
CICT - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

employees. Doug vaessen, global news. >> Tracy: thousands of workers at calgary -- canada border service agency are threatening job action. The union has secured an overwhelming strike mandate and as mackenzie gray reports it's warning people they could see significant disruptions during a busy travel season. >> Reporter: it setting up to be another treacherous travel summer. The cbsa workers potentially buckling up for a strike. >> Members are very angry as we can see from the 96 percent strike mandate. >> Reporter: two years after the last cbsa contract expired the union representing 9000 border workers say they want higher wages, new rules around remote work and a better retirement plan. >> Our members take great pride -- pride in the work they do. They keep canadians safe and work it terribly understaffed and work incredible amounts of overtime. >> Reporter: the last cbsa strike august 2021, causing major delays. Something the head of the largest sector union says could happen again. >> The trudeau liberal government has to be prepared for a summer of discontent. Whether it's at the borders or airports. >> Reporter: chris alward threatened to wreck summer after the federal government ordered servants back to the office from two days a week to three days a week. Won the union did not get into the collective agreement. >> It is considered a management right to determine the place of work and in this round of bargaining it's not surprising it has emerged as a pressing issue for the members as well. >> Reporter: 6000 cbsa workers are deemed essential and are not able to strike it making it unlikely the rules are willing to change their policy calling the strike threat unnecessary. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that is exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: 50 different unions have called on ndp leader jagmeet singh to her hold the government accountable to supply and confidence deal over the work from home policy but sing is not ready to force an election over it. >> We are not at that point yet right now we will focus on using the pressure we can to get the government to do the right thing. >> Reporter: the treasury board is ready to negotiate at any time but the union's counter saying it has not had a wage offer yet and they will be in a legal strike position by no later than june 10th. Mackenzie gray, global news, ottawa. >> Tracy: if your summer plans include visiting the lake louise area expect delays. Construction work is underway to improve the main road to the popular destination. Work started this week and will last throughout the summer, the busiest time of year. Officials say over 1 million vehicles travel to maine road each year and parks canada says shuttles and public transit are the best option to visit the area. And courtney that is something people are definitely going to want to keep in mind if they are headed out. >> Courtney: yes indeed it. Already such a busy spot made even busier. Looking at temperatures in and around the calgary area to start off saturday. Downtown 9° and west district 5 in the northwest through tuscany and varsity. 9 in airdrie and 7 in okotoks. This is how saturday will break down and calgary if you are planning to get out with the kids or perhaps the dogs or go for a walk it was likely best to do it this morning. The rain will be returning and we have become very familiar with the rain the last 10 weeks or so -- 10 days or so. Over the noon hour 15° and mostly cloudy conditions in the afternoon when the rain will start and winds will pick up. Getting up to a high of 16°. The normal high for this time of year is 18° so we are sitting below that and here's a look at current temperatures across the province. Claresholm 9 and brooks 11. Medicine hat 8°. Warming up to 19° in medicine hat and drumheller. Banff 12 with rainy conditions. This is when the rain will begin. To 30:00 this afternoon the system starts move through the calgary area and it will continue through the evening hours. We will clear overnight which is great for the calgary marathon runners kicking off nice and early tomorrow and the chance for more rain coming back tomorrow afternoon. Light and a few millimetres over the coming days. Here's a look at conditions and temperatures. Banff and medicine hat and red deer over the next several days. A warm up in calgary and we will have the details coming up. >> Tracy: the roughly 4000 people are evacuated from fort nelson are being told to be patient and it could still be days before they are allowed back home. The public meeting was held friday afternoon to inform residents essential services are

slowly being restored in the area being made safe after it was threatened by the parker like wildfire nearly two weeks ago. Right now the regional municipality is still without a functioning hospital and the target to begin a phased return is monday or tuesday and in the meantime rcmp are continuing patrols. >> They don't know the difference between someone driving down the road unless they are in a vehicle that is identified as of fire service personnel or someone supporting the fire service. They don't know the difference between them and a looter so they are stopping people in our community. >> Reporter: >> Tracy: winds have been pushing fire away from the community and rain is expected in the area this weekend. >>> And alberta teen suffered a spinal cord injury in a car crash that changed his life ever but now a new wheelchair is restoring the freedom he once had. Jaco coetzee has more. >> Reporter: an annual road trip to kelowna change their lives in an instant. >> We were involved in a head-on collision on the trans-canada highway about 20 minutes west of revelstoke. >> Reporter: everyone in their car survived but her son tanner leslie got the brunt of the injuries. >> He is considered paraplegic. >> Reporter: he has full use of his arm so he has been able to use a manual wheelchair but like many of the teenage boys he is a thrillseeker. His medical team nominated him for the shine foundation and they came up with his dream for unknot a wheelchair rig. >> My mom wanted me to get it because we always go camping and my dad gave me the idea of going very fast. >> Reporter: it's an electric, four wheel all-terrain chair that tanner can steer with his arms. >> It's not just his manual chair. He can do jumps and go off road. Seeing the smile on his face and the wind in his mullet. [ Laughter ] >> Having this gives me the ability to do things I thought I couldn't do or at least do well. And it's just amazing in general. >> Reporter: for his parents it has brought peace and now tanner can keep up with his friends. >> Being able to have more positives in our lives than dealing with the negative in this rig. He so excited. We will have summer this year. We didn't get one last year. >> Reporter: the shine foundation says they're all about changing lives for the better and in this case it is tanner's new rig. >> It's giving them an opportunity to look at a new trajectory into the future and giving them confidence back helping them build confidence and independence and optimism and a boost mental health. >> Reporter: it tanner can't wait for his next adventure. >> Just going to turn it to nine and go. >> Reporter: jaclyn kucey, global news. [ ] >> Tracy: vladimir putin might be willing to end the war in ukraine if russia is allowed to keep the territories it now controls. That is according to a report from reuters released friday citing four anonymous high level sources but the question now as mike armstrong explains his weathered the report is a trial balloon from the kremlin or more psychological warfare. [ ] >> Reporter: there was no confirmation but also no denial. Vladimir putin visiting one of his few allies friday belarus said there is a need for peace talks with ukraine. But he added they should reflect realities on the ground. What that likely refers to are the front lines in eastern ukraine. According to a reuters report four sources close to putin says he is willing to quote, it freeze the war. That would be on the condition he keeps what his troops have taken and right now russia controls about 18 percent of ukrainian territory and its fighting to take more. The first question about this potential putin proposal is whether it is real. A report citing multiple kremlin sources even anonymously isn't likely to have come out of the kremlin without putin's approval. University of toronto's aurel braun. >> This is highly unlikely. It is putin's regime. Very tightly controlled. >> Reporter: the other question is motivation. The proposal could be a trial balloon to feel things out and it could be a way of putting pressure on ukraine and the west to play on growing fatigue with the war. But an agreement at this point would leave russia isolated and impoverished and putin with perhaps only one accomplishment. >> If vladimir putin is focused only on one thing and that is staying in power and protecting absolute power, then he has been successful. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: the ukrainian president in his weekly statement friday said putin is

trying to disrupt an upcoming peace summit anyway he can. About 70 countries are set to meet next month in switzerland that will include prime minister trudeau and china has been invited. Russia has not. Mike armstrong, global news, montréal. >> Rich in parks, playgrounds and nearby schools and exclusive facilities with year-round We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Sam Centre lets you take part in Stampede's Greatest Stories. With a year round, immersive and interactive experience. Now open! Welcome to Western rv Country. As you can see, we're a different kind of dealership. We have all kinds of characters here in our showrooms. Our customers love to have fun. And so do our staff. Western rv where family fun is number one country. Regain your confidence. Gainswave for men. A noninvasive, pain free breakthrough solution for optimal performance. Visit Meet Debbie and John. They're selling their house and ready to move on to their next chapter. But in today's real estate market, finding the right home can be challenging. Thankfully, the Justin Havre real estate team has nearly two decades of experience in our local market, and we know what it takes to get your house sold for top dollar. Now is a great time to take advantage of a dynamic real estate market. Contacted a JustinHavre real estate team today and take the first steptowards your next dream home. Are you searching for the perfect family vehicle? The 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander combines affordability, comfort and intuitive functionality with ample legroom. Plus, with our ten year warranty It makes the Outlander the perfect choice for all of life's adventures. Come in today and test drive the lowest priced seven passenger vehicle in Canada and see how well it fits your growing family. The granite guys offerpremium custom countertopswith a large selection of qu Sam Centre lets you take part in Stampede's Greatest Stories. With a year round, immersive and interactive experience. Now open! Closed captioning for this program is brought to you in part by Grey Eagle Resort and Casino. Visit Grey Eagle before June 15th for a chance to win a celebrity cruise for two. Terms and conditions apply. >> Tracy: an extreme athlete attempting to set a new guinness world record for the longest ice bath and he looks as though he did it. >> Three, two, one. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Tracy: that is andre belibi, unofficially breaking the record for the longest time being packed in ice down at stampede park at. The previous record was set by a man in poland after four hours in two minutes. Of course it belibi's attempt will need to be verified and he says he hopes it will raise awareness and support for those with autism spectrum disorder. >> 's second bag of ice is going in.

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