
CICI - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

you gotta really watch your bactraffic control... Tarting to ice over with all the snow comiter. Nna have to be very careful out there, because we're relying on him for n this fast. [narrator]: bill will have to be a q [ken]: we better get out of here before the weather gets any worse. I know. [narrator]: conditions deteriorate. Getting very coldand snowing now. Give me your straps. Okay, spin around, watch the traffic. Yup! [narrator]: ken coordinates the plan... Stay over that way a little bit! [narrator]: ...and bill backs into position. Crank 'er hard! Crank 'er hard! [ken]: we don't want to be out on this road. We're gonna cause another accident. Good. Okay, let's get 'er! [narrator]: to get the wreck up to the road, bill will need to pull off a tricky two-stage recovery. Using multiple lines from the truck, the plan is to roll the pickup onto its wheels, then slide it up the bank. Take a little bit, bill. Snug 'er up. We'll turn the back end a bit before we flip 'er. [ken]: he's eager to learn, but this will be a challenge for bill. Keep going. Little bit on the front. Just try to keep it straight. [bill]: okay. Gonna come in a minute here. [narrator]: finally... Got 'er. [narrator]: ...the wreck... Bring 'er over. [narrator]: on its wheels. [ken]: okay... Gonna get this front end up a little bit more. Yup! But now he's gotta get moving, and get it right up on the road. [narrator]: but as bill begins to winch... Can you go higher? [narrator]: ...the wreck digs in. Shoot out a bit, go out a bit. You're pulling a lot of dirt underneath there. Yeah, I see that. I'm really starting to feel the pressure now. It's jammed in. It's all ice. [ken]: we've got a vehicle that's pushing dirt, not coming out the way we want it. Not a good scene. Come on. [narrator]: with the highway still down to one lane, and the weather getting worse... Keep going! [narrator]: ...ken's crew need to get off the road. Whoop! [horn blaring] Tomorrow on Your Morning... A sneak peak into the largest Banksy exhibit in the world that's coming to Canada. Start your morning in the know. Tuesday, only on ctv. to get into a new Nissan. ( ) You've been waiting forthe right moment to get out and drive and great offersare ready and waiting for you. So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. During the Nissan Spring into Savings event, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) text on screen Do you have moisture between your window panes? Kelly Lake can help you get things all cleared up When seal failure occurs, moisture builds up between your window panes and your windows get foggy. But don't worry. You don't need to change the whole window, just the glass and that's where Kelly Lake can help. Think outside the big box. Think Kelly Lake. Let's build together. Independent Living Sudbury Manitoulin is excited to announce its National Accessibility Fundraiser May 27th to 31st on Durham Street in downtown Sudbury. This unprecedented week-long free event aims to raise awareness of the challenges

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