
CICI - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low, the un agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafa. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer and they probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes as more than seven months into the war beginning, after hamas attacked israel take more than 200 hostages, today, a hard-working new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage. This woman's 19 you'll daughter daniela is one of them. >> It's not a very easy thing to see. To see your daughter in this terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict in the devastation has claws has prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize the palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely. Especially when it is the right thing to do. That mike already though, the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel, which is order the immediate recall of it's visitors from those three countries back. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. And I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas, who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. At as a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: the move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. Something only states are granted. Canada abstain from that but vote. [ Unintelligible ] >> Reporter: canada has maintained his support for a two state solution with a palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support, and to call for a two state solution. That is the path to lasting feet piece in the middle east. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations will happen next tuesday. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news ottawa. >> Marina: to some sobering numbers when it comes to food insecurity in canada. In its annual property report card, food banks canada warns, that we have reached a critical turning point, as poverty and food insecurity worsen in every corner of the country. Canada received an overall grade of d. A decline from that d. Grade last year. Only two provinces, nova scotia and prince edward island managed to increase they're overall grades. With the rest of the country remain stagnant, or got worse. We are also getting a better sense of how canadians feel about the state of grocery prices in canada. The majority believe costs at stores are still climbing, in around a quarter of people blame the grocery chains. A new poll found 64 percent of those surveyed feel the rate of inflation at grocery stores is getting worse. Only 6 percent thought thanks were improving, while 25 percent feel thanks are about the same. When it comes to who is to blame, 29 percent blame attempts by grocery chains to increase their profit margins. 26 percent blame global economic factors, while 20 percent blame the federal government. >> People have less money to spend on food. And they feel desperate. So they are looking to blame something, someone. And the easiest thing to blame, the one component of the supply chain that most people understand is the grocery store. But food inflation is much more complicated than that's. But I am not surprised to see that collective anger from some people out there. >> Marina: in the federal government has introduced a voluntary code of conduct for major grocers to promote fairness and transparency in the industry. Canada's biggest grocery, loblaw has signed on. Industry minister france while filling champagne says he is hopeful other players will follow suit. >> You see that the prices going down. We have recent good news with respect to loblaw's signing on to the code of conduct. It's a step in the right direction. We have been in touch with walmart and costco, and I am told they we'll plan on. [ Unintelligible ] to grocers of canada. That's one of the key steps to stabilize prices in canada. So we are going to keep working with them. But I am told that everyone, on the beaches were [ Unintelligible ] >> Marina: meanwhile frustration overhyped grocery prices prompted boycott of law alone stores this month. Not organized say the protest we'll be extended beyond may 31st. In the u.s., a month of

dangerous, into deadly storms continues, with more then a dozen tornadoes tearing across communities from iowa, through the great lakes. Families rushing for safety over the last 24 hours, now sifting through the rubble left behind, nbc's jay gray had a closer look. >> Reporter: violent storms bettering the midwest in upper great lakes. >> That's a tornado guys. Go, yeah. >> Reporter: tornadoes, ale and driving rain in samaria striking so fast there was no time to get to shelter. >> I try to run into the house, got hit with the debris, and it dropped me. So I just heard about behind the house, and the whole garage came down on top of me and I got dug out, because probably under for like a half an hour. >> Reporter: the worst of it in iowa. Multiple people killed, dozens in church. Search teams continued to work through the rubble alongside survivors. Many still in shock. >> Right here were just going through the motions. Just picking up stuff you can know that my mom's wedding ring, or jewellery. But to really think of what's, that hasn't even -- that we'll come later. >> Reporter: the devastation stretches into wisconsin and minnesota. Chile slip this barn left in splinters. Trees in the lexical line snapped leaving tens of thousands without power. Hundreds of thousands across the region now picking up the pieces, with forecast a warning, more severe weather could be on the way. Jay gray, nbc news. Speech will think fully nothing like that here in the north ottamac of weather is possible. With your full weather forecast and when things will clear, you're ctv's tony. >> Tony: thank you for that marina. Yes, terrible devastation south of the border. But here in the north, severe thunderstorm watch. High winds, possible hail, and gusting winds and heavy rain. But other then that, no tornadoes or anything to be concerned about your kind in areas not kind of shrinking when you take a look at that map. Initially, it was wider, but now it's getting smaller, which is a good thing but that is going to continue into the evening hours, and possibly overnight, a rain forecast, we love seeing this, because it gives you a snapshot at what we're kind of projecting. And it is not a lot of rain, was still enough. 10 millimetres and through hearst, and that looks like the most on the board at this point. Seven millimetres for kapuskasing, for some of the communities basically nothing, so when gusts, I love this one to, because this gives you a sense, if you've been outside you notice some time wind kind of picks up. The dust starts blowing. And it's going to be kind of blustery. And five tomorrow morning, 64 kilometres an hour. Wins in through while walking or 54 kilometres and three chapleau pxe know what that means, with the wind blows and clouds, and unsettled conditions normally rank ask what colour that's my causing all this? We have two low-pressure systems, we have this one and this one, and as one moves out, the cold front is going to bring in unsettled conditions, especially this evening. Into the early winning hours. Some communities, especially by chapleau, that area along with timmons. Unsettled for the next couple of days. Overnight, this is what we can expect. And there's a braille of degrees. 30 percent chance of rain. Sault ste. Marie also some shower activity overnight into timmins. Four to percent chance of showers. Still warm. Temiskaming shores 12 degrees, some rain on the way in through north bay. Of thunder storms. Certain degrees, it has been warm, of the overnight condition still going to be on the warmer side. Enter moosonee, a risk of thunderstorms, cap hurst also shower activity. Wah wah 60 percent chance of rain, gore bay, partly cloudy and parry sound risk of thunderstorms and 12 degrees. All right, damir dzumhur seven they weather forecast at them with sudbury nickel belt. To what is a beautiful sunshine, and then the rain starts to arrive. 60 percent chance of showers, gets in clearing on sunday, next week a little bit more rain on the way, and that's going to continue until midweek. But we may get some sunny breaks. Cc maria l goma, malingering showers in the morning, and some clearing friday looks beautiful almost above seasonal except for saturday, drops to 15, and we kind of get that roller coaster son cloud rain intermittent rain showers. Next week, another socket one. For timmins cochrane kapuskasing, some rain on the way, and this is what I was saying kind of more northern communities are going to get more precipitation in the southern was its. Research to see some clearing sunday, monday looks pretty good. But overall, it is going to rain and it's not very nice. Into temiskaming shores and kirkland lake. Mostly sunny temperature dips a little bit saturday, a chance of some precipitation. Sunday looks just gorgeous 21, and the next week especially early on, some shower activity. And finally folks, your seven they weather forecast for north bay west nipissing, three days

of 20-degree weather. Saturday though I chance of rain, and then sunday beautiful clearing skies. Monday we'll start your workweek back to that showers big surprise we had a lot of reign lately could put not prolong the rain if you know what I mean. The earth is getting kind of dry out there. So we need a little bit more precipitation. Showers monday on a tuesday, temperatures almost spot on. Should be 18 degrees this time of year. 17, but at least until wednesday, midweek, shower activity. And here's a picture of the day it was sent in by marcel. Of timmins and he took this of a chipmunk at his cottage in matheson. Thank you so much marcel love it, the little guy feasting on some peanuts. You can send your pictures into us at twitter also known as x. At ctv news northern, or e-mail them to us at weather got pictures at bell That I Really worth the Drive! At Diamond & Diamond, we can't prevent an accident. But we can prevent it from ruining your life. Our team will ensure you get the care and guidance to get you through this difficult time. Call the team at Diamond & Diamond. And get Canada's largest personal injury firmworking for you. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Happy birthday, big guy. Your old minivan? Your old minivan. It still runs? Like new! And thanks to Fountain Tire's trusted, reliable service, you'll be driving this for a loooong time. Never getting rid of this baby. Great. And of course! Quality tires. Why's that guy there? Because honey. Wherever you go, Fountain Tire's right there with you. Right there in that radical sidecar! What do you got under the hood? Just my legs. ( ) [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Northern filmmakers, listen up. CineFest. Sudbury and ctv are looking to showcase your work. You could win amazing prizes, plus have it screened during the festival. Independent Living Sudbury Manitoulin is excited to announce its National Accessibility Fundraiser May 27th to 31st on Durham Street in downtown Sudbury. This unprecedented week-long free event aims to raise awareness of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities while supporting accessibility and inclusion. Engage in various activities including fundraisers, awareness walks, 2 bring-your-own-chair movie screenings and an accessibility expo. Go to for more informati Your ticket is the key to 59 Hazelton Drive! It's the Sudbury Kinsmens 39th Showcase Sweepstakes and 50/50 Draw. This year's total prize package is our biggest ever! There's a total of 166 prizes to be won. Call the Sudbury Kinsmen Showcase, visit us at 59 Hazelton Drive off Bancroft or get your tickets online at Treat yourself to a new life with the Sudbury Kinsmens 39th Showcase Sweepstakes and 50/50 Draw. Your ticket is the key, get yours today! Consumer or family. Fireworks can be fun, but also dangerous if not used or stored properly when purchasing fireworks Make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions. The distances on your property may not need the recommendations. Your neighbor would not appreciate the fireworks followed by landing on their roof. We would not want this to happen to you. City of Greater Sudbury Fire Services. And First General, want you to check the city fireworks bylaw before using family fireworks Life's got a way of showing you what your next move is going to be. As long as you're open to seeing it. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv >> Lifestyles by walbridge walbridge. This is who I am, this is what I do. >> Marina: at that and breakfast in new brunswick has a unique business model. As ctv salina pickerel shows us, fit and stay doesn't just tailor to humans. It's also a vacation spot for docs. >> Reporter: with four dogs already calling this big yellow house home, you would thank it is at capacity. But that is just not the case. >> Any amount of dr welcome, no additional fees. They are allowed in the library, they are allowed on the bed. We don't care how much they shed. That's all part of the experience. >> Reporter: jail, alongside her husband rick, and her sister cathy opened up a sit and stay, a bed-and-breakfast is not only

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