
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

find around the appetite for the olympics in paris this year? >> Some difference by age. Older people a little bit more excited. A little bit more likely to rally around the flag. Younger people a little bit more likely to say it's not worth it. Maybe believe nationalism is not as good as we make it out to be during the olympics. But by and large, the vast majority of canadians see it as a worthwhile endeavour of our interest, of our time and even government money to sponsor the many of the athletes and the programs they need to compete and train at the global level. >> Dallas: did you look at events, specifically, what people are interested in? >> We did. And by and large, most people are interested in the events we don't see a lot. Gymnastics, aquatics and track and field, and men are more interested in the bigger team sports like soccer and basketball. But one of the findings I found particularly interesting is that 5% of men are most excited to see break dancing this year. That is a new event at the 2024 paris games. We've never seen it before, and I don't know much about it. I know we have some canadians competing in that event. I'll be curious to check it out. >> Dallas: me, as well. Sean simpson with ipsos this morning. Thanks for this insight. >> My pleasure. >> Dallas: marking one milestone with another. A calgary woman is set to run her 50th marathon in our ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at a happy place comes in many colours, like one that gets you all fired up. Bring happiness home with CertaPro Painters and make your happy place, your home. CertaPro Painters. That's Painting Happy. (gentle music) I wonder how my portfolio is doing? What if aging at home is too expensive? I can't imagine doing this alone. Retirement is complex. Let's get started. (gentle music) We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. Every morning is a chance to start fresh... With Wendy's new Sausage Bacon Deluxe And our fan favorite crispy seasoned potatoes Get both for just five dollars. Made fresh to order. ( ) Meet Debbie and John. They're selling their house and ready to move on to their next chapter. But in today's real estate market, finding the right home can be challenging. Thankfully, the Justin Havre real estate team has nearly two decades of experience in our local market, and we know what it takes to get your house sold for top dollar. Now is a great time to take advantage of a dynamic real estate market. Contacted a JustinHavre real estate team today and take the first steptowards your next dream home. Get the true Stampeders experience with thousands of other cheering fans in McMahon Stadium. Single game tickets are on sale now for the Calgary Stampeders. There are so many must-see games this season. Get your tickets now to the home opener featuring the return of Bo Levi Mitchell. Or the Labour Day Classic, a game steeped in rivalry and tradition, plus the Family Day game, Legacy Night and so much more. Calgary Stampeders football, together we ride. Football is more exciting in McMahon. Single game tickets are available now. at Your next camping adventureawaits with Woody's rv World. Shop new and pre-owned RV's,with a friendly and knowledgeable team, whomake the buying experience as relaxing as RVing itself. Woody's rv World -With you all the way! >> Dallas: welcome back. Some calgarians with cool cars are revving up for something special this weekend. As gil tucker reports, they are getting into gear to help kids fight cancer. >> On the road, a sight to behold. Now a chance to check them out up close. Some surprises in store. >> Our own version of bumblebee from transformers. >> One of 150 cool cars that will be outside of McMAHON stadium on sunday. You're welcome to stop by. >> All they got to do is bring a brand new unwrapped toy and

they're in. >> A toy drive for kids fighting cancer. >> We use the cars for good. >> This family is in love with it. >> Fell in love with a convertible three years old. >> A decade later, devastating news. >> Diagnosed with leukemia march 4th of last year, and that was the beginning of this crazy journey that our poor girl has been through. >> Enduring months of cheap chemotherapy and other treatments. >> She is a tough warrior, and still fighting, and by the grace of god, she is still winning the battle by the help of the children's hospital. >> Now getting in gear to collect toys for patients at the children's hospital and the kids cancer foundation. >> I found it cool that there were a group of people that willing to turn the cars that they enjoyed and love so much to help kids going through a rough time. I just love that. >> We drive by the children's hospital, and the kids that can't see us, we go to them. >> Part of the parade. >> 2013 canada mayora. >> Complete with -- camero. >> And unit 1, and we wanted to show them our appreciation for taking care of us. >> Unit 1 rocks. >> Ready to roll. >> Knowing how a show of support can bring such a big boost. >> It's just this little bit of spark of joy can just change so much in a person's day. >> Gil tucker, global news. >> Dallas: pretty fun cars there. A local runner will be celebrating a huge feat this weekend at the 60th anniversary of the calgary marathon. Wendy downes started running marathons in 1995 after joining a club at the university of calgary. Since then, she has been running 2 to 3 marathons a year. This sunday, downes will be running her 50th full marathon with her friends and family there to cheer her on. She says it's not about the pace or time, but how the sport has enriched her life. >> It's very cathartic. When you're running, you can solve all of the world's problems. You might not remember the answers by the end. But... I mostly think about the people that are in my life. You know, the people that support me. The people that encourage me. >> Dallas: how great is that insight? This will be downes 5th time running the calgary marathon specifically. She will be joining thousands of others runners in the sold out event which is happening on sunday morning. Again the 60th anniversary for the calgary marathon, les. >> Leslie: it's a big one. 6 a.m., dallas, when the road closures start for the marathon, and they go until 3 in the afternoon. Around the stampede grounds is where things start and finish. Our uv index for today. 5. Moderate. We expect a mixture of sun and cloud for most of the day, and then cloudier this afternoon, with some rain showers, possibly even a thunderstorm coming our way. Thanks, richard for this one. It's a beauty, the way the sun just streaks through the clouds. We love your weather window pictures. Thanks for sending them in to us. Nice view of the big rocks right there. Still lots of snow out there. And we will not hit the normal high for today which is 17.5. We'll get to about 14°. The sun setting at 9:33 P.M. oreo, what else could you be named? You will want to head out to the park or the play or whatever you're doing today, oreo, earlier rather than later, and we have rain moving in this afternoon, and 14 for our high. Around 11 for this evening. Somerset and 6th, we have a new collision south part of the city and it does look like maybe the second one at 14th have been cleared, and this is southbound stoney at McKNIGHT, and this is a look southbound 14th. And looks like all of the emergency vehicles have now left the scene. That is your ok traffic. [ ] so roomy on the couch today. >> Dallas: I was going to say a lot of room on the couch. >> Leslie: so roomy. >> Dallas: let's get to good news before we say good bye for the weekend. Southcentre mall announcing the return of one of the largest rooftop gardens for the city. This year's installation features a total of 150 planters. It expands the garden's growing capacity with 50 planters to celebrate the mall's 50th anniversary. The garden managed by the growing experts at microhabitat will provide fresh produce to vulnerable families. Giving them access to healthy meals during difficult times. Southcentre mall started the program last year to take advantage of the city's abundant sunshine and help the growing number of calgarians in need. >> Leslie: it's a great program. >> Dallas: super great. What is the new motto again? Sunshine city. What are we? >> Leslie: blue sky city. >> Dallas: it's the sunshine state. We couldn't steal one. >> Leslie: that's florida.

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