
CICT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>>> You never know what might go viral but an answer on wheel of fortune last night had all the right tidbits to trend. Not only was it wildly wrong, it was also a little bit lewd. Mike drolet explains. >> Right in the butt? >> What?! [Crowd reacts] >> Reporter: look at his face, he knew right away that he messed up. The real answer is, of course, family friendly. >> This is the best. >> Reporter: but c'mon, game shows are designed for these moments. Where else would you yell something like this? >> Naked grandma! >> Do you ever feel bad for them? >> No, no, no, because -- no, because my job is to entertain, and I hope -- I want the mess-ups. >> Reporter: if that makes ontario-based comedian timmy boyle a bad person, well, he's a bad person, just like the rest of us. Because when he's hosting his own game show experience, unpredictability is his fuel. >> Oh, you also hit her in the nose with the mic. That was impressive. >> Reporter: nothing is ever scripted or expected. The raunchy ladies-only church group was a surprise as were the 10-year-old murder enthusiasts. >> The kids were like, you gotta clean up the blood and I'm like, wow, these kids know about murders. That's a red flag right now I think. This is a little concerning. >> Reporter: concerning? Sure. But who's to say what will happen under the big lights? >> You can talk in to it. Now it works. >> Can you repeat the question? >> No! No, I can't! Boo! >> Reporter: it's game show 101. Nerves will make words come out wrong. >> Mythological hero [Indiscernible] >> Reporter: and the pressure obviously can be overwhelming. >> Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. Darcy? >> A gerbil. >> Reporter: so, yeah, laugh it up. At least it's them and not us. Right? [Laughter]

mole -- dalet -- glab -- who wrote this? Mike drolet, global news, toronto. >> Farah: and that's "global national" for this friday night. I'm farah nasser and on behalf of our whole crew here, I want to thank you so much for spending manufacturepart of your evening with us. Tonight's your canada is this beaver about to take a dip in the south saskatchewan river in saskatoon. Please keep emailing your photos to Jeff sempel will be at the anchor desk until next week. Until then, take care of yourselves and take care of each other. [ ] >> Going for a world record that would have most of us shivering, an extreme athlete immersing himself into an extreme icebox, his training,'s attempt to end the results coming out. Here's what else we are working on tonight. [ ] c1 tonight, a deportation decision and the humboldt broncos bus crash tragedy. >> Is done in a matter of minutes. >> A why the truck driver responsible was ordered to leave and how his lawyer is fighting for him to stay. >>> Calls for more education funding in alberta. >> You can only stretch resources so far. >> What calgary catholics was are doing to balance the budget and how the province is responding. >> Board of work -- border volk or -- border workers vote in favour of strike action. >> We have not been giving an offer is. >> The impact of summer travel plans if it officers walk off the job. >> Announcer: you're watching global calgary, this is global news hour at six. >> Get evening, thank you for joining us to make up the board is ordering the deportation of the drug driver convicted with dangerous driving and the humboldt broncos bus crash. >> The bus that collided with a bus, killing 16 people and injuring another 13. While the deportation was expected, as they are often reports, the bus drivers lawyer lawyer is still fighting for him to stay. >> Reporter: it was a tragedy that shook and nation, on a rural saskatchewan road, 16 lives 16 lives were suddenly ended, 13 others were injured and countless families were forever changed, that includes four jaskirat singh sidhu, the rookie drug driver who is sammy collided with the bus carrying a junior hockey team is. >> He has been dealing with severe post dramatic stress disorder and severe anxiety as it was back and now facing having his family broken up is pretty tough to be dealing with. >> Reporter: jaskirat singh sidhu moved to canada from india in 2014 it, as a permanent residence, his crime means that deportation is a conclusion, something not all the victims families agree with. >> I don't think it's a necessary step for him or conclusion. We made our peace with this a long time ago, and he has done his time. >> Reporter: there is a full range of motions now for the families processing the news. >> At this point, it's out of my control, unfortunately he will have to live with the consequences the rest of his life. >> Reporter: others like the family of other victims like logan say they are thankful for the decision as they continued to believe that it he should be deported from canada, saying they are prepared to remain diligent end of this belief even as jaskirat singh sidhu may launch further appeals. But because of the length of his unprecedented eight year sentence, he lost his right to appeal until the depredation order was granted. >> It now it's being issued he can apply for permanent residency back on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. >> Reporter: his lawyers say that jaskirat singh sidhu's son has medical issues that would prevent him from moving back to india with him, potentially moving -- ripping apart the emily of a man who some say suffered enough. His lawyers have the deportation process could take months or even years and a humanitarian appeal like the one that is now underway usually takes about 21-3 years to process, and ongoing this saga it seems that is so far from over. >> Linda: a notorious high-risk sex offender who disappeared from a bc halfway house last fall has been sentenced for breaching his supervision orders, randall hopley it went missing for ten days in 2023 after cutting off his ankle monitoring the device, he was also charged with using a computer at a public library in 2022 to access materials that are violated the terms of his release. He pleaded guilty three charges, the crown wanting up all players sentence, defence wanting to

watch lawyers, the judge it gave him 29 months. >> I think he should have been put away for the rest of his existence personally. For some reason to keep giving sects offenders light charges and light sentences, I don't understand it at all. >> It should be permanent. He should be held on a permanent level, not released ever, you should be under a continuation custody order permanently. >> Linda: with credit for time served,'s sentence is 18 months. He received another six-month for failing to appear for his trial to be served at the same time. >> Joel: back here in our city, calgary second largest school board is dipping into savings to cover next years budget, the calgary catholic school district said provincial funding has fallen short by about $20 million. Live resins duty joining is live now, what impact it can those have on the costume? >> Reporter: the district says the money it gets from the province falls substantially short of meeting the needs of students, that is why the board says it will use reserves to cover the $21.5 million. The board approved the budget of this week the chairs that they are facing financial challenges and can only stretch resources so far. Shannon cook said the amount of money the district receives per student has not really changed over the last six years and that is why it is using its savings to balance the budget so students will continue to receive high-quality education. But he says that see dst has seen unprecedented enrolment growth and visit budget was tough. >> We have a hat at the same inflationary pressures that everybody has had, our utility costs are up, more than 50 percent, everything is up, software costs are all, wi-fi costs are up, all those things you need to have in a classroom, they are all. We have a not had an increase to deal with that. >> Linda: into the budget report of the calgary board of education says it will have to take $2.6 million at a reserves to balance next years budget, he alberta teachers association and is supported students believe these shortfalls will impact classrooms when his students had back to school in the fall. >> Astute -- schools are continually being asked to do more with less, we're running at a physical space, we're running out of enough teachers because we have classrooms that are over 40 kids. We are running out of technology access, we are running out of bus saying for all of these children. >> In alberta because we are the least funded education jurisdiction in all of canada, and the government in february, 4.4 percent increase to the budget, record amount of spending in public education, but we are still last in terms of funding needed to see 13 percent just to be in the canadian average. >> Linda: alberta's education minister responding to their financial concerns saying in a statement, over the next three years you have plans to invest more than $1.2 billion which will go directly towards hiring more teachers and other educational staff, at school divisions in calgary have received over 100 million in new funding this year alone and 18 new schools are on the way for the calgary archer police and region that will add 16,000 needed spaces. The catholic district says it is expecting get to grow by more than 2000 students at this upcoming school year which is on top over the 2700 new students it added last year's before resins duty, thank you. >> Linda: amazon canada today officially opening its any robotics or house in calgary. It is good news for the economy but of the massive production comes with some challenges, doug basin reports. >> Reporter: for the y. Yc amazon fulfilment centre is an ai robotic marvel, all twaddle .8 million square feet and it comes with 1500 new jobs. >> Here we have the assistance of robots working alongside associates making their jobs safer, making good job is more inclusive and allowing them to develop a career path. >> Reporter: premier daniel smith said amazon has a growing relationship with alberta, is that her 11th operation said in the province and after this opening, the company says it will eventually employ 7500 albertans. One companies can more efficiently serve their customers by investing a state-of-the-art technology and workers, it also affirms the confidence companies have in alberta, it is a hub of innovation in a place where businesses can grow and thrive in. >> Reporter: despite the new jobs and of limit is still above 7 percent in calgary but I just would say that number is misleading. >> Is a good reason is more people are moving here, more people are looking for work and entering the labour force, adding 1500 new jobs of itself won't move the needle for the whole province but there's a lot

of more alberta families could find work. >> Reporter: the mayor was on hand, other fast-growing economies in canada, there is tension, with a safe home for everybody that is flocking to calgary to find a better life. >> It is about 260 people moving here each day, that is enough to fill one of those accordion buses. We have to make sure we stick to our plan for the housing strategy. >> Reporter: the new facility grows -- joins a growing facility of amazon warehouses, they are in talks of calgary transit on increasing service for its employees. Sue for the recent rain and cooler temperatures have eased drought conditions in our city but the city's message stays the same, to make every job count. And its latest update of the cities as water supply levels have not shifted to normal and while things have improved their was concerned that things could still change and that is why city officials are urging calgarian's to continue to limit their water use especially outdoors. As for water levels officials know to the bow river and elbow river are normal for this time of year, as of friday environment canada has recorded a 59 millimetres of precipitation this month at the airport, that is lower than average of 56.80 millimetres for the month of may. >> Linda: but we are getting more rain this weekend, here's a look outside right now. Blue sky but we are in for some more wet weather. >> Is still a little unsettled until we get this trofts of low pressure anchored over as for the last role days to move on. It should by monday. In the meantime, moreover this, view from global one as you look northwest, showers, in the distance airports reporting 13 in the northwest wind at 13 kilometres an hour. >>> And since the wind is out of the northwest and since there were showers to the northwest, even asam thundershowers you can expect we will see more of this and right across southern alberta for the weekend at least as I said, things will get a better on when david eby three hours satellite or loop you can see the thunderstorm is here to the north side of the city around 3:00 this afternoon, 60 degrees tomorrow afternoon, very likely somewhere thundershowers for the city, we should be at 18 degrees, the good news is back to seasonal and even above in the days ahead, will give you all the details and I come back with a full forecast. >> Linda: thank you.

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