
CICI - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

surrounded by deep snow. Like, right now it's okay, it won't shut down. Yep. [narrator]: the driver is unharmed, and still on scene. The driver's very lucky. [driver]: I was coming around this bend, and my tires didn't catch enough traction, and it just pushed my truck off the road. [narrator]: the trailer is loaded with 100,000 pounds of pulp. [james]: it's on an incline. We have trees... I know it's going to be a challenge. [narrator]: james will need more muscle. [narrator]: reliable's 50-ton, and operator kyle brian join the battle. Hey, kyle! [kyle]: this guy's really in there. [narrator]: it's another challenge for someone still getting used to heavy wreckers. It is what it is. [narrator]: last winter... ...kyle got his first chance to run a heavy... Whoa! [narrator]: ...on one of reliable's toughest jobs. [kyle]: I'm more confident, but I've got a lot to learn. [narrator]: tonight's recovery is getting more difficult by the minute. This is pretty well fully loaded, but letting it sit, it freezes. [james]: it's not easy trying to free something that's been sitting here for hours on end. Look at this. Here's your christmas tree, bud. [laughs] yeah. We'll see if it comes out. [kyle]: you can see the truck's up against the tree there, so you can't really just pull the front of the truck around and pull the truck and trailer out of the ditch. [james]: I'll pull the truck as you pull the trailer... But I gotta watch what I pull on. The truck's jackknifed right now, so when we pull on the trailer backwards, we want it to straighten out. Okay, I'll pass you the chain. Yep. Suck it in a bit? Okay. All it's gotta do is just break it free. Yeah, we'll see what happens. Okay, kyle, you ready? Yeah. Okay, start pulling! [frame creaking] pull! It's moving! Whoa! What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. It's time to hear what you've been missing. At Sudbury Regional Hearing Services. We specialize in personalized solutions tailored to your needs. Our team of knowledgeable audiologists is dedicated to your hearing health, offering cutting edge technology and compassionate care. Hear the difference when you visit one of our five locations in the Greater Sudbury, Algoma and Manitoulin area. Sudbury Regional Hearing Services. Better Hearing Closer to Home. Tessa hear from Belanger Ford. Are you looking for a new truck here at Belanger We have over 100 F-150s arriving daily Ford F-Series has been Canada's best selling truck for 56 years. Get 0% financing on all F-150s for up to 60 months. Or take the alternative cash discount of $10,000, Speaking of F-150s, we're charging into the future with this electric powered f-150, lightning featuring great range and power. come on in and test drive. One at Bekanger Ford in Chelmesford. Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment!

Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! [narrator]: on the coq... Easy! [narrator]: ...reliable towing is trying to rescue a heavy load... James! [narrator]: ...trapped in the middle of the highway. Pull! Whoa! Are you kidding me? Son of a bitch. Your chain slip off? Yeah. [james]: the winch line, and the hook, and everything came whipping back at us. I don't really know what to think right now. A-ha! [narrator]: but for james and kyle... There's a silver lining. The chain didn't break. Good! What if you just wrapped it around that frame rail? Here. I think that should hold. [kyle]: being that we're trying to keep at least one lane open, it's not the ideal angle to be working off the truck. Now put some pressure on that. [narrator]: even with two powerful wreckers, the angle of the pull is extreme. I know this isn't going to be easy. Pull, kyle. Come on! Keep pulling, it's moving! Good! Oh, yeah, here it goes... [narrator]: even the wreck's driver... It's coming. [narrator]: ...has high hopes. [james]: keep going! Perfect! One more. Sweet. [narrator]: the jackknifed semi is finally straight... Do you wanna unhook, spin around? Yeah. [narrator]: ...but the 100,000-pound pulp truck still needs to come out of the ditch. [james]: now we just gotta worry about trucks sliding and moving, and the trailer wanting to roll, too, 'cause it's loaded. My worry is we have to deal with the edge of the road and the angle of the ditch. There's still a high chance of the truck and trailer wanting to roll over. If by any chance this doesn't work, I'm going to be explaining to my boss why this truck is laying on its side. Dude, this thing's gonna roll. [narrator]: 200 kilometres southwest, in the fraser valley... [narrator]: ...the trans-canada highway is squeezed down to one lane. We're gonna go to highway 1 eastbound, just east of 264th for an end dump sittin' in the ditch. [narrator]: operator chris mervyn is en route... I got my 50-ton rotator. [narrator]: aggressive towing's newest weapon. Mm-hmm. [narrator]: last winter... That is somethin'! [narrator]: ...merv was just getting used to his new toy... There it is. [narrator]: ...and helped out on one of the toughest jobs of the year. I love my new truck. [jamie]: yay! [laughs] [merv]: when you roll up with a rotator, it's like showing up with the golden sword. It's fairly high-tech, it's super sensitive, and I can control everything to do with the boom off two joysticks. Touchdown, boys! Nice. [narrator]: tonight's recovery... Ooh, buddy. [narrator]: perfect for the rotator. Let's see what we got. Wow. That is not happy. [narrator]: the driver is fine, but the gravel truck is anything but. [merv]: it's travelled in probably about 20, 30 yards down the ditch, but still sitting on all its tires, fully loaded, and we've been having rain for the last week non-stop,

so it's definitely wet and mucky in there. They probably need some light there, if you get your light on it. [narrator]: merv's boss, jason davis, and a second heavy wrecker, arrive on scene. This thing holds 26 tons of material, plus what its own weight is, about 18,000 for the trailer, probably about 16,000 for the tractor. It's loaded enough that it's gonna be a little bit of a tug. [narrator]: to keep the lane closure to a minimum, aggressive towing has been given only one hour. [jason]: whenever they put a time limit on something, there's always pressure that comes along with it, because there's a lot of unforeseen things. [narrator]: the fastest way to recover the load... You gonna pick the whole thing right up? [narrator]: to use the rotator's raw lifting power. Merv will use the rotator to pick up the back end, while the 50-ton wrecker in front pulls the tractor forward to try and land the truck back onto the road. [merv]: just hook the frame. Right by that trunnion. Yeah. On the inside of it, though. Yeah, and then come this way, and I'll pull the sides. Okay. [narrator]: but after a closer look at the load... ...jason uncovers a new problem. Silt? -yeah. -holy... [narrator]: the gravel truck is full of wet silt. It changes what we're dealing with. [merv]: a fine silt that has been in the rain for three days is four times as heavy as it used to be. It's heavy, man. That's gonna weigh a lot. Okay... We'll see what it does here pretty quick. Okay, boys, is everybody clear? Yeah, we're all clear. [narrator]: the rotator begins to lift. [merv]: my truck is rated for 43,000 pounds over the side. Anything more than that, we risk the truck tipping over. [narrator]: the wet silt... She's heavy. [narrator]: ...has thrown all calculations out the window. [jason]: the tricky part about lifting this truck without knowing the exact weight is how far out our boom extends in order to pick this weight. You're kinda doing a little bit of guesswork there. Any time you hit even close to 100%, you've got to be concerned. This is sketchy. [narrator]: on the coq... [james]: okay, I'm going to grab the front, we're going to pull it out. [narrator]: ...the jackknifed semi has been straightened... This is a little bit steeper than what I like. [narrator]: ...but james and kyle still face a heavy task... Now comes the fun part. [narrator]: ...winching the 100,000-pound pulp truck out of a deep ditch. [james]: we'll try pulling it. We'll have to just watch the trailer. Yeah. Okay. [james]: there's still a high chance of the truck and trailer wanting to roll over as I am pulling it out of the ditch. Ready? Okay. [narrator]: james will pull from the front... Hey, kyle? See if he can slowly move forward! [narrator]: ...and the driver is back behind the wheel to help. [james]: okay, watch out. Is it moving? Yeah. [narrator]: but as the wreck climbs the bank... We just gotta watch that trailer. [narrator]: ...the angle is pushing the limit. [kyle]: the trailer does start to lean quite a bit, being that it is so heavy. Watch that trailer! Hold it, slow-- easy, easy. -whoa! -hold it! [frame clanking] I just don't like the lean on that trailer. [kyle]: the last thing you want is to get this far, and then the truck topples over. Maybe you should unhook, and just grab the corner of the trailer? 'cause all you'll have to do is just stabilize it, right? Yeah, so he stops sliding backwards. [grunting with effort] [narrator]: kyle adds a line to the front of the trailer. As I'm pulling, he's gonna release, and we'll slowly get up on the road. Okay. Okay, you ready? Come on, buddy. Kyle? Pull! [narrator]: kyle muscles the trailer up the bank...

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