
CICT - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

to cover an operating deficit. Support our students alberta and the alberta teachers association say they believe the budget shortfalls will impact classrooms next year. >> Schools are continuously asked to do more with less. We are running out of physical space and enough teachers because we have classrooms that are over 40 kids. We are running out of technology access. We are running out of busing for all of these children. >> In alberta we are the least funded jurisdiction in canada and the government in february was like we have 4.4 percent increase and record amounts of spending and public education but we are still last in terms of funding and needed 13 percent just to be at the canadian average. >> Reporter: alberta's education minister responding to financial concerns staying in a statement over the next 3 years we plan to invest more than 1.2 million which will go directly to hiring teachers and educational staff and school divisions and calgary have received over 100 million in funding alone and 18 new schools are on the way for the calgary metropolitan region and that will add 16,000 needed spaces. >>> Meantime the catholic school district chief superintendent is back on the job after resigning 2 months ago. He gave his letter of recommendation to the board of trustees at the end of month -- at the end of march. Yesterday's surprise announcement says he is returning under a 2 year agreement starting next week it. The csst said he had first resigned for personal reasons and that szumlas' contract does not include a pay increase. >>> Drought conditions in the city have been eased by the rain but the city message stays the same to make every drop count. Water supply levels have now shifted to normal says the city and the latest update but while things have improved there is a concern things could change. Officials are urging calgarians to continue to limit water use especially outdoors. As for water levels the city notes the bow and elbow river flows are normal this time of year and as of yesterday environment canada reported just over 50 millimetres of precipitation at the airport which is slightly lower than the average 56.8 millimetres for the month of may. Courtney this weekend more moisture expected. >> Courtney: we have a week left in may and a couple more rainy days on tap so likely to reach the average 56 millimetre mark before too long. Right now around the city here's a look at current temperatures. West restrict 5° and in the northwest and tuscany 5° and spruce metals 6° to start things off on saturday morning. Here is how the day will break down if you're planning activities. Perhaps a bike ride. The best time to do it is this morning around the lunch hour around 15° with cloudy conditions but this afternoon is when the rain will begin and winds will pick up southwest at 20 kilometre per hour winds getting to a high of 16° and rainy conditions continuing into the evening hours and clearing overnight down to 7° and will return tomorrow afternoon and more rain on the way before things clear before they kick off monday with the new work and school week. There is a look at the province of. Brooks 11 right now. Edmonton 9. Lloydminster 7 and the highs across the board. John haller and brooks and medicine hat in for a beautiful day with a high of 19°. Through the region's claresholm looking at 18 and red deer 17. Getting the winds pretty calm but this afternoon things will shift around 3:00 where we will see the increasing with the arrival of the rain and this is a look at 2:30 this afternoon as the system approaches the calgary area and arrives again tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully after the calgary marathon runners have all crossed the finish line and grab their metals and taken photos and can go home and celebrate and enjoy. Light rain and just a few millimetres expected today and tomorrow adding to the may total. A look at the next 3 days, lethbridge and banff with the conditions and temperatures to round out the weekend and start off the new week and we will see the warm up in the calgary area as well. Monday 21° and a mix of sun and cloud and tuesday 22 and cloudy. Thursday a bit of rain potentially on the way down to 14° and friday the last day of may 17° with a mix of sun and cloud and the normal high this time of year 18. It will be a little below and a little above and a little below tracy. >> Tracy: thanks courtney. The 60th anniversary of the calgary marathon is on tomorrow and to mark the occasion some

runners will go for a world record. >> We will be linking ourselves together using a static chord that it is about a metre apart between each runner we will have 14 runners attempting to run the half marathon altogether. >> Tracy: running a race can be tough enough but these folks will be tied together. They are part of the mydoh canada and vassar team trying to beat the guinness world record for the fastest half marathon by a link to team and hoping to raise $16,000 to support people with mitochondrial diseases. >> I have a son evan who was 20 years old but when he was four he was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease which has affected him severely. He suffered a brain injury as a result and quadriplegic and nonverbal. When evan was diagnosed there was no organization to support families or help the mat navigate the care but now mito canada helps to help families. >> Tracy: they are aiming to beat the current guinness world record of one hour 26 minutes in the half marathon tomorrow. >>> The red carpet being rolled out for the start of the fourth annual calgary black film festival. Last night the spot lights and stars shining bright at the globe cinema with premiers featuring black actors and directors streaming all weekend long. The festival taking place at various venues and the total 35 movies are being shown designed to resonate with all audiences and showcasing the talent of craters from all backgrounds. Organizer say calgary has truly embrace the movement. >> Over the last two years we have seen an increase in attendance, interest and support. And this year has topped last year it. Just the turnout you see today is fantastic. We are extremely happy and extremely proud of all the work that is gone in and as well the city of calgary. We are proud to be here in the city of calgary. >> Tracy: all the films are also accessible online. >> Tracy: the thief next door. A bc couples search for answers and their property after their storage locker was broken into. >> The sought after areas are built for life. Your life. Visit >> I'm in montera on cochran lakes and who are the preferred builders? >> We carefully selected three builders on the project here and basically selected based on quality of craftsmanship and attention to detail. The three we have our aspen creek at designer homes, health park homes and cornerstone homes and each of the packages they offer are totally customizable by any homebuyer. >> You have a great promotion going on now and how can people learn more about today's event? >> We have a 20,000-dollar incentive right now offered to any homebuyer that chooses to build with one of our builders and totally customizable. All the customizes packages they offer. You can learn more about the offers and visit each of the exciting home loans they have to offer. >> Come on down to the discovery Weather Window is brought to you in part by Birchwood Furniture Galleries. Learn more at Did you know that the cedar shopis more than just a lumber yard? Besides being Canada'slargest cedar showroom, we're also an outdoor lifestyle store.Dreaming of a backyard sauna? With our full linesaunas, parts, and accessories, You can decide what works for your needs with no salespressure. Don't worry. We also still offer the best in cedar, pergolas,decks, fences, stains, and more. We have everythingto help your yard come alive and ask about our free delivery. Only at the cedar shop. What does Joy mean to you? Winning $1,000,000 dream home? A new adventure-ready luxury motor home? Maybe it means going on a once in a lifetime trip every year, for ten years? Or maybe it means giving southern Alberta's tiniest patients a healthy start to their lives. With the children's hospital lottery, It's all possible. Get your tickets and add a little joy to your life while making a big difference for kids and families at the Alberta Children's Hospital. Kirsten: For over 40 years, cir Realty has made real estate easy for our realtors, so that our realtors can make real estate easy for you. Lindsey: With 18 offices across Alberta and bc, and over 900 Realtors, managers and staff to support you, you can trust our proven real estate process. Kirsten: If you're looking to buy, sell or invest, or to excel in a real estate career, cir Realty makes the journey easy and enjoyable for everyone. Lindsey: cir Realty. We make real estate easy. Visit us A happy place comes

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