
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

play. Jam-packed with fans as they cheer on their team. >> I think that people are just starved for canadian hockey. Canadian hockey overall. So... It's great to see sport. It would have been great to see the canucks get through, as well. But we still have a canadian team live. >> I'm for the oilers. >> Why is that? >> They have a great team and they're the only canadian team left and I want them to win. >> It's fantastic to see edmonton in the playoffs. I'm from the edmonton area. It's obviously sad not to see calgary in there now living here. But, yeah, McDAVID and the boys are making a run for. It as awesome. >> Dallas: game 2 saturday night in dallas. Puck drop at 6 P.M. I feel like we're missing a big chunk of the game in the overtime where connor McDAVID got a 4-minute penalty. >> Oh. >> Dallas: then we thought dallas was going to score because the best player was in the box. And then they killed the penalty play and then went to second overtime. >> Leslie: do we need to give you an hour to debrief on the game. You were very invested last night. Stayed up late. Stayed up for the first overtime which I think goes beyond the expectations that we have of you as an alberta hockey fan, dallas. But then you kind of blew it by going to bed and having all of the excitement happening right away. >> Dallas: it's okay. It was good hockey. >> Leslie: that's what we want. That's all we want. Canadian team, yes. The oilers are a canadian team. How many canadian players? So many canadian players. It's fantastic. Good for the oilers. Great for the economy to have an alberta team, as well. 4°. Mixture of sun and cloud, and wind is very light from the south southwest at 7 kilometres an hour,7 kilometresan hour, and more rain for you, vancouver, and mix of sun and cloud for edmonton, and the same for us. And yellowknife, having a nice day, and saskatoon and regina are having 15° -- they're having 15°, and as they are having a scone, and they are having 15°, and 10 in winnipeg and lordy. And cool in st. John's, st. 8°, and halifax, 23, and jasper 17. And going to be a nice afternoon in jasper, and sticking with the clouds in banff, and 13°, and lloyd has some showers, and 12, and edmonton of the same as us. Medicine hat mixture of sun and cloud, and possibly a shower 16, and lethbridge, possibly a shower this afternoon at 17°. Here is a look -- now, this is smoothly, and keep walking as though I meant to do that. There we go. There we go. 14° this afternoon, and sun and cloud this afternoon, and chance of showers this afternoon, and it was odd yesterday, downpour, sunshine, downpour sunshine, and the same today, and a bit more rain on sunday, and then we get into nicer weather at the beginning of the week as we wrap up may. Traffic-wise, we have one problem up on the go, stoney and McKNIGHT, and then starting to see a backup in the south part of city. Brandi is there. This is southbound stoney at McKNIGHT, and looks like emergency crews on the scene, and a couple of vehicles involved. Traffic appears to be getting through, and it is getting through slowly for you, and this is a look at macleod, and northland, southland, and this is the crossroad there, and down south we go, and brandi and the team taking a look around the anderson area. How's it looking there? >> Brandi: yeah, it's starting to slow down here for the northbound drive, and douglasdale boulevard in the centre part of the screen, and that is the tail end for northbound delays, and stays busy up to the big construction zone ivor strong bridge, and anderson road, and speed down to 80 both directions and the lane realignment, I drive it every day, it's a very bumpy lane realignment get a deal on a new deck or fresh coat of paint. The summer sale is on at home hardware building centres now to june 5th. Up in global 1, I'm brandi warren. >> Thank you, brandi. This weekend, the calgary mayor to know celebrating the 06 -- marathon is celebrating 60th anniversary. One local runner will be crossing off her 50th full marathon. Here is joelle tomlinson. >> Reporter: 62-year-old wendy downes is a beloved face on calgary's pathways. >> She is always in a good mood. She is easy to run with. >> Wendy and tegan met in a running club in the 90's, since then, it's impossible to tally up the miles and the memories made. >> First marathon, 1995. 95° hot. >> Reporter: that marathon in honolulu sparking a lifelong pursuit of an indescribable feeling. >> There is a feeling that -- when you cross the first finish line. That you go... [sighing] >> Reporter: since then, wendy's two feet and indomitable

spirit taken her around the world, and running 42.2 kilometres aren't enough, she adds a signature cartwheel along the way. >> The first cartwheel, kelowna. >> This weekend, wendy will be towingtoeing the line. >> I remember the lineups for the bathrooms. It was 95°. >> Back then we were wearing cotton running brass and tivment bras, and boy, gear has come a long way, baby. >> It will be her 50th marathon. >> It's an elite group that can do this. Wendy is proving how strong and tough she is. >> The calgary marathon carries meaning. >> I have the best support. >> Reporter: not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the love and the community built by three decades of running. >> My people will be there. >> Reporter: with the big 50 coming up, the golden question remains what is next. >> I won't be surprised if she does another one or two. She won't quit. >> I don't know. Stay tuned. >> Reporter: joelle tomlinson, global ALL:Let's see your voice! Did you know that the cedar shopis more than just a lumber yard? Besides being Canada'slargest cedar showroom, we're also an outdoor lifestyle store.Dreaming of a backyard sauna? With our full linesaunas, parts, and accessories, You can decide what works for your needs with no salespressure. Don't worry. We also still offer the best in cedar, pergolas,decks, fences, stains, and more. We have everythingto help your yard come alive and ask about our free delivery. Only at the cedar shop. I'm the travel lady.Silver Sea Cruises is intimate,all-inclusive luxury. With butler service, smallships, great savings, exciting destinationsand expeditions. Visit meat the travel lady .ca (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Thousands stranded on 9/11,a small town in Newfoundland that opened their homes. The Broadway musical Come From Away, September 17th to 22nd. Tickets on sale now at Canada. We know this place is something special, but we don't like to brag.

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