
CHRO - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

It also features an auto shutoff timer. Just set the timer, relief your pain and go to sleep. - In our clinic, we would recommend Dr. Ho's for patients, with lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or pain from arthritis. - [Announcer] With Dr. Ho's, you can treat yourself in the middle of the night, on the weekends and even while on vacation and it's drug free. A sleek design allows you to wear it discreetly under your shirt. Recommended for anyone with back pain, from heavy lifting at work, doing household chores, accidents sitting all day, working out and poor sleeping positions. The choice is clear. With TENS and EMS therapy, lumbar support and core compression, treating your back couldn't get any easier. - It relaxes your back and your muscles. I would definitely recommend people to go and get one. - [Announcer] So if you suffer with nagging back pain, order today and get Dr. Ho's triple action back belt with the pain therapy device for today's exclusive TV special. You'll also get a travel pouch so you can take the device anywhere you need. Want even more? Call right now, and we'll also include two body pads designed for relieving neck pain, shoulder tension, and arm pain. Two large body pads, specifically designed to relieve symptoms of sciatica, leg pain and knee pain. And for best results, the easy to use pad placement chart. All you do is follow the pictures, it's that easy. On top of all that, you'll also get two portable foot therapy pads for sore and achy feet. A combined value of $78 included. We are so confident that you'll love Dr. Ho's triple action back belt that you'll get our full 90 day money back guarantee. That's almost three whole months. If you don't love it, return it and get a full refund of the purchase price, just pay the shipping. And there's more order now, and we will include our one-year all-inclusive warranty. If anything goes wrong in the next year, we will either repair or replace your unit for free and we'll even cover the cost of shipping. You pay absolutely nothing. Hold on, use code, no pain and get a bottle of Dr. Ho's pain relief spray. Just pay the processing, but you must call right now. - Since having the belt, I actually feel rejuvenated because I'm havi TEMS machine go on, I'm having the lumbar support and I'm without a lot of pain at the end of the day. - Pain affects everyone. If you know a friend or family member, that suffers with pain, get them my system today. Help them live with less pain, be more active and get back to doing the things they love. - [Announcer] Ask about an extra discount for buying two. Pick up the phone to find out what today's exclusive TV special is. You'll get Dr. Ho's triple action back belt with all the extra accessories in bonuses and Dr. Ho's 90 day money back guarantee. Love a good deal? Then ask for Dr. Ho's ultimate package. Which includes 16 extra body pads, four extra large body pads, Dr. Ho's therapy and support band with two extra pads. Dr. Ho's posture brace, and Dr. Host magic heat pad. And there's more, order the ultimate package and we will upgrade your warranty to our industry leading five year VIP warranty. Hurry, you won't find this deal in stores. Get relief for nagging back pain with Dr. Ho's triple action back belt. - As a chiropractor, my philosophy of health is to actually help the patient. So the more things that they can do on their own after they leave my office, and that includes exercise, proper diet and use of things at home, like the Dr. Ho, that will help them. And it even helps them on the weekends when they can't see me. And they tell me that after their use of the TENS unit at home, they say how helpful th and how helpful the Dr. Ho was. And the patients who use it, stand by it, and I support my patient's decision in that use. I started using Dr. Ho when they first came out about 15 years ago. And I had success with it that I started sharing that information with my patients. So I started providing the information and the product in my office for 15 years now. - How long ago were you diagnosed with arthritis in your lower back? - I was diagnosed with arthritis nine years ago. Dr. Ho's products has been a game changer ever since. - Before you used the Dr. Ho, what would your pain level be on a scale one to 10? - It was always between eight to 10. - And then after, what would you rate your pain usually? - Three, even one. Sometimes I don't even notice that there's pain anymore. - Since you've been using this, what are some of the things you can do now? - I can golf more. Actually, just to get rid of pain. Back spasms, I've had less back spasms since I've been using this product. - Well, and that's very important, okay? Because when you're in pain, most people slows right down. Bad mood, low energy. You don't want to do anything. Anybody will do, you say, I don't feel like it, you go. But when start to feel better, you hey, let's go for a little golf game, let's go for a walk. One thing lead to another, you become more active. - Right, correct. - Okay. - I feel better than I did four months ago. - Okay, because a lot of you feel much older than your age because of your pain. Can you stand up, you got the back belt on, but it's not turned on. This is a black belt, okay? Look what it's got on. Got electrotherapy built right in.

There's electrical pulse already inside. Now there's many features about this belt. First of all, it's got really comfortable material. He can wear this under his clothing, he can sit down and be very comfortable. Now, you've got this adjustable strap here. We can adjust the tension. When you're going lifting, you want lots of tension there to strengthen your abdominal core, so you can live with stability. Now, the second feature you're going to love is this inflatable bladder. You can pump this by pushing just like that, And it inflates this bladder that's sitting behind your lumbar, extending your spine, supporting the lumbar curve and the fact you can just adjust it to fit your curve. Now, how does that feel Edgar? - I feel a lot of support, yeah. - Is it comfortable? - It's very comfortable. - Okay, great. Now, can you turn this way for me. For the first time I've been able to incorporate the pain therapy system right into the belt. So by turning this on, it's going to relieve your back pain on demand. Are you ready Edgar? - I'm ready. - Okay, here we go. We're just going to turn this on, let me know when you start to feel something. - Oh, wow that is fantastic, wow, wow. - Isn't that good? - Oh my gosh. - What are you feeling? - It feels like I'm at the massage therapists and yeah. - Are you feeling it on the skin or you feel deep inside? - I feel it deep inside, yeah. It's so comfortable. - Now, have a sit, okay? This is something you can use at work. You can use it if you're a passenger of a car, you can be using it while you're watching your favorite TV show to relieve your back pain. The arthritis pain in your back every single day. Now Tracy, now if some people see your muscle moving like that, they may say, oh, I don't know. Does that hurt? - Feels fantastic. - Is there any pain? - No pain whatsoever. It feels like there's an extra strong massage therapist. With the shoulder chronic pain, I find the best mode is the B mode. And so when I finish the therapy session, my muscles feel so relaxed. But while it's going, there's no pain. It just feels great. I have not had a good night's sleep until I started using Dr. Ho. Now I'm sleeping and I'm much happier. - I had a herniated disc since I was about 18. And I've always been in and out of physiotherapy. They started using similar type unit and I figured I'd go and buy one. Whenever I have a problem with my back, it's good. - How long does it take before you experience relief? - Probably a day of using it and I can get up and move around, and it's good. It relaxes your back and your muscles. You buy the unit once and you can do it at home and just keep reusing it. I would definitely recommend people to go and get one. - Listen, pain can be disabling at the very least. You feel tired because you can't sleep. You have no fun 'cause you can't play with your grandkids, can't take the long trip, can't take the vacation, can't do your gardening. That's not living. How many of you wake up every day like this? Many of you suffer unnecessary. You need to do something about it. Give this a try. With Dr. Ho, this is modern technology for pain relief. - [Announcer] Imagine what you could do with less pain. Work, garden, play with the kids, sleep. Dr. Ho's helps relieve your pain so you can do the things you love to do. With Dr. Ho's. you can treat yourself in the middle of the night, on the weekends and even while on vacation and it's drug free. A sleek design allows you to wear it discreetly under your shirt. Recommended for anyone with back pain from heavy lifting at work, doing household chores, accidents, sitting all day, working out and poor sleeping positions. The choice is clear. With TEMS and EMS therapy, lumbar support and core compression, treating your back couldn't get any easier. So if you suffer with nagging back pain, pick up the phone to find out what today's exclusive TV special is. You'll get Dr. Ho's triple action back belt with all the extra accessories and bonuses, and Dr. Ho's 90 day money back guarantee. Hurry, you won't find this deal in stores. Get relief for nagging back pain with Dr. Ho's triple action back belt. - I have Cassandra here, okay? Cassandra, how has my pain relief system changed your life? - Someone came and gave me one of your devices. - So you got it as a gift.? - Yeah. And I tried it to go to sleep because I went numerous nights without sleep. I could just to get out of bed to anything 'cause my back hurts so bad I couldn't move. - I understand. - And I put it on my back and I woke up in the morning and my back felt amazing. And after that I was like, oh my gosh, wow. I got to tell people about Dr. Ho - Oh, that's so kind of you to share. From your heart, what would you say to someone? - I would say that rest is really important. How are you supposed to get rest when you're in pain? But I think one of the ways that you can get rest

is by using his device because it helps. - I worked in dentistry, I worked 12 hour shifts. I sat in a hunched over position. What I experienced was a sore back. Before when I was gardening, vacuuming, doing dishes, standing for long period of time, my back used to get sore. Since having the belt, when I do those chores, I actually loosen up my back because I'm having the TENS machine go on, I'm having the lumbar support and I'm able to do it for much longer, and without a lot of pain at the end of the day. It was effective in managing the pain. And I really would recommend the belt to anybody. - Welcome, Dr. John Fujimagari. Now, I know for the past 10 years you've been using my pain therapy systems in your practice, on your patients and you've been recommending my system to many chronic pain patient to use at home. - We've been using your pain therapy system in our clinic for a number of years, as an adjunct towards our therapy, along with a number of other products that you have. It is far more cost effective than anything else that we could get for our patients. - Who do you think benefits from this? - Well, patients with pain in general would benefit. We see a number of different specific things like lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, sports injuries. Anyone can basically benefit from the pain therapy system and the patients love it. And they find it easy to use. And like I said, it acts as an adjunct to our treatments in the clinic, a supplement between treatments when they use it at home. - I can stand up for a minute here to just show everyone again, this is my triple action back belt that I got on. So when you stand all day, lift all day or sit all day or twist all day. All that repeated motion causes a lot of straining and pain. By having a belt that give them good support, and by incorporating the TENS therapy right into the belt, now a worker can relieve their back pain while they're working. Do you feel this is something a chronic back patient can benefit from? - Like you said there's three functions there. So they have the back support that they would get from a normal back support. But they now have the ability to run the pain therapy system while they're working. - Listening to Dr. John, listening to me or anybody else on this show will not help you. Get this home, put it on and see how you feel. Please do yourself a favor, do your family favor, get this for yourself or for someone you love, who suffer pain. Thank you for your time and for your trust. - Why does your guy suffer from back pain? - Everything we manufacture is done by hand, guys do get hurt. Your product helps, I wear one often myself and several of my employees have adopted that philosophy to wear it while they're working. - What would you say to another guy out there who's working and experiencing back pain on the job? - I would tell them to try it. I've found sometimes when my back is so sore that I can't even move, I put it on and it loosens it up. I would highly recommend it. - Now this is actually feeling good, it is actually working. If you've got any sort of back pain and you're using your back for lifting and that, get one, it helps. - [Announcer] Are you waking up with back pain, then going to work with pain and coming home still in pain? If so, check this out. For the first time, Dr. Ho's combines not one, not two but three pain relief solutions to develop a product custom designed for back pain. This is Dr. Ho's triple action back belt. Whether you suffer with chronic back pain or just recently tweaked your back, Dr. Ho's can help. First, the belt is powered by Dr. Ho's pain therapy device, which provides both TENS therapy and EMS therapy through the built-in electrodes. This helps relax tight back muscles, improves circulation to the legs and relieves your nagging back pain. Second, Dr. Ho's belt is embedded with an inflatable lumbar support cushion. Pump it up to get customized lumbar support. Third, with its dual support band, you get dual core compression. Use light core compression for everyday activities or adjust it for strong core compression for heavy lifting. That's right with Dr. Ho's triple action back belt, you get TENS and EMS therapy, lumbar support and core compression. And it feels like a soothing hands-on massage. - If you suffer with lower back pain, please try the triple action back belt. It's got pain therapy already built in. You can feel the relief. - But what's the secret behind Dr. Ho's? The secret is Dr. Ho's proprietary AMP technology. That's auto modulated pulse technology, which provides over 300 different stimulations that vary in wavelength, frequency and rest periods. These automatically change so you get a soothing variety of pulses. - I really liked Dr. Ho's

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