
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> The key this year as in any years to get prepared and stay prepared, we're going to be emphasizing that throughout the comments, the best way to reduce risk, especially risk of potential loss of life. >> Bindu: the U.S. national oceanic graphic and atmospheric administration announced thursday warm sea temperatures and falling wind sheer conditions are expected to result in an increased number of storms that are also stronger than usual. Experts say there is an 85% chance for an above average hurricane season with 4 to 7 major hurricanes. The forecast is the highest the organization has ever issued in its may outlook. The 2024 atlantic hurricane season begins june 1st. >> Joel: just another thing to watch out for as we move through the summer months, leslie, we're not there yet so -- >> Leslie: coming up. >> Joel: we'll focus on here and seems like mild temperatures and maybe some more rain. >> Leslie: june 1st just around the corner, not far away. >>> Checking out the level on the bow river, lots of melting still to be done so we keep our eyes on the mountains and on the melt. Don't we. >>> Temperature, 12 so we've gone up one. A mix of sun and cloud right now, I'm watching these runners and cyclists and skateboarders, they've got a patch of sun right now. We had a burst of rain. We will get more bursts of rain later on today, just a light wind right now. >>> Acs the country, vancouver, you should get sunshine this afternoon, nice in yellowknife, saskatoon and regina mid-teens, mix of sun and cloud, cool and rainy in winnipeg. Heat back east, 23 for toronto, halifax 22, st. John's cloudy and just single digits, 7°. >>> For your weather, this is how it looks like it's going to play out for us for the rest of the afternoon. >>> Mid-teens for lethbridge, medicine hat, cooler at crows nest. >>> Banff 14, looks like you're having a grey, soggy, cloudy day, little bit more sunshine up towards the jasper area. Edmonton mix of sun and cloud, lloyd, clouds, drumheller, not a bad go, couple of showers in brooks and lethbridge, dryer in medicine hat but you could see a shower later on today.

>>> We're going to take a look at the roads, yellow patches, coming up in about 20 minutes' time. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Live nation, the parents company of ticketmaster's being sued by the U.S. justice department, concert fans have been calling for a re-examination of live nation's practices for years. Most notably because of the recent issues with taylor swift's eras tour. Some diehard fans were unable to afford even get their hands on tickets often waiting hours in the queues. The lawsuit hopes to breakfast it out. >> Documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock is dead. The oscar nominee behind the film super size me who famously ate only McDONALD'S for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast food diet passed away in new york on thursday. According to his family, he died from complications from cancer. He was 53 years old. >> Bindu: steven spielberg has lined up his next feature film to be released may 15, 2026. The project currently has no title but is described as a new original event film. Variety earlier reported that spielberg is working on a ufo story, david cope who worked with the filmmaker on jurassic park, "war of the worlds" and indiana jones will be writing the script. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Joel: when I saw this story, I was trying to remember what the song was that he did. This is it. >> Bindu: I listened to it all the time. >> Joel: for so many years I won couldn't remember. >> Bindu: they remade it. >> Joel: shawn desman performing in calgary, you can hear this, in calgary, at the palace theatre. Sophia camara and cabral, opening acts,.

>>> DOORS OPEN AT 7. >>> IS THE TITLE SHOOK OR IS IT -- >> Bindu: I DON'T KNOW -- YES, WE'RE BEING TOLD YES, THE WORD SHOOK IS IN THERE, IT'S GOING TO HAVE YOU SHOOK, THAT CONCERT. >> Joel: IT WILL BE A GOOD ONE. >> Bindu: COMING UP. >>> NICOLE JENKY JOINING US WITH GRAYSON, TODAY'S ADORABLE ADOPTABLE. WE'RE GOING TO MEET HIM NEXT. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] VISIT CALGARY BLACK FILM. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Cowboys Casino is Calgary's premier Stampede destination. Two Step your way from Stampede Park to the casino where you can have all the fun with your boots on under one roof. open from 9:30 a.m. Open from 9:30 AM till 5:00 AM daily. You can eat, drink, Stampede. Cowboys Casino! This right here is confidence in a bottle. It makes me feel so much more confident than I've ever felt. They are some of the hottest videos on social media, those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. Annette Figueroa is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. This one is for real, and I'm so excited. We even have a video, and all he uses is a small amount on a clean, dry face. And what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. And I did this to my father, we were at home, so we applied it to his under eye bags, and let me tell you, we were so excited. In under 10 minutes, they visibly disappeared from view. And now it is literally part of both of our daily routines. And not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crow's feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. At our $14.95 cents price, it's the best way to try Plexaderm and see it work after your first application. Your solution is at or call the number on your screen. Joing Global News Morning for Storage Solutions with California Closets. We'll show you how to cut clutter with storage solutions so stylish you'll want to keep the closet doors open. Storage Solutions with California Closets. Sundays on Global NEws Morning. >> Leslie: SUPER GLAD I WORRY ALL BLACK, BECAUSE MILLY THE ALL ORANGE IS HERE FROM ARKS AND NICOLE JENKY IS HERE AS WELL.

>>> Milly has just caught sight of herself. >>> Who that handsome girl, it is you. >>> Was a little bit barky, because I'm wearing black or because I'm tall and intimidating, which I'm not. >> Tall and intimidating, definitely, absolutely. A little bit nervous. >> Leslie: okay. >> In the new environment. >> Leslie: okay. >> So, she's not really barky, which is good. She's just feeling it out and just making sure that she feels safe so she's about 10 months old. >> Leslie: then she came to me after she gave me a few barks -- >> Now, that's the black outfit, then she released, I'm going to put my hair all over here. >> Leslie: let me just do that for you. >>> So,. [ Laughter ] 10 months old. >> Yeah, 10 months old, a husky cross is definitely as a forever home you want some knowledge of huskies, they can specific -- >> Not raising around dogs, they need a little work. >> She's great in the car, great with other dogs. And she's generally been really good just a little bit insecure in new environments. >> Leslie: around we all. >> I definitely am. >> Leslie: right. >>> And completely understandable, milly, completely understandable. >>> You've got some things coming up over the next little bit where folks can come and check out millie and milly -- >> Couch corner's interesting. >> Something smells good there. >> Folks can check out milly and brothers, sisters, friends, cousins. >> We have an adoption event tomorrow at our shelter, both shelters, edmonton and calgary at 11 to 5 tomorrow, so all of our adoption fees, tomorrow in shelter are 50% off. If you've been holding off and thinking about financing and that kind of thing this might be the perfect time. >> Leslie: dogs on sale. >> Yeah, you can come down, meet them, you can have interactions with them which is different because mostly they're adopted off the web page then a meet and greet so come down and see how they're interacting we have our staff and behaviour team on site -- >> Leslie: any questions you might have -- she's really a beautiful dog.

>>> Beautiful green eyes. >> She does, doesn't she. >> Leslie: she really does. >>> She's largish, like a husky would be and a little bit shedy betty. >> Yes. That's could be her nerves, too. >> Leslie: I lose hair when I'm nervous. >>> There's a good shot so head to for more info and you will get more info about milly, about the sale this weekend and you can check out all things pet like at arks. >> Joel: thank you. >>> All right, last canadian team standing, not the first team of choice for those here in calgary but that's not stopping some fans here in our city from cheering on the oilers, why not. >> Bindu: are they really from calgary, d Skytracker Weatehr is brought to you in part by Bath Fitter. It just fits. Learn more at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. On paper, my life looks exciting. In reality, not so much. (Grunt, thud, audience applause) Everyday, it's same old, same old. (Growling) (Grunt) Clock in, clock out. Then I discovered Play Alberta. I could play casino games any time. (Clattering) (Chime) Bet on any game. And buy lottery tickets anywhere in Alberta. I think my spleen is ruptured. >> Bindu: superstar lionel messi will not play against the whitecaps this weekend. >> Disappointed,. >> If you're going to announce these players are playing and two days before say they're not playing and these fans are trying to sell their tickets, they're not going to get anywhere near the amount of money. >> In a statement, the vancouver club says messi will not make the trip to vancouver for saturday's game at bc place. More than 50,000 pricey tickets have already been sold for the match. While it wasn't too late for messi to cancel, it is for the ross family from salmon arm, they spent almost 3 grand for a hotel and tickets to make their son's dream come true. >> We paid an inflated cost specifically to see messi and his teammates. They only come to vancouver once every couple years, it's a rare event. You can look online and you look at the ticket prices for our same seat for a whitecaps game for the next game, 10 times difference and that hurts. You know. >> Bindu: the whitecaps say they have no control over their opponents line up. Their goodwill gesture to fans so far is 50% off food and drinks at saturday's game. >> Joel: that may not totally make um for it, but it happens. >> Bindu: 50% off is -- sorry, I don't know thousand make it better.

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