
CICT - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Announcer: you're watching global news "morning." >> Blake: good morning. Happy monday to you. Hope you have a great week. My name is blake lough. Going to get to the news in a moment, but first, the temperatures, and taking a live look outside, and already you see the skies changing colour, and the sunrise around the corner and 7°, and getting up to 20 in the afternoon and a nice day to get your day started. Tiffany lizee will have the details later this half hour. In the news this morning, a record number of calgarians say their quality of life has worsened. The city of calgary spring 2021 survey shows 71% of people rated their quality of life as good. That's down 7 percent from last year. 64%6262% of people say their quality of life has worsened. Up from the spring of 2023. 2,501 calgarians responded to the ipsos survey which has a margin of error plus or minus 2% 19 times out of 20. City council will be discussing the findings tomorrow. Construction is set to begin on expanding the capacity the calgary's composting facility in the deep southeast. The official ground breaking ceremony is happening this morning at shepherd waste management facility. Right now, the facility processes 100,000 tonnes of food and yard waste collected from green carts all over the city. But as calgary grows, it needs the capacity to process more. The expansion will boost processing by 60,000 tonnes. It was approved in february 2022. The budget for the project was $50 million. Last november, global news reported that it jumped 38.3 million. The city said it would not impact property taxes or utility dils. Blaming increases why commodity prices, labor shortage, increased competition as well as inflationary pressures. Canadian blood services opens its new donation centre today. The centre is located on 9th avenue south west in the east tower of pen west plaza downtown. The clinic moved from eau claire market over the weekend to make way for green line construction. Canadian blood services says the new election will location will provide them with increased visibility and increased access to donors. In the city, more than 4,000 donors are needed each month to meet demand. The co-owner of a restaurant in mission says a long running sewage issue caused a problem for restaurants in the area. Blowers and grafton received a message from the inspectors found sewage backup on the floors of the basement kitchen, and dishwasher not working properly. The business closed and reopened on thursday. Restaurant co-owner josh robinson says a problem on the construction on the street nearby caused problems for the businesses. Robinson says dealing with the ahs closure is scary. >> I understand people's concerns. It seems the world is ending, and the whole restaurant is in turmoil when you see something like that. A closure and some infractions. And it really is an unfortunate circumstance to us due to the backup which is the reason caused other infractions which we take full responsibility for. >> Blake: workers arrived on site on sunday to work on fixing the plumbing issue.

>>> The president of the university of alberta is under further pressure as the body had that oversees one of the university's biggest faculty has passed a vote of nonconfidence in his leadership. U. Of a. President bill flannigan has come under fire for the handling of a pro-palestinian encampment earlier this month that saw demonstrators forcibly removed by police officers. The body that oversees the faculty of art passed a vote of nonconfidence. Flannigan is seeking a second term of president with his current term due to expire next summer. >> President flannigan is no longer supported by many people in the university of alberta community. It's not clear how he's going to lead that community. I think there's a very strong sentiment that he needs to stop defending the encampment sweep to admit it was a terrible mistake. >> The revolution. >> Blake: and here in our city, pro-palestinian protests continue at tompkins park. Organizers with the group justice for palestinians has been holding rallies and marches like this one. Most every weekend since hamas' october 7th attack on israel. >>> The university of calgary plans to restart its oil and gas engineering program in the fall of 2025. The university stopped admitting students to its petroleum engineering program after year low prices, and layoffs in the oil sector. Since then, prices rebounded and oil and gas companies have been generating strong profits over the last past number of years, and urntle. Calgaryu. Calgary says it's seeingdemand from young people interested in a clear in the industry.

>>> And much needed help. Craig momney has more on that from the tsuut'ina nation. >> Reporter: many tier on the tsuut'ina nation saying they are here to help and on sunday that's exactly what they got. Nothing that can take me away from my lord smoit. >> Reporter: this is the care for humanity. It was an event organized by the felix y.monolo organization. Others who need it given feminine diapers and sporting equipment such as soccer balls, and basketball balls. In total, organizers say quarter of a million dollars helped to help a nation in need. >> They reached out to us, and we have done so many events with them, and found out the community needs help, and the seven manager chief sportsplex said their shelves are empty. >> The hard times we're going through, and the church is reaching out, and helping to building the relationship and commitment by helping our nation with things we need because of the cost of living and what is happening. >> It is difficult that all of the groceries and stuff we have. This is a very big help. It's very beneficial for all families. >> $5,000 was also donated to tsuut'ina nation. That money, what I've been told, going to sport equipment for kids at the seven chiefs sportsplex and for charters to get to and from events. Another known addition happen in the winter months when the charity will hand out things like coats, boots, gloves. Anything to keep warm during the cold winter months. Craig momney, global news. [ ] >> Blake: 5:08 here on your monday. Still ahead, hamas is retaliating after an israeli strike on the city of rafah kills civilians. We have the latest on the israel/hamas con We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Your new truck trade up has arrived at Capital Chev. Right now, we have over 250 brand new gmc Sierra's to choose from. Lease a crew cab 4x4 Pro Edition for only 99 bucks weekly plus gst. At Capital Chev in Calgary. (classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. I can't believe this place is ours! Should we go with “Sunset Marigold,” or “Bright-eyed Susan?” You're the paint specialist. I'm better at sorting out our mortgage. Which was super easy with rbc. Super easy. They paired us with our own mortgage specialist who gave us helpful advice and our best rate. Another good idea! Boom! Does rbc need a paint specialist? Maybe. I can work with maybe. Get up to $4,600 in cash and Avion Points.* ( ) Balderson has been masterfully aging our delicious cheese with the same time and care for over 140 years. So, we wondered if anything else from back then had aged as well as us. It turns out that nothing ages as well as Balderson's Canadian craftsmanship. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Oh, Uber Eats has groceries now? I gotta remember that. Yo, the best way to remember something is just forget something. What did you forget? Hard to say... I know what you forgot. >> Blake: welcome back. Protestors at a pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto have until 6 A.M. this morning to clear out for good. Protestors met with a counteroffer days after rejecting the university's final offer which they say didn't meet their demands. The university failed to cut ties with israeli institutions or divest from israeli companies. As a result, a trespass notice was issued to the demonstrators. They have a little bit later this morning to leave and then the university will take all

necessary legal steps to remove them. Well, this was the aftermath of an israeli strike on the city of rafah in southern gaza on sunday. At least 30 people were killed according to the hamas-run health ministry. The palestinian red crescent society said the area hit an area designated for displaced civilians. Late last night, the israeli military commented on the airstrike in rafah, targeting a compound claiming to house hamas militants, and saying it successfully eliminated two of the hamas leaders. A warning some of the images in the story are disturbing. Here is david akin. [sirens] >> Reporter: for the first time in 4 months, air raid sirens sounded in sounded in tel aviv. Residents scrambled for cover. This video released by hamas shows the missile leaving gaza and the israeli army says they were launched from rafah, less than an material where israeli forces are stationed. >> Hamas launched these rockets from mere mosques in rafah. Hamas has been attacking israel from hamas. >> Reporter: one person was damaged seeking shelter in the attack and this house damaged by a shrapnel hit. It was a demonstration that even after 7 months of fighting, hamas still has significant weapons. Meanwhile, israel allowed 200 aid trucks at the karim shalom crossing bypassing the rafah crossing closed for weeks and confirming norway's recognition of the state of palestine. >> Very much looking forward to creating diplomatic and consular relations with the state of palestine. Using the opportunity to call for an end to the war. >> It is time to go beyond condemning action and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand ceasefire. >> Reporter: but a rocket attack makes ceasefire much less likely, and one hardline cabinet minister urged israel to hit rafah even harder. David akin, global news, ottawa. >> Blake: well, the papua new guinea government said a new a landslide on friday buried nearly 2000 people. It's now formally asked for international help. Now estimates of the casualties have varied widely since the disaster happened on the south pacific island. The u.n., for instance, estimates 670 people have died so far. It's not clear how local authorities arrived at the number of people affected. The remains of only 6 people have been recovered so far. We do know that 150 homes were buried in the landslide. Also a stretch of highway has been blocked with up to 8 metres of debris creating a major obstacle for rescue efforts.

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