
CICT - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>>> But first from the war zone to a 42 k. Track. How a volunteer from ukraine is using his skills to help runners navigate this weekend's calgary marathon. [ ] >> Reporter: I'm joelle tomlinson at memorial park library and this is our yyc. Nlb and icon bo jackson shares his story during the annual jcc sports dinner. Visit calgary >>> The fourth annual calgary black film festival is happening now and online. Visit calgary black film for more information on how to get tickets. For more information on featured events go to >> Announcer: our yyc is brought to you by len t. Wong & associates. >> Is your home getting tight for you and your family? We can help you find a home to fit Dog walking forecast is brought to you in part by Lighting Lotto Know your limit, play within it. See. I told you I could cool it down. Are you kidding me? This is hot. I'm not going through another summer like this. Bernie. Call Pete the plumber. Hi Calgary. It is Pete the Plumber. It is going to be a hot summer, and I have to Trane family of cooling equipment. Get three quotes then give me a call. I'm going to save you money and give you the best warranty in the city with 12 and a half years because it is hard to stop a Trane and nobody needs Pete the Plumber. Nobody. You know that. Barney, I am here for you. Do your giggles turn to dribbles? Or does the thought of travel make you unravel? At Urospot, we're Canada's number one pelvic health clinic for women and men, To help you say goodbye to bladder leaks, urgency, night waking prolapse, sexual dysfunction and other pelvic health challenges. How? Simply by sitting on a chair, fully clothed. A chair that does 11,000 kegels for you. We help you regain control so you can live life with freedom and confidence. For many families, the reason that they do estate planning is obviously to have that freedom. It's very important because we're living much longer than we ever have before. You're going to actually be spending more time in your retirement phase of life than you are in your working career. So we suggest to families to plan their estate funding very heavily in the beginning of life in retirement, because this is our life's work and we didn't earn it to leave it behind. We earned it to enjoy it. For more information, join me for our next complimentary seminar. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! >> Tracy: this is a big weekend for 1400 volunteers at the calgary marathon. As gil tucker shows us one person is pitching in and making -- helping people make it through life in a war zone. >> Reporter: heading out for a run just about every chance he gets. He can't get enough of it. >> Running gives me more energy. >> Reporter: carrying on something he started back in ukraine. >> It's good community and good exercise. >> Reporter: fitting and in alongside his work as a project manager. >> Once more started I told my boss I'm sorry and I can't work. I feel I should do something helpful for people around. >> Reporter: volunteering to help run a distribution centre for aid coming in from abroad with things like food and medicine. >> Sending it to different communities in ukraine. I do my best to help my people. >> Reporter: after moving here last year, herman is helping out at stampede park preparing for the calgary marathon sunday. In charge of a team of 60 volunteers. Running the important bag check operation for a field of 13,000 runners. >> His timing was impeccable because we are redoing how we do the bag check and it takes a smart brain like herman to figure out logistics and it's been invaluable having him aboard. >> It is really helpful for people and I am so happy to be here as part of the organizers. >> He's a phenomenal human to have given his time over here and to show up in canada and say how can I get involved in my new community after going through something like that is really admirable. >> Reporter: herman is hoping to maybe take part in next year's marathon.

looking forward to whatever comes his way this weekend. >> I think it will be good attitude and a good day and we will have a good time altogether. >> Reporter: gil tucker, global news. >> Tracy: good luck to all the runners. 13,000 people running in the rain and it should hold up tomorrow morning. We will see rain tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon but for most running happily tomorrow morning should be a mix of sun and cloud good luck and congratulations in advance for all your hard work. -- mike duheme today, saturday. Looking at the uv index of 5° which is moderate so take moderate precautions as you head out and enjoy the day and if you're planning the day best to get out this morning because of the rain and wind on the way. A picturesque florida coming from the clouds that we have become familiar with -- a picturesque photo. It will start to break at the start of next week and the sun will come back in the warmth will come back and we will get above are regular-season high which is 18° this time of year. Currently at 4° and the winds are calm but they will pick up around 3:00 this afternoon and about 20 kilometres per hour out of the southwest. Today looking for a high of 16° and the state last year we got up to 18 which is the normal high. A record 32°, 1928 on this day. Sunset 9:30 pm giving us about 16 hours of daylight to enjoy. If you have 4 legate friends like jackson and luna, very excited to be out and about and basking in the ray of sunshine this morning we are looking at 8° and 15 by the noon hour -- four-legged. If you want to head out to the dog park or out for a walk that would be the best bet in the morning. Tracy? [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: start your day off with global news morning weekdays and for the latest on changing markets and financial trends watch money matters weekdays brought to you by the investment group at private wealth. Global news morning. We are calgary. >> Announcer: get a deal on a new deck or a fresh coat of paint to. The new [ Upbeat Music ] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or oct. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% off lens upgrades for all seniors. Hey, kids need physio too, and they've got different needs and challenges than we do. What a treat. A child to think like a child. From climbing walls and swings to roller slides and sensory tools. Along with the right professionals. Our place can help them succeed. Let us give your child that leading edge too ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at (gentle music) Will inflation ruin my retirement? (gentle music continues) We're ready. ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. [ ] >> Announcer: you are watching global calgary. This is global news morning. >> Tracy: good morning. 8:00 on saturday morning. Sitting at may 25th right now.

is this the final weekend? >> The final weekend. >> Tracy: courtney and I are also excited about valentine's day. >> Courtney: just planning ahead. >> Tracy: I am excited because in about 20 minutes time we have a cool guest joining us. Cindy and mandy are in studio setting up and they had a big grand opening to let's talk about that. >> Courtney: so exciting. Running a small business is no easy feat and running a restaurant no easy feat and they've been taking it on and excited to learn more about the exciting culinary scene. >> Tracy: this is a big weekend period. Tomorrow the calgary marathon. >> Courtney: aren't you supposed to carve up before orion. Soucie is a great idea tonight before you run. >> Tracy: I'm not a runner courtney. What about you? >> Courtney: no, no. I will be here with you cheering you on. >> Tracy: maybe get a live cam out there? >> Courtney: yeah right. I will be huffing and puffing on the side. 4° on the saturday morning. Warming up to 16 and more rain on the way in those details coming up. >> Tracy: thank you courtney. A board has ordered the deportation of the truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash just over 6 years ago. A semi- collided with the bus carrying a junior hockey team carey -- kiliann 16 people and injuring 13 others. Deportation was expected but as sarah offin reports the driver lawyer is still fighting for him to stay. >> Reporter: it was a tragedy that shook the nation on a rural saskatchewan road 16 lives were suddenly ended. 13 others injured and countless families changed. That includes for jaskirat singh sidhu, the rookie truck driver whose semi collided with the bus carrying the junior hockey team. >> He's dealing with very severe to posttraumatic stress disorder and severe anxiety as it was and now facing having his family broken up is pretty tough to deal with I think. >> Reporter: he moved to canada from india in 2014 as a permanent resident without citizenship. His crime mean his deportation is a foregone conclusion something not all the victim families agree with. >> I don't think it is a necessary step for him or the conclusion to all this. We made our piece with this a long time ago and mr sidhu has done his time. >> Reporter: there is a full range of emotions for the families no processing the moose -- news. >> At this point it's passed me. It's out of my control and he will have to live with the consequence for the rest of his life. >> Reporter: others like the parents of another victim logan boulet say they are thankful for the decision as they continue to believe mr sidhu should be deported from canada saying they are prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as mr sidhu may launch further appeals. But because of the length of sidhu's 8 year sentence he lost his right to appeal at least until a deportation order was granted. >> Now that it has been issued he can apply to get his permanent residents back on compassionate grounds and that is what we will do. >> Reporter: his lawyer says sidhu's son has medical issues that would prevent him moving back to india potentially ripping apart the family of a man some say has suffered enough. 's lawyer says the deportation process could take months or years and a humanitarian appeal like the 1 underway usually takes about 2 at-3 years to process. An ongoing saga that is still far from over. Sarah offin, global news. >> Tracy: a calgary school board is calling out the province over funding it says falls short of meeting the needs of its students. The calgary catholic school district has passed its budget for next year and will be using reserves to cover a $21.5 million shortfall. The district says it is facing a number of financial challenges for significant enrolment growth and rising costs but by using its savings to balance the budget officials say students will continue to receive high-quality education. The district says it will continue to add teachers and education assistance to classrooms and invest in technology but board chair shannon cook calls the provincial funding model problematic, saying the amount they receive per student has essentially not increased in the past 6 years. >> This was a tough budget. The problem is next year might be tougher. So things like classroom sizes. We haven't touched classroom sizes. Will we have to look at that next year if we don't get additional funding? We may have to get a look at that next year if we don't get additional funding. >> Tracy: earlier this week the calgary board of education released its budget report saying it would need to use roughly $2.6 million of reserves

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