
CHRO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

time to chat your pharmacist book an appointment on line or walk to do to have chat. >> We have few time left and little bit time but you recommend some DOs and DON'Ts so here your DOs and DON'Ts -- your DOs want to keep home clean as possible so we know that dust can bother people so clean cover up outside if you are cut lan ar gardening they are come in and have allergens their skin and look the forecast before head out so that is africaly high pollen day one that is medication before you go and don't have to go in the pollen isers with in the morning. Wait in the afternoon talk your pharmacist not about allergy but all your medication up a our conditions but definitely this time the allergies definitely take up time with the people come and asking yes. >> More disciplined as adult but child or e. My good trying not your face so hard. >> Don't rub your face and eyes push them in the back eyes can irritation and rinse so that will help as well. Don't keep your windows open so that allergens will blow and bother if you are inside at home and at loves, more symptoms and do not exercising in the morning that sufficienter to some people but that pollen is where the in the morning arn burn that run in the later in the afternoon or evening that great. Then don't skip on good night sleep. We know that sleep has good benefit for unespecially with allergies so don't skip good night sleep and a keep in wes dose close and come chat your pharmacist we are hear help. >> Thank you for joining us. >> My pleasure. >> Pro tips we love allergy season is here. Stay safe with going outdoors for sure. We will be ctv Morning Lives Ask the Expert brings you interesting guests & information (male vo) Join our expert Colleen Lyle owner of Trinity Stone Realty for valuable tools for buying or selling In Ottawa's exciting real estate market. Send in your questions by email, Facebook, x or call in live during the show (male vo) Ottawa News, weather traffic - It's everything you need. Ctv Morning Live Brought to you in part by Trinity Stone Realty. From start to finish. Guildcrest offers personalized and professional assistance while following your budget and schedule. From our first call to the final result of building your new Guildcrest home, we are here to support all aspects of your energy efficient build. To build your dream home Come meet our housing experts in one of our convenient locations across Ontario. Or call us to find a builder in your area. Better built. Faster built. Factory built. Guildcrest homes. Guildcrest.comDiscover Amazing with Lexus of Kingston. Lexus of Kingston offers a vehicle size to suit any lifestyle. Your choice of fuel powered or electrified models. We look forward to rolling out the red carpet for you. Your Lexus deserves exceptional maintenance performed by Lexus Academy trained technicians using Lexus Genuine parts. it's the red carpet treatment with refreshments and a complimentary wash Visit Lexus of Kingston today. Browse online or stop by for a test drive. Anxious pet. Don't stress them out by travelling to the vet. Dr. Vetamin is Ottawa's first veterinary clinic on wheels to provide at home vet care for your furry family members. Fully equipped with a state of the art diagnostic laboratory and treatment facility that can park right at your doorstep. Don't leave home to see a vet anymore. Book your mobile vet visit at d-r dash Vetamin dot c-a. Available for after hours service, weekends, urgent care and emergencies.(Announcer) When you enter CHEO,you enter a Worl (child) With real lifeSuperheros! (child) Using amazing powersthat make us feel all better! (child) a special place,just for kids (child) That inspires us,and cares for us (child) With innovativelife-changing research, (child) cheo helps somany kids, every singleday! (child) Helping us liveour best lives, (child) Making a difference,for children, youth and families (Announcer) cheo. TheBest Life For Every Child andYouth. (Jingle male singing) Whateverthe space Centennial Glass &Windowis your "go (male voice)If you need it. We've got itwith the best warrantiesin the busin in Ottawa & the

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>> These or goals in there we have designed sort four outcomes hook for to create desirable amenities rich neighbourhoods and create place an invest in infrastructure and to diversify our unplom sectoren to make sure that you have he we have safety and security for all. >> Stefan: if plan gets done with multiple projects the ber says this is expect to see 1.3million -- billion of reference gnaw creation of fiftinous new jobs by... New trash inspectors and monitoring illegal dump three item limit starts. As september thirty,ty. To three containers every two weeks and city expecting increase if illegal dump so it is hiring new trash inspectors four of them. Fines between two hun and 5hun gred. >> Prime minister justin trudeau says canada will not follow norway ireland an spain lead to recognise palestineian tate >> We recognise start palestine at right time not necessarily as la step on the path. >> Trudeau face calls from N.D.P. and also within his caulks to make recognition. Prime minister says canada position is that palestinian state must come from negotiations with israel before it is recognised. >> Conservative prime minister of U.K. calling a surprise summer election. >> Earlier tad I spoke with the king to request dissolution of parliament. King grant this request and we will have a general election on the fourth of july. >> Sunak an heart unpopular. Twenty points behind and labour part in the poles. He said comes great unrnt if the world and russia war in the ukraine an fate in the middle east. Conservative party hat four four 14 years with five different prime minister including three in past two years. >> South of the border she want to be U.S. president and called donald trump unfit for office. Now nikki hailey she will vote for them. >> Biden lan a catastrophe. So I will be vote for trump >> Hailey form serve governor south clinic an trump's ambassador to the U.N. she is seen as last hope for anti-trump wing of the republic party and hailey not call her supporters however to support trump according to the food bank canada poverty report kade half down population they feel finance crunch and worse off last year. Food bank says knows relying on service all-time high and that capital one seven report food insecurity numbers in spiked in the last five years dramatically. >> We are doing or best to provide food for our network and in a way that he will hill take in account people that are needing help the most. One things -- one reality that family with children make up thirty seven pert people that come our doors for help. >> Melissa: food bank relies on donation to help provide assistance like other food banks in the canada. Which also high demand and report suggested find a way it provide further financial eleave for there high cost of living >> Stefan: barrhaven bike in pedestrianopathy in repair for that happen, city and federal government will work together. Pathway greenbank and runs from fal will he field hunt club and it is on federally owned land but city maintains. Users say it flood and it is bumpy and unsafe. City saying that there is plan renew but of that happen, deal needs to be struck with the canadian food inspection agency with could be impacted by any form of construction. >> We want to void pathway andary up you my understanding that the five years off. We can't havana in the state it is now and it is bad for several years and only getting worse as each winter passes. >> It adds to evaluate path's condition to an sure a safe environment for all users. >> Melissa: worse kept secret? Basketball, toronto will ward wnba franchise today? Makes it owe in addition. Whoo-hoo first franchise of outside united states and with expansion team tipping off in 2026.

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