
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

>>> A senior couple in calgary is facing possible eviction in the mid of alberta's housing crisis. We first introduced you to sherry and dave hilderman back in march. They were trying to keep the cat their doctor recommended for emotional support. As sarah offin reports, it could be costing them more than they harg beganed for. >> -- they bargained for. >> For over 10 years, they made the subsidized 2 bedroom apartment their humble home. Sometimes it included their own repairs and upgrades. >> They objected to that. >> The couple is now trying to remove. For example, a crack the pair asked to be repaired... >> Never got done. So we covered it with wallpaper. >> When sherry's depression took hold in the pandemic, they found bg, baby girl, a cat recommended by their doctor for emotional support. >> They have till mid-june to find another place. >> We're between a rock and a hard place. >> And silvera cites breaches in the lease, and violating the pet policy, and alterations now $4,100. They were given options at silvera's other pet friendly facilities almost double and triple the costs. >> We are living cheque to cheque. And we do not have the capability of an increase. >> Reporter: they tried house hunting on their own, and on a fixed income, and local shelters facing occupancy challenges are trying to accommodate. >> We are seeing more seniors in our other shelters, and especially the political foothills shelter here. >> And forcing mustard seed to change. >> Chronic conditions, on oxygen, and using walker, and individuals that should be safely housed. >> The couple joins others on waitlists. >> It's scary. Sometimes I feel frozen. >> As they try to hold on to little support they have left. >> Sarah offin, global news. >> Dallas: the city of calgary says it's back on track as it deals with a high number of burned out streetlights. A city audit showed a backlog up to 5200 streetlights in need of repair. It's a job that should take 14 days to complete. It was taking on average, 77 days. The city says changing contractors, a severe winter, and supply chain issues were creating major delays. >> Now we're down to 10 day response time. Less than 500 outages where there was over 5,000 outages at one point, and we're thankful for the process we had and also the team that we had that responds to streetlights in the city. >> Dallas: the city says it has over 100,000 streetlights, and the team fields 800 calls a month for repairs. Temporary crews and a change in systems helped bring the response time back in line apparently. >> Leslie: we should get lights that last longer. >> Is that it? >> Leslie: maybe -- >> Are we on the energy efficient lights. >> Leslie: I think they are. >> Dallas: weren't those costing more. >> Leslie: and patchs of them down, and I notice when I go down to work and we drive at night, that you'll see, like, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10th poles in a row that are down. They sort of do that rolling thing. But the streetlights with the safety issue, right. So good work city, and for update on that and wind is light and variable, and the future cast showing us how it is coming together and do your stuff earlier than later, and more rain coming our way. And stretching and mountain area, and 15 today for you, red deer, and friday, saturday, sunday, and all pretty much the same, and more rain on sunday, and we've got 13, 13, 13 for banff. Lucky 13, 13, 13. Possibility of some sunshine for you finally come sunday. Lethbridge, much like what is going on up in red deer. We've got 17, 19 and then 16. Your saturday and sunday will be a bit dryer than what ours will be here. Lethbridge and then medicine hat, you've got a chance of showers, both friday and on sunday. This is a look at the 7-day. This is when things get a bit nicer for us. And a bit of a pattern of some nicer weather, more stable weather, and sunshine, and some warmer temperatures. Garden play time is coming up. And we've got a new collision on the go. It is right around 14th in the southwest -- northwest part of the city, and show that in a moment, and wanted to check the volume on 5th avenue, and no major big backups trying to get

downtown, and busier during the day, and watching for 5th avenue, and 2nd, and this is 2nd and 14th, and south of kensington road, and first, we had fire on scene, and now we have police on scene. Approaching the intersection. The right lane is down, and single lane, and now on the south side of the intersection, looks like right lane is down, and we've got crews out walking around over here, and a single left lane getting through there. That is your ok traffic. >> Dallas: thank you, leslie. This is about the time we talk to jeff and care lip from the morning show to see what is coming up on the show on tms at 9 o'clock. Before we get to that they were talking about how to get their tarot cards read yesterday, and the one you don't want to get is the tower card. Well, roll the tape. >> You got the tower which is one of the cards that everyone looks at and sees, oh, my gosh, and the tower, there is nothing bad about it. The tower says you've had blinder on about something and this is no way to go through life, and the tower removes the blinders, and the veil is lifted and you go oh, my gosh, I get it. Doink. >> Dallas: and whoever did the slow zoom in your face in the background when you pulled the tower card because that was amazing. Are you okay? >> I'm sheer, guys. >> Yes. You pulled the tower card and the blinders have been removed. >> I see you for all that you are. >> Wow, finally, finally. >> Dallas -- the thing is our team leading up to the interview, and warned me of the tower card, the tower card, and then I pull it. Yeah, I was -- I was in shock. As you saw. >> Yeah. >> I don't know, I'm concerned because I pulled card with 3 daggers and a heart, and I'm cutting back on my cholesterol, I'm.>> Dallas: you guys are on a roll. What is coming up today? >> Our money expert is joining us and talking about a ground breaking lawsuit in the U.S. the government is suing ticketmaster over its practices and high ticket prices. This all comes from taylor swift, taylor swifties, that voiced displeasure about not being able to get tickets and they were just too pricy. So this -- is this going to see the ticket prices come down in the united states and here in canada? We'll ask our expert. >> And tackling the trickiest trends to help all of us try to wear them this season. >> Okay. All of that and morgan hoffman is here with entertainment first in the morning. It's a bit of a flashback friday when it comes to entertainment. We're going to show you cher turning back the clock. >> Love it. >> Turning back time with a bit of a surprise performance at cannes. >> Yeah. She brings back the outfit. The "if I turn back," that outfit, you know that one. Everything. Wow, it's amazing. >> Dallas: I'm pausing for more singing because I know you like karaoke. Just keep going. >> I think that's it. I think that's all -- >> Carolyn likes karaoke. The rest of us... Watching carolyn doing karaoke and find it entertaining. >> Sounds good. >> Dallas: have a good show, and good weekend. >> You, too, dallas. >> You, as well. >> Dallas: watch the morning show every weekday at 9 on global after global news "morning." but stay with us, we get a sense of how canadians are spending their summer. Two new ipsos polls on vacation and the I'm the travel lady.Silver Sea Cruises is intimate,all-inclusive luxury. With butler service, smallships, great savings, exciting destinationsand expeditions. Visit meat the travel lady .ca a delicious McWrap can be hard to put down. But with new Creamy Avocado Ranch sauce, it's even harder. So what'll it be Sarah? Juicy text, or juicy bite? Obviously. For the McWrap fans. ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at [ Dramatic Music ] Once upon a time, I traveled far and wide defending villages from dark forces. Ah, but there's little call for a Knight these days. I tried hobbies, but I only know one thing. Protecting. (Hey honey...) (The painters are here.) Protect your castle with Guardian. The ultra premium, 100% acrylic exterior house paint. Able to battle every Canadian climate. Guardian. Made in Canada. Exclusively at Cloverdale Paint Stores and dealers. (Pop music plays) Circle it ( ) Circle You let me circle it ( )

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