
CICT - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

>>> Topping news at 9:00, a board has ordered the deportation of the truck driver who because the deadly humble broncos bus crash just over six years ago when the semi collided with the bus carrying eight junior hockey team, killing 16 people and injuring 13 others. While the deportation was expected, the driver's lawyer is still fighting for him to stay. >> Reporter: a tragedy that shook a nation on a rural saskatchewan road, 16 lives suddenly ended. Thirteen others were injured and countless families forever changed. That includes for jaskirat singh sidhu, the rookie truck driver whose semi collided with a bus carrying eight junior hockey team. >> Dealing with very severe posttraumatic stress disorder and anxiety. And now facing his family having broken up, it's pretty tough to deal with. >> Reporter: sidhu moved to canada from india in 2014 as a permanent resident without citizenship. 's crime means is deportation is a forgone conclusion. Something not all the victims' families agree with. >> I don't think this is the necessary conclusion to all this. We made our peace with this a long time ago. Mr sidhu has done his time. >> Reporter: there is a range emotions for the many families processing the news. >> It's completely out of my control. Unfortunately, I'll just have to live with the consequence for the rest of his life. >> Reporter: the parents of another victim say they're thankful for the decision as they continue to believe that mr sidhu should be deported from canada, saying they are prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as mr sidhu may launch further appeals. Because of the length of sidhu's unprecedented eight year sentence, he lost his right to appeal, at least until the deportation order was granted. >> No but its been issued, he can apply to get has permanent residency back on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. >> Reporter: 's lawyer says sidhu's on has medical issues that would prevent him from moving back to india with him, potentially ripping apart the family of a man some say has suffered enough. Sidhu's lawyer says the deportation process could take months or years and eight humanitarian appeal like the one that is now underway usually takes about 2-3 years to process. An ongoing saga it seems that is still far from over. Sarah often, global news. >> Tracy: eight calgary school board is calling out the province over the funding it says fall short of meeting the needs of its students. The calgary catholic school district has passed its budget for next year and will be using reserves to cover a $21.5 million shortfall. The district says it's facing a number of financial challenges with significant enrolment growth and rising costs. But by using its savings to balance the budget, officials say students will continue to receive high quality education. The district says it will continue to add teachers and education assistants to its classrooms and invest in technology. Board chair shannon cook calls the provincial funding model problematic, saying the amount they receive per student has essentially not increased in the past six years. >> This was a tough budget. The problem is that next year might be tougher. Things like classroom sizes, we haven't touched classroom sizes. We'll be have to look at that next year if we don't get additional funding? We may have to look at that next year if we don't get additional funding. >> Tracy: earlier this week the calgary board of education released its budget report, saying it would need to use roughly $2.6 million of its reserves to cover an operating deficit. Supporters, students alberta and the teachers association say they believe the budget shortfalls will impact classrooms next year. >> Schools are continually being asked to do more with less. We are running out of physical space, we are running out of enough teachers because we've got classrooms that are over 40 kids. We are running out of technology access, out of busing for these children. >> In alberta, where the least funded education jurisdiction in all of canada. The government in february was like, we've had 4.4 percent increase, record amount of spending and public education, but we are still last in terms of funding. We need to see 13 percent just to be at the canadian average. >> Tracy: alberta's education minister responding to the financial concerns, saying in a statement "over the next three years, we plan to invest more than $1.2 billion which will go directly to hiring more teachers and other educational staff. School divisions in calgary have received over 100 million in new funding this year alone and 18 new schools are on their way for

the calgary metropolitan region. That will add 16,000 needed spaces." >>> The calgary school district's chief superintendent is back on the job after resigning two months ago. He gave his letter of resignation to the board of trustees at the end of march after four years of heading up calgary catholic. Yesterday's surprise announcement says he's returning under age two year agreement starting next week. The ccsd saying he first resigned for personal reasons, and that his new contract does not include épée increase. >>> The recent rain and cooler temperatures have eased drought conditions in our city, but the city's message stays the same, to make every drop count. In the latest update the city says water supply levels have shifted to normal and while things have improved, there is concern things could change. That's why officials are urging calgarians to continue to limit their water use, especially outdoors. As for water levels, the city notes the bow and elbow river flows are normal for this time of year. As of yesterday, environment canada recorded just over 50 millimetres of precipitation this month at the airport and slightly lower than the average 56.8 millimetres for the month of may. So some good news there for us. >> Courtney: yes, and there is still more. If you look at it with that twist. More rain on the way this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon before things start to clear. As tracy mentioned, we're getting close to that monthly average. Just a few more millimetres on the way, and that will bump us right up. Downtown currently sitting at 9 degrees, west district seven, tuscany seven, spruce meadows nine, okotoks eight, airdrie ten to start off the morning. Here's how things are breaking down for saturday. Over the noon hour about 15 degrees, mostly cloudy conditions. Into the afternoon we will see the arrival of the rain and chance for scattered thunderstorms, with wind picking up, southwest at 20 kilometres an hour. That's when we will reach our daytime high of 16 degrees. The rain will continue into the evening hours, clear overnight, great for all the marathon runners. 13,000 people lacing up their runners tomorrow morning should be clear to kick things off. Windspeed calm in the calgary area right now. Lethbridge seeing gusts up to 35 kilometres per hour at this time. They are setting out 14 degrees, brooks currently 13, medicine hat 12, red deer 9, edmonton 10. Warming up, a lot of sun and cloud across the southern part of the province. Drumheller, brooks, and medicine hat 19 degrees today with some rain on the way. Claresholm high of 17, edmonton 18. This is when the rain will start to roll in. 2:00 this afternoon you can see the system pushing toward the city. That will continue over the afternoon and evening hours before clearing, then tomorrow afternoon we do have scattered rain moving through the area once again, bringing with it more light rainfall. Talking about just millimetres, nothing overly heavy, so things will stay quite light as far as rain goes over the next couple days. After that, monday is when things will start to warm up. Red deer, medicine hat, lethbridge and banff, your temperatures and conditions to round out the weekend and start off the work and school week. Sunshine on the way, similar for us in calgary as well. 16 our high today and tomorrow. Normal time of year high is 8 -- 18. Tuesday, the warmest day of the week at 23. Mostly cloudy conditions. We will start to taper off ever so slightly toward the later part of the week thursday with the potential of more rainfall friday, getting up to 17 degrees. Saturday, june 1st, this is it for the rest of may. >> Tracy: thank you, courtney.

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