
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

it might help both of you. >> Chelsea: Okay, if you have an idea, go on. >> Adam: Would you consider letting Sally step in? >> Alan: Why don't we just take a breath, okay? >> Ashley: So did Traci tell you what happened? >> Alan: Why don't you tell me? >> Ashley: Okay. Um, I'm talking to Jack and Traci and then I-- I-- I get kind of lightheaded and I-- I guess I blacked out, which is what apparently I've been doing. And then I-- I'm in this room and it's all white, very bright white light and I'm there, but there's two others of me, but we're different. One is a-- a bitch and the other one has like a Southern accent and they're fighting over me. They're arguing over me. >> Alan: What were they saying? >> Ashley: They were saying that I should absolutely not go to Paris with you and that I should let them take over. Is this what you meant? Is this what you were trying to explain to me? >> Alan: I believe so, yeah. These personalities, alters, call them, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you, but the fact that they exist at all means that there is something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? >> Alan: Well, that's what we need to find out. I think you should go to Paris with me as soon as possible. >> Tucker: Yeah, hi, Hayley. Uh, I need you to book me on the next flight to Paris. Absolutely, tonight. [ Jordan groaning ] [ Jordan sobbing ] >> Jordan: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I will not die like this. I will not die like this. Not at your hands, Victor, no. No, I will not. Help me, help me, help. Oh. >> Cole: Just don't fight. >> Jordan: Please, please have mercy, please. Please, please. [ Jordan panting ] [ Jordan crying ] >> Cole: Okay, put her back, put her back. >> Victor: This is Victor Newman. We found that Jordan woman who escaped from prison twice and who terrorized my family and almost killed my wife. We found her on the banks of the Galewood River. Yes, that woman. She's alive, we'll bring her to you. >> Cole: You're doing the right thing. >> Victor: No, Cole, you and Michael betrayed me. And that I will not easily forget.

Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand cbs, Inc. Join us again for"The Young and the Restless." >>> As you can imagine it's a complicated case. >> Linda: six years after the horrific humble broncos bus crash, a deportation order has been brought against the truck driver who caused it. What his lawyer is saying about what happens next -- humboldt -- >>> Possible job action at the borders after the union representing border workers takes a strike vote. What it could mean for travel plans, and more. >> Paul: we have yet to see an end to the unsettled weather. We will though and I will tell you when. >>> Definitely hard to bounce back after heartbreak like that. >> Linda: but he did bounce back in a big way. How this calgary swimmers childhood dreams are finally coming true. >> Announcer: you are watching global calgary. This is "global news at 5". >> Linda: good afternoon and thank you for joining us. The man behind the wheel of a truck that caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash has been ordered to be deported. Sixteen people were killed and 13 others injured. Jaskirat singh sidhu was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to causing the crash but has since been paroled. And indian national, sidhu has permanent resident status in canada. 's lawyer had called a deportation decision a foregone conclusion because he's not a canadian citizen. He says he will now reapply for sidhu's permanent residency on a humanitarian appeal, suggesting sidhu has suffered enough for his crime. >> There are a lot of people, including some of the families, who say that is enough, he does not need anymore, we don't need to make another victim out of this. >> Linda: any possible deportation is likely still months or years away. His lawyer says usually humanitarian appeals take two or three years to process.

>>> More than 9000 members of the public service alliance of canada that protect our borders every day have voted in support of a strike. If a deal is not meant. A strike vote was held between april 10th and may 23rd and 96% voted in favour of job action. Global's craig momney has been following the story for us today and when could this job action happen? >> Reporter: well linda these members have been without a contract since june of 2022 and that strike could happen as early as next month. According to the public service alliance of canada, the last time the two sides met was at a public interest commission hearing back on april 22nd. The union says their key demands revolve around fair wages in line with other law enforcement across canada, more remote work options and better retirement benefits. If this comes down to strike action, essential cbsa workers cannot walk off the job at the union says canadians will still feel the effects. >> Members are angry, very angry, as we can see from the 96% strike mandate. We saw what happened last time we went on strike in 2021, there were lineup the borders of up to ten hours. It affected commercial, marine, airports, land borders, the effect could be significant. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we know when it comes to cbsa, the work they do is extremely important and extremely difficult and we recognize the hard work that they do every day , keeping canada safe in our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table and that is exactly where the ministers are focused. We will continue to do that. >> From the commission hearing back on april 22nd, it is expected to be released prior to scheduled mediation june 3rd. The union says once that is released, they will be in legal strike action but an exact strike date has not been announced. >> Linda: craig momney reporting live for us, thank you.

>>> Outside now to check on the weather, 6 degrees here, calgary -- in calgary. What does it look like heading into the weekend? >> Paul: how does that old expression go? Beautiful day if you are a duck. Just 6 degrees. This is why, we are cloudy and showery. We've had thunder showers roll through. That is gone more reservoir on the right side of your screen there and of course you can see the rain is still coming down, till the airport is reporting mostly cloudy skies and no rain at the moment. 9 degrees the temperature, westwind at 6. Off to the east funnel clouds are possible. We have a special weather advisory in place for the thunderstorms rotating through there and have the potential to produce funnel clouds. Here in the city, rain, showers, even some hail was recorded this afternoon, some small hail mostly in the southeast part of the city of calgary. We expect we will see more of this. These great echoes you see right there, that is the hail that we are talking about that went through the city of calgary. Some parts got it, not all, but we could see more as well. Again tomorrow, 16 degrees the high which is slightly warmer than today but still below seasonal. >> Linda: thank you paul. >>> A calgary school board is calling out the province over funding it says falls substantially short of meeting the needs of it's students. This week the calgary catholic school district passed it's budget for next year. They are using reserves to cover a $21.5 million shortfall. Ina sidhu is live in studio and joins us now with more on this. The district says it's facing a number of financial challenges. >> Reporter: the board's chair says they are facing significant enrolment growth and rising costs due to inflation but by using it's savings to balance the budget, officials say students will continue to receive high quality education. The district says it will continue to add teachers and education assistance to classrooms, invest in technology and support the needs of their students. However the board chair calls the provincial funding model problematic, saying the amount they receive per student has essentially not increased in the past six years. >> This was a tough budget. The problem is that next year might be tougher. Things like classroom sizes, we haven't touched classroom sizes. Will we have to look at that next year? If we don't get additional funding we may have to. >> Reporter: earlier this week the calgary board of education also released its budget report saying they would need to use roughly $2.6 million of it's reserves to cover an operating deficit. Support our students alberta says they are concerned about the fiscal impact. >> Schools are just continually being asked to do more with less we are running out of physical space, running out of enough teachers because we've got classrooms that are over 40 kids we are running out of technology access, we are running out of busing for all of these children, so theirs, like, pressure is mounting. >> Reporter: alberta education minister demetrios nicolaides is responding to the concerns staying in a statement, over the next three years we have plans to invest more than 1.2 billion which will go directly to hiring more teachers and other educational staff. School divisions in calgary have received over $100 million in new funding this year alone and 18 new schools are on the way for the calgary metropolitan region that will add 16,000 needed spaces. Despite that, the alberta teachers association is also calling for more funding. They say alberta trails the rest of canada and the fact that boards are going into their reserves is going to have an impact on classrooms next year. >> Linda: ina sidhu live in studio, thank you.

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