
CICI - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

[narrator]: 200 kilometres down the 401... [narrator]: ...nightfall brings a blast of winter to toronto... ...and northeast of the city, up highway 23, a cube van has rolled right off the road. This is a very dangerous situation right now. [narrator]: a long day of chasing has finally paid off for sonny, if he can ever get started on this job. [sonny]: we gonna put a two winch, and then trying to drag it this way... ...but I don't want to do it without some traffic blocked. It's a bad spot, because it's a downhill, so nobody can see us, right? It's snow and icy, and, like, we don't want to get hit. End of the day, we gotta go home, you know what I mean? [narrator]: the tragic loss of an operator on highway 12 is still very fresh. [sonny]: somebody died, so... I hope the police come here and then give me a traffic control here. [narrator]: it's a quick pull, but sonny doesn't want to risk it until traffic is blocked. I really think about my safety, because I got a baby coming. I have to make sure it's nothing gonna happen to me. [narrator]: with crashes all over the region, he'll have to wait for durham police, while drivers could give in to distraction. [sonny]: the cop gonna take so long. [sonny]: there's just a two lane, one lane to go, one lane to come, so it's very dangerous. If somebody looking, and like, swerve into the other lane, that's a disaster. I called durham regional police, but they said they will attend, but they're all busy. [narrator]: so sonny makes a hard call. [sonny]: I was waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. I'm not getting nobody, so I need to clear this accident as soon as possible. I'm gonna back up, pull it right away, and we're gonna get out of here. [grunting] half of my mind goes to the work, and half is going to be on the traffic. [narrator]: just as that traffic is getting even worse... -how are you doing? -need a hand? [dan]: it's pretty bad out here on the roads tonight. I should be okay, but... Need it blocked? Yeah, yeah, the traffic, man. Want me to sit back here? Yeah, sit back there, and then just slow the traffic down. Okay. [sonny]: everybody's busy, but in his busy time, he stops and helps me, that's great stuff. [narrator]: classic towing one-ton op dan inwood takes over traffic control. Slow down! Watch your back, sonny. [grunting] [dan]: I'm just trying to look out for sonny and watch his back. We got to look out for each other out here. It's very, very dangerous. Slow down, slow down. [sonny]: I am scared, very scared if somebody gonna hit me. [dan]: watch your back. To give the perfect clue Muscles Flex! You gotta think fast Animal [slowly] join jimmy fallon and emmy-winning host keke palmer Let's Play! Cause with so many passwords Vegetable. Movie. Who knows what they'll whip out Wiener. You saved the hardest questions for the smartest celebrity guests? A new password on a new day on ctv Ellie was four months old when she was rescued from a puppy mill with hip and elbow dysplasia. Espanola Animal Hospital prepared to execute Canada's first medial elbow replacement on Ellie. She thinks it went very well. Espanola Animal Hospital. Proud innovators of Veterinary Surgery in Northern Ontario. [Music][Music] Yup Okay, Everybody was so welcoming. Everybody would, greet you with a smile on their face. It's like one big family. Follow your dreams and come to Cambridge College.

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it's split from the floor of the trailer. Just as a little bit of added insurance here. I worked alongside some guys that have been in the business for well over 50 years. They've got a lot of experience, and the tricks that they learned along the way got relayed down to me. Yeah, she's in there. We got 'er. [narrator]: tonight, austin will have to match his rotator skills with senior op mike... [mike]: I think that'll do. She's gonna sit there, anyway. [narrator]: ...their first big double rotator job together. [austin]: michael makes everything look easy. I mean, when you do that much recovery, you get used to it. We'll just hook on that chain there. [narrator]: mike, rigged to the tractor, and austin to the trailer, will pull down in one fluid motion to keep the trailer intact as it rolls onto its wheels. You gotta keep 'em in sync just to kind of make an even pull so we don't twist the trailer. Twisting it would be bad, because it could tear apart then. Let's go. [narrator]: success depends on a smooth roll upright. Don't get ahead of him, okay? Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. Ellie was four months old when she was rescued from a puppy mill with hip and elbow dysplasia. Espanola Animal Hospital prepared to execute Canada's first medial elbow replacement on Ellie. She thinks it went very well. Espanola Animal Hospital. Proud innovators of Veterinary Surgery in Northern Ontario. Polar bear spray foam can help you cut drafts and cut high bills in your home. They are dedicated to upgrading your home's efficiency. They will evaluate your home, recommend ways you can improve its performance and professionally install what you need to increase your comfort. Delivering excellence in every project. Say goodbye to high heating and cooling bills and welcome to True Home Comfort. Trust your home to the experts at polar bears Spray foam. Call now to make an appointment and let us give your home a bear hug. From time-honoured traditional to contemporary progressive Théorêt Bourgeois Funeral Homes provides a complete range of full service funerals exactly as the departed would have wanted it. For those that prefer more basic memorials or cremation services we know that saying goodbye is never easy, keep it simple with Simple Wishes of the North Théorêt Bourgeois Funeral Homes and Simple Wishes of the North Celebrating the passage of time from West Nipissing to Greater Sudbury. We got enough room there, eh? [narrator]: on the westbound 401, the first shot at the upright... Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! [narrator]: ...has the wreck sliding sideways. [austin]: I started to pull a little bit more, and mike was essentially trying to catch up. Put 'er up. Austin was a little too far along. [narrator]: the trailer is so damaged, they can't risk another trial run. [david]: I don't know if it's gonna stay together. Okay, she's goin' up. Did it stay on? Yeah, yeah, yeah, perfect. It's just fine. Crash and bang. It's what they do when they're empty. It's upright. They'll just have to, uh, hook onto it and pull it outta here. I'm gonna get a hold of the ministry of transport and let them know we'll have the highway open sooner than expected. Hook 'er up. She's all yours. In this industry, we're always learning. Where there's never a day that we're not learning,

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