
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> Let's move on. >> Joel: I don't either. >> Linda: happy people here, the puck dropped on game 1 of the western finals between the edmonton oilers and the dallas stars. >> Scores! Leon draisaitl. >> Joel: edmonton stars were playing, putting in work. Leon draisaitl broke the ice getting the first goal of the series. Edmonton up 2-0 before dallas tied it, forcing over time. In the game's 5th frame, double overtime connor McDAVID scored for the win, the final 3-2 oilers. >>> Now the only canadian team in the quest for the cup and that has people from coast-to-coast-to-coast, yes, including even here in calgary jumping on the band wagon. >> Bindu: this is what it looked like at charlie's five on nights oilers played, jam-packed with plans as they cheer on the last canadian team standing. >> I think it people are just starved for canadian hockey, canadian hockey overall. So, it's great, it's great to see support. It would have been great to seat canucks get through as well but we still have a canadian team live. >> I'm for the oilers. >> Why's that? >> They have a great team and they're the only canadian team left and I want them to win. >> It's fantastic to see edmonton in the playoffs. I'm from kind of the edmonton area and it's obviously it's sad not to see calgary in there now living here but McDAVID and the buys are making a run for it, awesome. >> Joel: game 2 tomorrow. >>> That is a good point, as well, there are a lot of people from edmonton that live here, too. >> Bindu: sure. >> Joel: there's going to be that impact of people. You're allowed in. >> Leslie: one way gate. >> Bindu: just don't go back. [ Laughter ] >> Leslie: can't go back. >>> Do we still have that city champions sign? Resurrect that, if things go well, great to see connor McDAVID, though -- >> Yeah. >> Leslie: do do so well because he never does. >>> Amazing player. >> Joel: not bad. >> Leslie: amazing player.

>>> How tired would you be at second over time, imagine your track meets. >>> Now do you have it again again, this is what it looks like, right. >>> Taking another look at the forecast for us, we talked with milly the dog so I thought I would continue with the animal scene, this is polter as you do, you take your powerline for a walk in bowness park. >>> Thank you for sending in this weather window. The poultry, thinking about having the -- a little swim in the lagoon. Thanks for sending us that pic. >>> This is what it looks like right now. So we're just about there, west district 14 varsity, get a burst of sunshine that temperatures' going to get up and get a burst of rain, the temperature's going to go down a little bit so you know how the whole weather thing works. >>> Okotoks quite warm, 16°. Right now in edmonton, 11, jasper 16, I think you might get one more out of it, banff, you might get a couple more degrees out of it, lethbridge 14, a couple more for you and for medicine hat as well. And here's how it looks over the next couple of days. >>> Today, tomorrow and a bit rainier on sunday. So same thing today, tomorrow, rainier on sunday and we have a stretch of nice weather. Let's just, like... Don't look at that. >>> It's just a little bit cooler and rainier. >>> Nice stretch monday, tuesday, wednesday. If you've been waiting for gardening time that might be when you want to jump into it. >>> Looks like we've got a couple of different areas, deerfoot stone in the southeast part of the city looks like slow moving traffic there. They're doing road work around that area. It's really slowing things down. This road work is deerfoot around anderson bow bottom, ivor strong lane realignment there, otherwise just some pops of yellow and this is a look at 14th in the northwest part of the city, they had the big tent over it yesterday but that's what's hiding underneath. The construction work continues, southbound 14, far right lane is closed. Only one lane getting through. Does tend to be a lineup during the day so these folks lined up just to the bottom of the hill of sait.

>>> We've got some busy areas with road construction this noon hour. >> Joel: things though watch out for. >>> Thank you year. >>> Crime beat is global television's original true crime documentary series. Each week it delves into some of canada's most high profile homicides. >> On tonight's episode a young girl disappeared from the corner store without a trace. The investigation turned into a decade long search until an unexpected discovery not far from her home. Here's a preview. >> Call 911, they came at the house. They checked everywhere. >> Reporter: after two sleepless nights wondering where her daughter is, dolores fears the worst. >> My heart is still bleeding and will continue to bleed until my daughter has been found. >> We took thousands of tapes in those first few months. >>> The name back became household. >> We questioned so many people, some cooperated, others did not they show me pictures I couldn't recollect, I couldn't recognize him, I couldn't pinpoint him. >> The police were really, really guarded about what they found, very tight-lipped. >> We've got to catch this guy. >> Regina us on global television -- join us on crime beat tv to share to catch a killer on global tv at 8 p.m. >> Joel: still ahead, up up and away why local flyers and the province are lobbying ottawa to try and bring down the cost of summer air travel. >> Global news, tv, studio to the classroom. >> Global news weather school is wrapping up another successful year. I hope you have a ton of fun. >> Talk to you about calculate weather jeans our experts cannot wait to see next year's grade 5s. >> My name's tiffany lisée. >> Spots to bring our weather experts to your classroom will be open again in the fall. >> Announcer: local news everyday. Fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. Windsor Plywood is a Canadian company providing great service for over 50 years. We provide outstanding value to all of our customers. If you want to enjoy less work and more life, it's time to enjoy timber tech composite decking with the experts you need to know at Windsor Plywood. We'll calculate all you'll need for your deck project, including delivery. We help you bring your vision to life from start to finish. Windsor. Windsor. The experts you need to know. Cleaning your dryer vents and bathroom exhaust vents from the exterior of your condo building is very important. Number 1, reduces the risk of fire. Number 2, it will stop the birds from nesting in your vents. Call today for your complimentary quote. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at If you want to be a partof the future.If you want to share in thewealth bei by conferenced like this, come to Inventures 2024. That's where the action is. The energy, the enthusiasm,the passion. You know what's nice about entrepreneurs? Is they like breaking rules. Did you know that the cedar shopis more than just a lumber yard? Besides being Canada'slargest cedar showroom, we're also an outdoor lifestyle store.Dreaming of a backyard sauna? With our full linesaunas, parts, and accessories, You can decide what works for your needs with no salespressure. Don't worry. We also still offer the best in cedar, pergolas,decks, fences, stains, and more. We have everythingto help your yard come alive and ask about our free delivery. Only at the cedar shop. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Beaches The Musical Theatre Calgary a timeless love story about friendship. Book tickets now at >> Bindu: air travel prices are going up with travel agents saying flights are costing double or triple what they used to in some cases. Westjet says it's in the process of updating basic fare options, which could include less expensive seats, if you don't bring carry on. Westjet also wants ottawa to review its fee structure. The alberta government has also been lobbying for that and is looking at ways to make air travel more viable across the province. >> We're looking at again regional flights whether it's lethbridge, medicine hat, fort

mcmurray, grande prairie, how we can increase more air travel within the province of alberta. Again, these feasibility studies we've given to 10 regional municipal airports across the province are going to be in by this year just to make sure that we can find innovative ways to make sure that they can offer better flight options for albertans. >> Bindu: condor airlines has returned to calgary offering direct flights between yyc and frankfurt. That is a welcome return for travellers who are looking for more international flight options in alberta. >> Leslie: taking another look at traffic, something just yelling around the douglas deerfoot and douglasdale area. We had been area there might have been a police incident but nothing confirmed. Taking a look at this on orange and we're hearing now they're shutting down deerfoot to deal with a police incident at douglasdale, 24 street overpass, overtop of deerfoot trail. >>> This is what it looks like for northbound deerfoot north of barlow trail and southbound, you're being detoured on to anderson. We've got detours on deerfoot. Police are dealing with an incident, a situation at the 24th overpass, douglasdale remember, take stoney your best bet over the next little bit until they can get this situation resolved. >> Joel: thank you. >>> Let's take a look at the markets, tsx up 109 points, dow up 26, nasdaq up 174 so far today in trading. >>> Taking a look at the commodity side of things, canadian dollar up almost 4/10ths of a cent, gold up 7.31. >>> Croyle up 77.64 a barrel. >> Bindu: despite four straight months of inflation running below 3% many households across the country say they're feeling more financially strapped than before. What's going on. >>> Anne gaviola takes a look at the toll years of rising costs has taken on canadian families. >> Reporter: two years ago, annual inflation was north of 8%. These days, it's close to 2. But money related stress is off the charts according to personal finance expert. >> Many people are now facing layoffs and cuts to contracts because companies are not able to keep people on staff because they're also struggling with the higher cost of doing business. >> Reporter: households bottom lines are under pressure from years of soaring inflation. Rapidly rising borrowing costs, designed to slow spending plus international factors, making life more expensive like rising oil prices.

>>> A new online survey by leger and fp canada shows 44% of respondents say money is their number one source of stress, rising 6 percentage points from similar polling in 2022. The cause, higher grocery prices, overall inflation, and housing costs. >>> Take for example inflation at the grocery store, prices rose just 1.4% annually in april but look at the bigger picture. Grocery prices are up more than 21% since april 2021, according to statistics canada. >>> Young workers age 35 and under in particular report facing anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges because of money worries. >> They are dealing with, you know, elevated housing prices, elevated present prices. >> Reporter: this financial planner says tracking expenses is a good first step towards getting a handle on your money issues. Ahmed hawk says a clear financial picture of your income, spending and debt can shed light on areas to cut back. >>> Splashy vacations, subscriptions, hobbies or even bigger lifestyle changes. >> A lot of people are selling their home because they can't afford the mortgage payment anymore or they're moving out of a major city centre because it's become too expensive. >> Reporter: anne gaviola, global news, toronto. >> Joel: still ahead, a remarkable achievement for a calgary woman set to celebrate 50 years of marathon memories. Her story after the break. [ ] [ ] >> I'm joel tomlin some at memorial park library and this is our yyc. >>> Join the calgary black chambers for the fourth annual calgary black achievement awards june 14. Visit calgary black >>> Kick off the stanley park's season as they face off against the bc lions tomorrow for the pre-season game. Head to to get tickets. >>> For more information on our featured events go to [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: our yyc is brought to you by len t voong and associates. >> Want a place with a view. We know just where you want to lie.

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