
CICT - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

quite clear. Cloudy but the rain will arrive this afternoon and not just us. Lots of active weather across the country and rain moving through various areas in canada at. On the west coast heavy rain arriving at through the prairies lighter rain moving through alberta, saskatchewan and manitoba. Manitoba has a rainfall warning in place and winnipeg could see 60 millimetres of rain today. This is the area under the rainfall warning. To the east we have rain and a mix of snow still in place on eastern canada. Here is a look at temperatures across the country. Vancouver 14 and rainy and edmonton 18. 17 through saskatoon and regina. 9 and winnipeg. 17 in thunder bay. 22 in montréal with a mix of sun and cloud and 22 in halifax. Over the next 10 days in calgary things will cool down a bit before we start to warm up above the average normal high this time of year at 18°. Today 15 -- today 16, tomorrow 15. Rainy conditions this afternoon and more details on that when winds will pick up at about 3:00 this afternoon. A good time to get out this morning and get out before the rain begins. Tomorrow afternoon rain rolling in and then things will clear and warm up, wednesday and tuesday. And then we jump back up into june. This is the last week of may. >> Tracy: bank's courtney. A saskatchewan farmer got a surprise recently when he found a piece of space junk in his field and now he's waiting for it to be collected but it's raised questions about who is responsible when the junk falls to earth. Sean previl reports. >> Space junk. When you call something space junk people think you're a little nuts. >> Reporter: but space junk or debris is exactly what saskatchewan farmer barry sawchuk found on his farm. He found it while checking his fields northwest of regina. >> It just looked like garbage from a quarter-mile away but closer and closer it was not garbage. >> Reporter: photos lead to an astronomy professor working with a colleague to determine the junk was likely linked to a spacex dragon spacecraft that returned to earth in february. >> This is not uncommon and as we launch more and more stuff these reentries hitting stuff on the ground is going to become more and more common. >> Reporter: global news reached out to spacex about the debris but did not hear back by deadline. But sawchuk says the company has since been in touch. >> They said there is some compensation but we have not set a number or anything like that. >> Reporter: space debris has fallen before including farmland in australia in 2022 and through a home in florida this past march prompting experts to urge action. >> What if this landed in regina or toronto? This would have killed people for sure. >> Reporter: who is liable? According to the outer space treaty the country where the object comes from is responsible. >> The united states is liable for damage caused by american satellites even if they are private companies. >> Reporter: that was established in the 1960s but cheney points to other initiatives being developed with the added pressure needed to make things better before they get worse. >> If this crashed into the streets of a major city the story could be very different. >> Reporter: in the meantime sawchuk says whatever money he gets will go towards us stating -- skating rink towards his town. And while it's out of this world he will continue his day-to-day farming grounded on this earth. Sean previl, global news. >> Tracy: next canadian border services employees vote in favour of a strike and how it could impact your travel plans this summer.

>>> And it does putin want to halt his war on ukraine? I had the scepticism over insider info allegedly from within the kremlin. >> Global news welcome from the studio to the classroom. >> Announcer: wrapping up another successful year. >> Hope you have fun. >> Talking to you about cool weather events. >> Announcer: our experts can't wait to see next year grade 5s. >> I'm tiffany lizée. >> I'm gaby rios. >> Spots will be open again in Global Weather is brought to you by Alberta Home Services. Visit for more info. Hi, I'm Patricia with Bowest Appliance. We're bigger and better than ever with three incredible showrooms. Our stock changes daily, and that means even more savings on new scratch and dent and open box appliances. Get huge discounts on Premium Miele appliances and other top name brands. Our team is knowledgeable and dedicated to finding the right appliance for you, and we have something for every budget. Don't forget to askfor your Patricia special and visit oneof our three locations today. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] Well, I think a good estate plan should be focused on you and what is significant to you. So that means what is meaningful in your life at the present moment. Estate planning has become about life planning, not about passing on. For more information, Join me for our next complimentary seminar. what do all these things have in common. They all cause tennis elbow. If your elbow hurts, here's a way to see if you have it. Place your hand in front of you with your elbow straight. Now resist your hand as if you lift it to the sky. If it hurts, you might have a tennis elbow. We fix this. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. . >> Announcer: you are watching global news morning. >> Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Thousands of workers at canada border service agency are threatening job action. The union representing members across canada has secured an overwhelming strike mandate. As mackenzie gray of ports -- reports it is a warning people could see significant disruptions during a busy travel season. >> Reporter: it is setting up to be another treacherous travel summer with cbsa workers potentially buckling up for a strike. >> Our members are very angry as we can see from the 96 percent strike mandate. >> Reporter: 2 years after the last cbsa contract expired this union representing border workers say they want higher wages and new rules around remote work and the retirement plan. >> Members take pride in the work they do and they work terribly understaffed working incredible amounts of overtime as well. >> Reporter: the last cbsa strike august 2021 causing major delays at borders and airports. Something the head of canada's largest public sector union has promised could happen again. >> The trudeau liberal government has to be prepared for a summer of discontent weather at the borders or airports. >> Reporter: chris all word threatened to wreck summer after they went from two days a week to three. A core issue of the servant strike and wonder union didn't get under the collective agreement. >> It is considered a management right to determine place of work

and with this round of bargaining it's not surprising it has emerged as a pressing issue for the workers. >> Reporter: 6000 cbsa workers are deemed essential and not willing to strike making it unlikely that liberals are willing to change. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that is where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: 15 different unions have called on ndp leader jagmeet singh to hold the government accountable through the supply and confidence deal over the work from home policy but sing is not ready to force an election. >> We are focusing on using the pressure we can't get the government to do the right thing. >> Reporter: the treasury board says it's ready to negotiate at any time but the unions counter saying it has even had a wage offer yet and they will be in a legal strike permission no later than june 10th. Mackenzie gray, global news, ottawa. >> Tracy: if your summer plans include visiting lake louise expect delays. Construction is underway to improve the main road to the popular destination and work started this week and will last throughout the summer, the busiest time of year. Officials say over 1 million vehicles travel to main road each year and sparks canada says settles --'s -- parks canada says shuttles are the best option to visit the area. >> Courtney: good saturday morning. Hopefully off to a great start. We are in for a warm up and warmer than we saw yesterday. That is the good news as we work through the weekend and into next week when we start to see temperatures in the twenties. Right now downtown 6° and deerfoot city 5°. Tuscany 4 in the west. 6° in okotoks and 5 to start off the saturday morning. This is how the day will break down if you're looking to plan your day pack anything outside likely best to get done this morning. It will be fairly cloudy throughout the morning into the lunch hour and over the noon hour 15° and in the afternoon that is when the rain began. The rain will arrive around 2:00 and we will see winds increasing southwest 20 kilometres an hour and that continuing into the evening hours. It will clear down to 7° paving the way for more rain tomorrow afternoon before we do get a bit of a break. Across the southern part of the province right now drumheller 6° and brooks 5 and lethbridge 6 and medicine hat also 6°. Looking at the highest today medicine hat, brooks and drumheller at 19° with a mix of sun and cloud. Sun and cloud as well. The normal height is 18 so we will be just below that but not for much longer where we will be above that in the coming days. Here's a look at the rain moving through. This is 2:00 as it's approaching the city and it will continue to move through the evening hours and tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 pm also some rain on the way. Right now calgary has seen 51 millimetres of rain throughout the month of may and averages 56. We are at a couple of millimetres. Light rainfall and nothing too intense. A risk of scattered thunderstorms happening this afternoon as well. Over the next 3 days, banff, medicine hat and lethbridge and there is a look at your conditions. You are across the southern parts of the province and the next 7 days. This is what we can look forward to. The normal high 18° and we will be below that throughout the weekend. Monday 21 and tuesday 23°. Wednesday 16° and cooling down on thursday with rain possible into next weekend. 17° on friday and next saturday the start. Tracy? >> Tracy: thanks courtney. Police are busy holding back protesters from getting into restaurant where supporters were holed up inside. >> No! No! >> Tracy: global news photographers arrived on scene when unrest was reported in the scene of a 100 block third avenue southwest around 9:00. The group tells global news they have been under threat by the current government and were being threatened by supporters in calgary. The unrest comes as many eritreans marked independence day. Police created a wall around the entrance of the building to keep the 2 groups separated. >> It has been ruled by a dictator 44 years and now they are here and worshiping him. The reason I think it's powerful is the regime supporters would go above and beyond to make sure they are staying loyal to the government and that includes killing us. What we are trying to do is if they sought asylum here they need to abide by the canadian

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