower Systems, Incorporated. ANNOUNCER: This program is presented as a paid advertisement. We're taking the internet and desperately trying to make it fun. Hashtag Wars! One minute photo! Explain it like I'm five-ish. And, go! 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. ANNOUNCER: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) ANNOUNCER: What is StackTV? WOMAN: You're not gonna believe this. Three, two, one, go. StackTV is a streaming service for your whole family. Let's get into it. StackTV is drama, and comedy... What's happening? I'm in. StackTV is action... Please do them now. And a dose of reality. Every single turn. StackTV is everything you want and so much more.

This is fun. (Exclaiming) That is StackTV. We're back, baby! What! Are you ready for it? Watch now with your free trial. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global calgary back this is global news morning. [ ] >>> Well, it has arrived race day for canada's longest running marathon, yes. And they are off. It's underway in our city right now, the sold out calgary marathon at stampede park what to do so yesterday over 13,000? >> 13,000 runners out there giving her. This is the first takeoff and they will have them stagger throughout the day the kids when his later, the 10 k, 5 k. These are the full marathon and half marathon or the ultra- marathoners got going earlier this morning they will be out and about all over the city and the conditions really couldn't be better. >> I was going to say considering -- >> Considering the weather we have been expecting, 6 degrees right now and partly cloudy, it will remain dry we will have cloudy conditions throughout the morning but rain arriving this afternoon once again after the marathon wraps we will have details on how much in exactly 1 coming up. >> That you courtney. >>> Topping our news at 7:00 enough is enough this is the message behind a provincewide protest period a crowd gathered in calgary at city hall rally and against the policies of the provincial government and calling for transparency and accountability. But a conservative party said the polls show another story. [ ] >> Reporter: enough is enough. How many here at calgary's miscible plaza feels when it comes to this provincial government. >> Experts think they know better and they are all ideologically driven. >> Reporter: rally in calgary is 1 of seven across the province saturday taking aim at a litany of government problem -- policies from education funding levels and ongoing reforms to the healthcare system >> The only way to change the behaviour of a city government that has a majority is heat. Heat can come in many forms. But a big vocal demonstration like this is a good 1. >> Reporter: calgary's rally drew many seniors concerned about their pension as the provincial government explores pulling out of the pension plan to create its own. >> I have cpp pension. I don't want app pension. >> Reporter: many feel they don't feel hurt because members also feel consultations need improvement following several pieces of legislation that would block deals between cities in the provo government and introduce new powers over municipalities. >> I think what these rallies are saying today is listen to us right? You're supposed to represent all albertans and you aren't. >> Reporter: and his statement the united conservative party said they respect albertans right to protest adding anyone with concerns to reach out to the mlas in the statement goes on to say recent polling says albertans largely support the government on accountability, affordability and the healthcare system leaving many at the rally hoping for change. >> They listen to those they want to listen to, they don't listen to the people lay should listen to. >> Reporter: and a separate statement specifically and build 20 legislation that would give cabinet the power to remove a counsellor or repeal a municipal bylaw cocked the province said it made changes based on feedback and concerns from municipalities seeking more clarity adding the government will consult with municipalities on the bill throughout the summer. Adam, global news. [ ]

>>> Good sunday morning thank you for starting the day with us here on global. They are all runners taking off you can show them on from the comfort of your home this morning 13,000 out there raising. 6 degrees and partly cloudy right now and calgary warming up to a high of 15 degrees today with a little bit more rain on the way. In and around the city to pitchers bearing -- varying. This is how the day we'll break down. Over the noon hour we will be at about 13 degrees partly cloudy. In the afternoon around 2:00 we will see some rain arriving in the calgary region once again. That will come with some strong winds. Today northwest winds at 20 km/h gusting up to 40. You will definitely feel it out and about. The rain continues into the evening hours and than clears overnight getting down to 6 degrees paving the way for a very clear and sunny monday. Finally a dry day in store for us as we welcome a new work week, school week in the last week of may. Lens -- wind speeds around the region, up to 46 in lethbridge. We will experience a bit of that later. Across the southern part of the province a look at the current temperatures. We have some rain moving to the area today looking at a hive 17. This is the rain that will move through around 2:30 pm you can see it passing through the calgary region. It will continue in the evening and clear overnight paving the way for the beautiful week ahead. So this is really it acclimated through that stretch of rain and thanks are going to start to change throughout the next couple days starting off tomorrow with all that sunshine. Here's a look at red deer and banff with conditions and temperatures to start the week. Normal high in calgary this time of year is 18. Tuesday 23 the warmest day of the week before things cool down and rain expected later this week. Tracy. >> Tracy: thank you courtney. Calgary police are asking for help to find a missing woman from the northwest community of sage hill. At 22-year-old lexi last seen friday afternoon in sage hill terrace. Family and police are concerned for her well-being. Anyone with information is asked to contact -- police. You might live in an area with logic and bills. Over the past 2 years a lot of homes have been demolished to make way for nuance. Only 61 of them were saved and moved to another location at a time we are experiencing housing crisis. Carolyn kury de castillo witnessed the painstaking process of moving an entire home. >> Reporter: houses are coming down throughout calgary's inner city to make way for do homes, but in this case the 1950s bone below has been spared. It's about to hit the road taking a trip to newtown. -- 1950s bungalow. >> People are looking for good quality recycled homes but mack the team comes into strip the basement and later beams are inserted and checked the house up to get it off the foundation with a blocking system that looks like agenda again. Workers raise it with a hydraulic jack system. In this case they spun it around to save his city tree. From there it is slid out and put on beams that it will travel on. Loads of permits and prep work happen before the move ensuring the house fits underwires and cars are not parked on the route. Business has shifted over the years they say from moving buildings and barns to recycling houses. >> 18 years ago we may be used to do 30 sent mack -- 30% of that and now is probably 80% apart business is recycled house sales. Everything is so expensive so to be able to find a home and had it set up for a fraction of the cost of building or buying new is huge. >> Reporter: she said it can be in the news -- owner's best interest to have them home moved but not every home is wanted. They have to reject many because of their condition. Tons of waste is spared from going into landfills by moving a home. She said it will make sense for incentives to be offered to homeowners to recycle. >> Not only our company, our friend the affiliates and also for landowners saving these companies if there would be some type of, something available that would help in the process to make it happen even more. >> Reporter: it's hard to catch a glimpse of house travel through the city because they slip through the middle of the night. This 1 road down mcknight boulevard friday and south to community near taber where another family we'll soon call the house there home. Carolyn kury de castillo global news.

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