
CICT - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

been in the box twice so far in these games, and one of those for too many men. The players and the coach, they were asked about the lack of calls against dallas. They've been trying to be very careful in their answers. The coach saying it is since the oilers have the the oilers have the dominant power play. Games 3 and 4 back on home ice, and we all knew it would be a tight series, and watching the two games, indeed. Very tight, going back and forth. And so the oilers have a chance to go into the game tonight. >> Going into the third, you know it's going to be one of those, shot from the blue line, a tip. A greasy goal, if you like it, and obviously they got it, and we had our looks, and couldn't capitalize towards the end. >> Now adam henrique has been out, a forward for the oilers, out of the lineup since that vancouver series. And he has been a big question mark and the coach said he'll play in the series. We'll find out if he is going to play tonight. Again game time at 6:30. We've seen oilers walking to work in their oilers jerseys. My question for you guys are you cheering for the oilers? C'mon. >> Let's say this... When the oilers were facing the canucks, I was cheering for the oilers. Is that enough? >> Good. No. >> Blake: it's been an ongoing debate, kendra. Can flames fans bring themselves to cheer for the oilers? >> You're having this internal struggle. >> Blake: yes. >> But it's okay, you're allowed to cheer for the oilers now. >> Dallas: I appreciate the fan experience and the playoff hockey and the fan experience watching it from the outside looking in and that is really exciting and that is super nice to have in alberta. Can you talk about what it has been like to be immersed in? >> Oh, it is so exciting, and everywhere you go in edmonton, car flags. Everybody has an oilers' flag. You walk down the streets, oilers' flags in the window. The coloured lights on the houses. It is exciting. You can feel the energy as it builds throughout the day on game day. If you're out in the city when the game starts, it's quiet. There is very little traffic. You know people are watching the game. It's also the season where we have a lot of outdoor sports. Soccer, for example. On the sidelines, people have their phones out watching the game while they play the game. It is hard to balance the time. >> Blake: it's a must-see event for sure. Kendra, thank you for this. We appreciate this. Game 3 between edmonton and dallas at rogers place in edmonton. Puck drop at 6:30. >> Dallas: tickets still available if you want to make the trip up the qeii tonight. >> Blake: loose change? >> Dallas: a little bit more than that. Couple extra hundred dollars or more you can do it. The top news headlines are next. Stay with us. [ ] by Alberta Blue Cross Group benefits, helping your team bring their best. Hi, I'm Patricia with Bowest Appliance. We're bigger and better than ever with three incredible showrooms. Our stock changes daily, and that means even more savings on new scratch and dent and open box appliances. Get huge discounts on Premium Miele appliances and other top name brands. Our team is knowledgeable and dedicated to finding the right appliance for you, and we have something for every budget. Don't forget to askfor your Patricia special and visit oneof our three locations today. At Pharmasave. We see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions, expert health advice or support for life's little mishaps. Come talk to your Pharmasave pharmacist. Live well with Pharmasave abc Waste has been serving Calgary since 1998 We have 20 cubic yard bins! and 12 cubic yard bins! We have mens' rooms and we have ladies! What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Nostalgic Music 45 years of watching Saturday Morning Cartoons morning cartoons while munching on your favorite cereal. It's an honor building memories with you, Calgary.

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>>> Calgary's composting facility in the southeast is being expanded the official ground breaking is happening this morning at the shepard waste management facility. >> Blake: the expansion was approved by council in february of 2022. At the time, the budget was $50 million. But last november, global news reported the costs had ballooned by 38.3 million. The city attributed the cost overruns to increases in commodity prices, a labor shortage, resource competition, and inflationary pressures. Those cost overruns were addressed during budget adjustments, and the city says it will not impact taxes or utility rates. >> Dallas: the expansion will provide an extra 60,000 tonnes per year of processing capacity. The current composting facility opened in 2017 and is right now processing more than 100,000 tons of food and yard waste every year. This expansion is needed to accommodate calgary's growth. >> Blake: accommodate all of the yard waste going into the bins right now, as we get more than halfway through the month, and getting close to the end of the month, holy smokes, may 27th. >> Dallas: may 27th. >> Blake: people doing a lot of yard work, tiffany, and people had to pick the spots. Rain rolling through. >> Tiffany: you had to time it out, and stopped raining, and wait for things to dry, and maybe 20 minutes -- oh, okay, just us? A lot of people getting yard work done, and rain is going to be a great day if you can squeeze in some outdoor time. If it means yard work or just going for a walk. Tomorrow is looking good, as well, and 10° is what we are sitting at right now in calgary, and across the province, 12 in lethbridge, and medicine hat and edmonton, and 12 in high level, and it's 15 in fort McMURRAY. Temperatures across most of our province will be between 20 and 22°. A little bit cooler in the west. If you head to jasper, and banff, 16° is the daytime high. Not seeing a whole lot on the satellite radar. Just that cloud cover. We're going to see a calm stable day in central and southern alberta. But a different story up north. Where they are expecting another day with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Yes to the moisture. No to the lightning. Lightning strikes can cause more wildfires. So need that moisture. They have been quite warm and dry up north. Thunderstorms bring isolated pockets of moisture. We need more widespread. Like I said, we'll sake more moisture up north, and red deer warming up tomorrow, 24°, and medicine hat as we track south, and 28° tomorrow, and 26 in lethbridge, and 18 tomorrow in banff. Here in calgary, we're looking at a high of 23° tomorrow afternoon, and wednesday, 17° with scattered showers. 15 on thursday. Overcast with a little bit of rain, then on friday, 17°, and we get even better over the weekend as temperatures jump into the 20's. Not only for the weekend, but the beginning of june which already starts on saturday. Leslie. >> Leslie: we're there. >> Tiffany: we are there. >> Leslie: just about made it through may. Get out there today. Boy, it will be a nice one. 8:36, and things are looking better on the map, and we have winddown underway, and this is a look north of barlow, and the douglasdale area, and around the curb, and slow through here, and not as slow and backed up as it was and it is going to stay strong here, and glenmore trail, and not the backed up traffic and. >> Exiting and. >> Slow and moving better than it. >> Was. >> Dallas: thank you, leslie. 1600 people -- 13,600 people walked, wheeled and and ran in the 60th edition of the calgary marathoners on sunday and they completed their race ranging in distance from as short as 1.2 kilometres all the way up to the 60 kilometres for the ultra marathon. This year, marathon organizers invited an indigenous group to set up a tent at the finish line with members from alberta first nations coming together to take part in the events. >> Dallas: as carolyn kury de castillo reports, it was part of celebrating a love for running and taking back the trails their ancestors travelled. >> Reporter: at 69 years old, teresa campiou is new to competing in half marathons, but growing up on the drift pile cree nation, running was a part of life. >> We were quite aways from all kinds of activities, so we have to run. >> She crossed the finish line on sunday as usual wearing moccasins, part of the indigenous runners team at the calgary marathon. >> While I'm running, I will

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