
CHRO - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

(Whoosh) >> For this challenge, you'll only have eight minutes. (Babbling) >> This is gonna be the hardest and quickest eight minutes of my entire life. >> Everything you'll need is at your station, including expertly crafted Paderno kitchenware. (Dramatic instrumental music) After we examine and taste your sole meunière, one of you will have to leave the MasterChef Canada kitchen for the last time. >> This whole business is quite foreign to me. I don't even know where the meat is in this thing. I just hope that doesn't send me home. >> Are you ready to use your filleting knife to save your skin? >> All: Yes, Chef! >> Then look sharp because your time starts... now! >> Josh: Go, go, go, go, go! Come on, guys! (Cheering) >> We only have eight minutes to fillet, pan fry, and present the perfect meunière-style fillets of a gorgeous sole. Here you have to use a flexible filleting knife, go down the back spine of that fish, work around the neck down along the fins, and then slowly peel that white gorgeous fish off the back of its bone. >> Jenny: I can't get it out. >> It has to be impeccable and there is no time to mess up. >> (Sighs) It's not working for me.This fish is so delicate, I have to get out two equally portioned fillets and I just tried to carve out this flesh. Come on, you fish. >> Dover sole is my favourite fish so I want to get every single morsel of flesh. I don't want any of it stuck to the skin or the bones. >> I've never really filleted fish.I tried it once three years ago and I absolutely mangled a rainbow trout. I tried to stay as close to the body as possible, but I notice I'm leaving flesh behind. >> I can feel the fillet just coming off the bone. It's working perfectly. >> Tony's a threat, for sure. He's been in cooking for so long. He knows his stuff. I think he's done this a few times before. >> Never filleted a fish in my whole life. Never.The last time I went fishing with my grandson, we caught a trout and then we had to throw it back because we didn't know how to fillet it. For this challenge, it's happening. >> Good job, Tony! >> Yeah, baby! >> Yeah! >> I can't get the skin off it. >> Oh, Jenny's doing the skin the wrong way. That's so much harder. >> It's got bones in it, I can't. I get two fillets out, but I can't get the skin off. I'm trying. When I go to rip the skin off, the whole white flesh rips in half. I can't. >> Go, go, go. Don't give up. Just get going. >> It's painful to look at Jenny. That fish is being absolutely mutilated. >> I ruined my fillet. Now I have to try to get another fillet out. I don't care what it looks like at this point, as long as there's two fillets on that plate. It's gonna be small, but I'm not giving up. >> Yeah, dude! >> Come on, come on, come on. Let's go! >> That's it, Jenny! (Cheering) >> Four minutes! You're halfway through this challenge! >> Four minutes away. >> Jenny seems to be slightly behind Tony, and Rozin is just trailing Jenny. >> These fillets are pretty heinous, but I need to take my time because I can make it even worse. Ooh, baby. Okay, come on. I'm most nervous about Tony. He is making a really, really good sole. So I'm thinking I need to beat Jenny. Keep going, keep going. >> Three minutes! Only three more minutes left! Get that fish in the pan soon! Tony's got a fish in the pan. Jenny's got her fish on the pan. And Rozin, I think, is just putting it right now. >> I have zero experience cooking fish. But I've read a lot about it. I usually spent two hours a day studying food, so I'm hoping I can make a meunière. The meunière is a French technique. It's brown butter, parsley, and lemon. Just three ingredients, very simple, but I just need to get the cook correct. Where is my fillet? Oh. >> Jenny's actually, like, cooking it properly. >> I put the butter in the pan early because I want it to be brown before I put the fish in. And only a little bit. If you put too much, the fish will be pale. >> Josh: Rozin's got too much butter. >> It's not hot enough. >> Yeah. >> Fish are in the pan, butter is blonde. Come on, brown. >> If the butter's not hot enough, it won't brown. You want that butter to turn a nut-brown colour, which brings out a beautiful nutty flavour. >> If I don't brown my butter, it's not really meunière. It's just a sole with butter on it. >> Ooh, crap, I made a mistake. Put the lemon in the pan, ah.

And when you put lemon into the pan the heat goes down. So, now I'm worried. (Tick) >> One minute! In one minute time, I want that fish ready in one minute! (SiZzling) >> One minute! I'm a little bit anxious, because I need to get the fish browned a little bit. It needs maybe one more minute. I don't have another minute. I need to leave it in there for as long as I can. >> The butter is not browning, and I can't do anything about it. >> Ten, nine... >> Judges: Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Hands up! (Applause) >> Fudge! >> Good job you guys! >> Rozin: Dude. (Applause) Wow. Eight minutes. >> Good fight, guys. (Dramatic instrumental music) >> Rozin. Knife skills, huh? >> Yup. >> Michael: A little lacking when it comes to filleting fish. >> And you can see where you struggled trying to get your knife to really carve up against that bone. >> One fillet is not too bad. This other fillet is a lot more damage done to removing it. And the parsley is left whole as opposed to chopped. >> It's quite pale, but I can tell you one thing: that's cooked perfectly. Maybe it'll taste better than it looks. >> That's the dream, Chef. >> Nicely seasoned, well cooked. I can taste a little bit of that white pepper in the background, and you got just enough of that lemon juice to cut through that butter. It's just the blondeness and the butchery work could cost you. Thank you, Rozin. >> Thank you, chefs. >> Hi, Jenny. >> Hi. >> What do you think about the fillet? >> Jenny: It sucks. >> Too the words out of my mouth, because I think you got more fish on the carcass than you have on the plate. >> Well, on a more positive note, the brown colour of that Dover sole is about as perfect as I think you can get. (Sharp inhale) >> Jenny, you see the opaqueness right here? >> Jenny: Yeah. >> That's a good thing. >> Oh, good. >> Unfortunately, both fillet were so different. And you can see that... >> Jenny: Overcooked. >> Alvin: That's overcooked. >> Jenny: Yeah. >> You got good flavours there, but the presentation looks very scrappy. This is a knife fight, and that filleting may cost you. >> Thank you, Chef. >> Tony, you did a good job. You almost took all of the flesh off. A very small amount is left. Are you sure you haven't done this before? >> No. (Chuckling) >> You got two pieces that's almost the same size. Very good thickness. Very nice job. >> Thank you. I think I put the lemon a little bit early. >> I think you did. >> Tony: Yeah. >> The colour is a little on the light side. A couple of shades darker would have been right on point. >> This one is glistening. This fish was cooked nicely. >> There's one misstep in the flavour profile. Needs a little more sauce to coat that fish. The butchery though is really where you shine. >> Thank you. >> Okay, thank you. >> Thank you. My grandson would be just so impressed with my skills. Maybe they want to go fishing again. (Chuckling) >> They did a good job, but there was no dish that was complete. >> I'm really hoping that what I put out there is enough. You never know in this competition. >> Some of them did an amazing job butchering their fish but failed on the flavour. Others succeeded with the flavour but failed with the butchery. It's too close to call. >> I'm really freaking out. This feels like déjà vu right now. I think I'm going home. (Whoosh) A diaper this leak-free,sets them free. Only Pampers Cruisers 360 have a 360 stretchy waistband. Plus a newblowout barrier. For up to 100%leak-free fit. Pampers Cruisers 360. Live wild and free. That grimey film on your teeth... Dr. G? That's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause cavities. Unlike other toothpastes, Crest Pro-Health's Antibacterial Fluoride fights bacteria for 12 hours. It stops cavities before they start. Crest. Ok, someone just did laundry... No, I add Downy Light so the freshness really lasts. Yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. And I don't like anything. But I like this. Get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes.

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