
CHRO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

- Patients get sore at timeswhen clinics aren't open. It gives people thereassurance to know that there's somethingthat they can do to help relievetheir acute pain. - It allows for peopleto get back to doing what they want to be doing. DR-HO's is anexample of something that people can dofrom home to try and help them with their pain. - [Presenter] Improveddesign includes double ports, which means double therapy. Target two body areasat the same time. Six therapy modes for a variety of soothingmassages that feel so good. And check it out. The Pro works withDR-HO's latest innovation, the Circulation Sleeves, the go-to accessoryfor pain, swelling, and muscle crampsin the lower legs. DR-HO's is a total bodypain relief system. Just connect thedifferent accessories and get relief for neck pain and shoulder tension,back pain and sore feet, poor circulation andknee pain, foot pain, and leg cramps. Trouble sleeping? Use DR-HO's to relieveyour pain so it's easier to fall asleep. When you're in pain, makeDR-HO's your drug-free go-to solution for pain relief. Start treating theunderlying cause of your pain and start imagining howmuch better life can be when you feel good - With less pain, my energylevel is through the roof and I'm just feelingbetter about myself. - I think not havingso much ache and pain and being able to accesssomething that helps that has really helped my mood. - I love that. I feel better and that is what it'sall about for me. - [Presenter] So if youhave pain, call right now to get an exclusive offer on DR-HO's CirculationPromoter Pro. You'll get a pair of bodypads for targeted relief of shoulder tension,tennis or golfer elbow, and smaller muscle groups. A pair of large bodypads for extra coverage, ideal for back pain, sciatica,and larger muscle groups, and an easy to followpad placement chart. Still want more. You'll also receive a pairof Circulation Sleeves, so you have the go-toaccessory for pain, swelling, and muscle crampsin the lower legs. To make this theabsolute best TV offer, you'll also get theconvenient travel kit so you can get painrelief anytime. With this kit,you'll receive a pair of portable foot therapy pads and a compact travel bag totake DR-HO's wherever you go. Wait, there's more. With this exclusiveoffer, you'll also get a $50 DR-HO's gift card and you'll get it allwith free shipping. That's right. Free shipping with our 100 daysatisfaction guarantee, if you're not 100% satisfied, then send it back for a refund. Call or go online rightnow to take advantage of this exclusive offer. - If you have pain fromdaily life or chronic pain, or even a fresh pain, try myCirculation Promoter today. DR-HO's is a drug freepain therapy device that will target yourpain at home, at work, and even while traveling. I know how pain canaffect your life and how much youneed that relief. - Just look at all you getwith this exclusive offer and all shipped for free. Make DR-HO's your drug-free. go-to solution for pain relief and start getting thepain relief you deserve. Imagine how much better lifecan be when you feel good. This special offer isn'tavailable in retail and is only availablewhen you order directly from DR-HO's. (upbeat music) This paid presentation wasbrought to you by DR-HO's. This might be the perfect place to build my future. I'm going to be a mom. I've got regrets, but... It's no reason to just give up. Life's got a way of showing you what your next move is going to be. As long as you're open to seeing it. SULLIVAN'S CROSSING NEW EPISODE ON CTV STREAM ON ALL YOUR FAVOURITE DEVICES ( ) ( ) ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. ( ) Support Even the Odds. You see what I see. It's just so bold and exciting.

Everybody wants to talk about it. A new episode of grey's anatomy on ctv. Today, I don't think we are getting our money back. >> Stefan: consumer lert at least dozen across eastern ontario and western QUéBEC say they paid disposal to have windows replaced and now worry they have been scammed of thousands. If you are struggle with springtime allergies, local pharmacist tells us about remedies for your symptoms. Car ready for this season with caa and last many years our daily dish, get beaver tails and about variety they offer. Plus, great glebe garage sale is this weekend. It is thursday, may 23. You are watching ctv "morning live". >> Melissa: good morning. Welcome to ctv "morning live." it is thursday and sikz 6an short week feel longer than long weeks? Do you find that. >> Stefan: because we set ourselves like short work week yes, let's go and then you think, wednesday thursday and -- it is not that I am not excited to be here join and join us I am excited to be with you. >> Stefan: we thank for joining us. >> Melissa: I like sleeping in longer at the >> Stefan: it is nas. >> Melissa: love warm day yesterday. >> Stefan: I did. I saw flashes light eng to evening though. At least in the east end >> Melissa: few thunderstorms yesterday in the forecast ike that hot weather we get we are in support for active w and we h not as hot at yesterday it was hottest we have seen this year and we are at 14 to wake up and seeing fog some areas not bad as yesterday and keep in mind that's not nearly as foggy. Full details your forecast and what you can expect in the afternoon coming up. Right now out news. >> Stefan: thank you. Fire crews at the scene of a blaze in the byward market this morning. Fire broke out on clarence street. Crews arrived after 3 this morning arn work being fire was declared. Red cross an salvation army are there assisting those that have been affected. Cause of the fire is under investigation and we will bring latest information as soon as it available. >> Officials sharing more details issues that led to the five day closure of st. Laurent o-train station closure. Water infiltration if the tunnel led to the damage ceiling tiles and corrode con and okay now have temperature solution to do the not keep falling on the platform. >> To make sure nothing hasific falling wherein stall mesh at that area. That area will need more work in coming months and because it is not in state -- it is tear state >> Melissa: no cause and okay they continue to investigate and tunnel is deemed safe. >> Stefan: new documents show that earliest day trillium line could open may august. Last week, oc transpo officials north/south line from bayview to riverside south will open at some point in the summer. Documents post on line for light rate transit subcommittee lace out more specific time line for training and testing. Oc transpo planning to test complete line for 8to ten weeks with 14 days trial run. >> Melissa: group of eastern up western QUéBEC we are worried they have been scammed by local window company. Residents they have paid thousand in disposal but received no update work will be done. He paid dennis walker in the summer have to it they have not been order yet. >> I showed automatic manufactureer and of window set down he was very helpful and confirm win toes in the never been order through dennis. So sfodz what I have been told they have been ordered. So I think money was used to

do something else not order my windows. >> They had a shared similar company they say came forward to provide warning about anyone look to hire a contributor. >> Stefan: board trade las released its latest plan to transform the downtown core. Action plan aims to more buzz to the core and make it desirable place to live, work and play an proposes joint five hundred plld from all levels of government and private sector to kickstart projects. >> Those our goals in there we have designed four outcomes we are looking for to create desirable amenities rich flabdz an create place an invest in infrastructure and to diverseify our unmoment sector unto make sure that we have safety and security for all. >> Stefan: board of trade then expects see billion influx over ten years an plan will sigh 40000 new residents an create 50,000 new jobs by year to -- 34? This will men storing illegal dump when new garage limit starts household will be limit to three container every two weeks and expecting increase in illegal dump so fire new inspectors they range from it to 5gloucester >> She was want to be president and called donald trump unfit for office and now nikki hailey will vote for limb in november. >> I will be vote for trump. Having said that... >> Stefan: hailey serve as governor south carolina and trump's ambassador at the united nations. She is seen as last lop for anti-trump wing of republic party and hailey not call her supportsers to support trump >> Melissa: they are calling surprise election in u.k.. >> I spoke with king to request dissolution of parliament. We will general election on the fourth of july. >> Sunak an his party deeply unpopular. Twenty points behind ar labour party poll sunak at uncertainty in the world and russia war in the ukraine and fight in the middle east. Conservatives party if you are four 14 years. >> Barrhaven bike path an wed path is need repair burr for that to happen, city and federal government will have to work together. Pathway greenbank is only bike ghath connect barrhaven and nepean on federally owned land but city maintains users say it is bumpy floods and have lapped an unsafe. City place renew but before that it lap pepper deal needs to beed with canadian food inspection agency that owns part of the pathway. >> We want to void is pathway down an tar up but my understanding that the five years off. We can't aev in the state it is now and it has been bad for several years and it is getting worse as each winter passes. >> Stefan: it will continue to evaluate path's condition ensure safe environment for all users. >> Government in investing ten millionled build more spouseing housing here in the nation's capital to shepherds of good hope to create studio apartments op murray street and people stone for housing for women is receiving more than four million an 700,000 to the units at the roominghouse. >> It is difference solution to solve problems we are facing for today. It is building all types homes there province in ontario we can do that. We have done that in the before and... >> Ontario house minister make announcement yesterday at shepherds of good hope building on murray street that currently under con,. It will open in spring 2025 with 40 8and drop-in and new soup kitchen. >> Stefan: it is first class experience for these canines bark era from new york los angeles and all first classer to furry friends. Treats and toys are provided including...

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