
CICT - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Sarah: We reallyfeel like we have crossed this threshhold now. The stress, yes, is still there, but the way that we look at things I think is a bit different. We've been trying very hardto prioritize family time, with the kids especially,but also with one another. (men chattering) Bryan: We're on a big push to kinda get things completed now. We have a hard and fast opening date arriving. It's kind of all hands on deck, but at the same time, you know,we're making sure that we take a littletime with the kids. And you know, it's juggling. We have a lot of ballsin the air right now. Next time, on Island of Bryan. Our opening dateis set in stone. Flights have been purchased, the people are coming. Sarah: I'm stressed today.We are twelve weeks... How do we get things booked? How do we get staff?How do we get uniforms? How do we get food here?How do we get bedding here? There's so much to do, considering we're twelve weeks out. Bryan: I know, there's a lot to do. Everything seemsto be top priority. A thousand things on the list, they are all vying forthat number one position. We have a potential bigissue with the water system. Like the other day when we ran out of water. Exactly. Worker: Until we canget a bigger line ran in, you cannot just go crazy and have a lot of people here. Bryan: But, we need a lot of people here. Worker: Yes... Bryan: This is a... this is the thing. If we don't have a water system that can provide enough good quality water for the hotel, we don't have a hotel. We may have to dig up, all the way back to the street, and put in a two-inch line. Producer: Stay closeto your sister. Beautiful. Looks like youguys are best friends. Jojo: Can I run into you? Man 1: No.Man 2: Sure! Bryan: My open m-- Linc: Just wait, we needto do two more layers. (hammering) Linc: Have you everhit your hand? Bryan: I have hitmy hand many times. Charlotte: Exactly.The pros don't. (sloppy kiss) Jojo: No.Bryan: Gotcha. Yuck. It's always fun spending timewith your supportive children. Jojo: Ok, am I done yet? Producer: Yep,high five! Nailed it! We're federal agents with a higher calling. Our only loyalty is to the truth. ANNOUNCER: NCIS,only on Global. IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SCRATCH AND SAVE! AT THE BRICK! FIND BIG SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE! AND SCRATCH AND SAVE, UP TO AN ADDITIONAL FORTY PERCENT OFF YOUR PURCHASE! PLUS! SCRATCH AND WIN! OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES! THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE. Welcome to the breathtaking beauty of the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. Feel the pulse of excitement as you explore our landscapes, savor local flavors, and immerse yourself in our warm, welcoming community. Experience Comox Valley. [shower running] [upbeat music] Not happy with what you‘ve got? Woman: “Honey, what are you doing?” Man: “Sorry, just really enjoying these new floors.” Don‘t imagine it. Upload a photo and visualize it at Little Caesars New Crazy Puffs KD Mac & Cheese No way! Yes way! Stuffed with our favourite ooey gooey mac & cheese - For real? For real! Get out? Here for- a delicious time, not- a long time! Cheesy! Cheesy! I wrote this one. Should be easy. Heart. You're giving... You're giving Heart or... Oh, you're going blind... Your insides are out? No, that's the same guy. Shouting What are you doing? No zombies? Organ donor!

I'm an organ and tissue donor. Oh, that's nice, honey. That was really not a good charade. Yeah. It wasn't. It was just kind of a weird way Tell us. But. Yeah. Yeah. What does Joy mean to you? To kids like Cedric, It means living life as a happy, healthy toddler after receiving critical care from the Alberta Children's Hospital. Born three months premature, Cedric was so tiny he needed a ventilator to breathe. This year, your tickets from the Children's Hospital Lottery support the technology that helped save Cedric's life. Buy yours today and make a big difference in the lives of Southern Alberta's smallest patients. >> Bindu: BREAKING GROUND TO MAKE WAY FOR A NEW COMPOSTING FACILITY. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR WASTE

management in the city. >> Tiffany: it's a hot start to the week with scattered showers on wednesday and then a warm start to june. I'll let you know how warm coming up. >> Joel: a worse quality of life for more and more calgarians. The new survey showing the historic number of people who say they've fallen on hard times. >> Bindu: and how biometrics are changing how you will check-in. >> Announcer: you're watching global news. This is "global news at noon". >> Bindu: one of the largest composting facilities in canada will increase processing capabilities of residential food and yard waste by 60,000 metric tonnes per year. >> Joel: meghan cobb joins us live this afternoon with more on the expansion. The city says the work is needed to support our growing city here in calgary. >> Reporter: the city also saying the expansion demonstrates its commitment to a sustainable future for all calgarians. Once this expansion is complete, the facility will be able to process 160,000 metric tonnes of food and yard waste per year. It also introduces new technology to process the material while generating and capturing bio gas, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions. The current facility opened in 2017, and the city says the expansion is needed to alleviate current and future capacity challenges as the city grows. >> And as we enhance our waste management capabilities and integrate cutting-edge technologies, we're propelling calgary towards a greener future and reenforcing our role as a leader in innovation. >> Reporter: the expansion was approved by council in february 2022, and back in november we learned the project had gone nearly $40 million over budget. It is funded by the city's green cart program and various loans and grants. According to the city, the increased cost won't impact property taxes or utility rates. Some construction did start back in april, but everything is supposed to be wrapped up and ready to go late next year. >> Joel: meghan cobb live for us this noon hour. Thank you. >> Bindu: a record-number of calgarians say their quality of life has worsened according to the city's spring survey. Spring survey 2024 asks calgarians how they feel about issues like safety, housing, and transit. The survey suggests infrastructure, traffic, and roads are still a top concern for calgarians. With homelessness, poverty, and affordable housing the second most pressing issue. The survey was done between february and march of this, collecting data from calgarians over the age of 18 in all quadrants of the city. 62% of people believe their quality of life have worsened over the past three years. That figure is up 13% from spring 2023. >> Calgary is a great vibrant city, and you can see it's continuing to grow and flourish. However, we're having all the problems that come along with it too. I mean, what are the answers really? I mean, if we're going to continue to get as expensive as toronto and vancouver, we're not seeing anything yet. It's going to get much worse than it already is. >> I definitely notice that, I think, housing is getting harder to get for young people particularly. So if you don't own a home here already, I think the rents are definitely increasing quite quickly. >> Bindu: the survey also found around 65% of respondents believe calgary is on the right track to becoming a better city in the next decade. However, this is down from 70% from the fall of last year and 77% from spring of 2023.

>>> City council is set to receive the survey and discuss its findings tomorrow at its regular council meeting. >> Joel: let's go outside now for a live look at downtown calgary as we start off this new workweek. Tiffany lizée, what are we in for? >> Tiffany: sunshine to start, joel. I'm sure some people are ready for a break from the rain. We had scattered showers, scattered thunderstorms across the city saturday as well as sunday. That's boosted our may rainfall totals to 59.4 millimeters. Typically we have about 57 millimeters of rain. Some areas in the city have had heavier amount. Really we've seen anywhere between 55 and 80 millimeters depending on where you live. So it's good to see that we've had our normal amount of rainfall for the month of may. Today we're not expecting any rain. 20° is the high with a bit of a southwesterly breeze and a mix of sun and cloud. 17 this evening and then 9 overnight into tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be even hotter with a high of 23°. So nice and warm on tuesday, and then we do dip down back into the teens, close to what's normal for this time of year on wednesday as more scattered showers are forecast to move through the area. I'll let you know in the seven-day forecast when temperatures are going to warm back up. >> Leslie: I think we all think we're in that neighborhood that got more rain. I'm surprised to hear that it's just a touch above normal because it seems extraordinarily rainy. But good to know. Thanks. Reminding you of this project in the downtown core. A change in the formation. We did have the 2 right lanes blocked off, but today we've got one lane on the right and one lane on the left going through. They're working in the middle here. You can see they're done with that -- the paving is there, they're done with that. 5th avenue coming out of the downtown core, you're still down to two lanes, but it's a different two lanes than what we've been seeing. So be prepared for that. We have been seeing some delays in the a.m. Rush and in the afternoon rush, so we'll see what happens today. Two lanes, just a different two lanes, getting through this afternoon. >> Joel: thank you, leslie.

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