
CHRO - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Final game in the tournament. Did you ever think you'd be back on top? Yes. The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You must crush this beast. Step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at CRAVE.CA. (Whooshing) Only one dish can win this challenge, and one home cook tipped the scales with their creative use of these ingredients. And that home cook is... (Suspenseful instrumental music) Cryssi. Congratulations. Good job. Cryssi: I proved to the home cooks that they should not underestimate me any longer. Cryssi, you have earned a huge advantage in this next elimination challenge. Thank you. Please follow us to the pantry. This is definitely a special moment to actually just be in the pantry with the three judges and nobody else. Cryssi, what's racing through your mind? I mean, I don't know if I'm safe. I-- just the unknown. Well, we warned you that sometimes winning the mystery box will not save you from elimination. Unfortunately, this is one of those times. You will have to cook tonight along with everyone else. Okay. But on the bright side, you get to work with some seriously luxurious ingredients. Feast your eyes on these culinary crown jewels. Abalone from the sea, its texture is quite firm, and it's absolutely delicious if you know how to use it. Fresh uni is very creamy. Ebisudai, wagyu beef, black garlic, matsutake mushrooms. And it's spicy, lots and lots of flavour, XO sauce. Opulent, extravagant and 100% Asian, just like me. (Laughing) Each one of these gems is heavenly to eat but, oh, so tricky to work with. Your advantage is a big one. You get to choose which ingredient each home cook has to work with, and you can start with yourself. Hmm. Cryssi: So far in the competition, I've either done vegetarian dishes or light seafood dishes. So I want the wagyu beef. Okay, Cryssi, now please go ahead and pair each of your fellow home cooks with one of the remaining ingredients. My first thought is be kind. Give everybody somethingthey can work with. And then I think, don't be stupid. This is a competition, and the title is on the line. Let's mess with them a little bit. Hmm. I assign Andre the fresh uni. He's just such a cool, calm, collected kind of guy that I kind of just want to see what happens if he's thrown a curve ball. Melissa is going to get the XO sauce. Cutthroat Cryssi came out to play today. As you can see Cryssi is not exempt from cooking tonight, but winning has its privileges. Cryssi will get a head start, and she was able to strategically assign each of you the ingredient you'll be oking with, but you won't find out what you've been assigned until you get into the pantry. Josh: I don't think Cryssi's going to go soft on us at all. I think she's going to start to put pressure on people. You only have 60 minutes to create a MasterChef-quality dish. Remember at least one of you will be leaving this competition. Are you ready? All: Yes, Chef! Your time starts... now! Josh: Okay. Chanelle: Oh! Josh: Okay. Oh, my gosh. Holy yuck. I have no idea what this is. XO sauce? I have no idea what that is. I got abalone... abalonne? Abaloon? Abaloney? I think that's a mollusk. It kind of remindsme of a snail. I think I got the hardest one. When it comes to Chanelle, she always talks about the high-end things that she eats. Put your money where your mouth is. Oh, man, there's scales and everything. Cryssi: I decide to give Jennifer the ebisu dai. In the mystery box challenge her fish dish didn't get her called up, so let's see what happens.

Josh: All right, guys. Let's do this. Take apart a fish I've never taken apart before. I feel like I was playingit safe on the mystery box. I just want to make sure I take calculated risks this time around. Woman: Have a good cook, everybody! Here we go. Josh: Okay. Let's do this. Alvin, do you think this challenge is going to be difficult with these Asian ingredients? Definitely. With luxury ingredients, less is more. You really want to showcase it. Cryssi gave me the sea urchin, the uni. I've never actually cooked with this ingredient before. I'm touching it. I'm tasting. I'm trying to see what can pair with this thing. Uni it's so creamy and delicate. You don't want to overpower it, and definitely you don't want to dishonour it. It tastes very fishy, seawatery. I'm super thrown off. (Whirring) I am going to do a Wagyu beef two ways. I'm going to do a tartare, and I'm going to do a tataki. I just really want to highlight the meat itself. I think that it was a very wise choice that Cryssi picked the Wagyu beef. It's one of the most coveted proteins in the world. Wagyu beef is a special breed of cow whichomes from Japan. These cattles are pampered. They are fed beer, corn, and they are given massages to make sure that all the muscle, it's soft. This is why it's so expensive. If I go home having an advantage, that would just be the worst thing ever. (Ticking) Cryssi gave me XO sauce. I'm not really sure what it is. It smells not bad. It smells fishy. The XO sauce is so packed full of flavours: dried sea scallop, shrimp, garlic, chillies. I'm really trying to figure out how to make XO sauce the star of the dish here. I'm thinking it's gonna go really good with pork belly. I am making a Chinese pork belly and celery root purée. I have never useda pressure cooker before, but the pressure cookeris my only option if I want cooked pork bellyin this hour. Pork belly cooked in XO sauce, that sounds like a new classic. The only pitfall of that is XO sauce, which is quite delicate, is she's got to make sure she has enough to star in that dish. I don't want to go home. The numbers are getting low, so it's scary. Cryssi gave me black garlic. Black garlicis fermented garlic. It's double the antioxidantsand really healthy for you. I'm super familiar with black garlic, you know. I make it at home all the time. It's a huge stroke of luck for me. It tastes exactly like balsamic vinegar, so it's not really a standalone kind of ingredient, right? So, you really have to kind of ax all that flavour out of it into something else. I'm going to make a pappardelle with a black garlic cream sauce, and I'm going to have a deep-fried egg yolk on top. 20 minutes! You only have 20 minutes. ??? Come on, you. Jennifer is eating up a lot of valuable time right now, butchering her fish. This feels embarrassingto say, like, as someone who comesfrom the East Coast, but I've literally neverfilleted a wholeish before. Hi there, Jennifer. Hello, Chef Michael. You got given the fish. Yes, I did. And you spent a fair bit of time removing the fillets. Yes, I did. I am making an ebisu dai carpaccio. I'm going to be deep frying the body as well and serving the carpaccio in the body. On the carcass. Jennifer: Yes. Yes. That sounds a very interesting and unique presentation. Do you think this could be a bit of a do-over after those fishcakes? Maybe. I'm excited for the opportunity to wk with fish again. I love the positivity that you bring to every challenge. Thank you so much, Chef. Good luck, and use that time wisely. Yes, sir. These matsutake mushrooms are an ingredient I've never worked with, but I mean, it's a mushroom. How hard can ibe? I think Cryssi me a big solid. Jenny, walk me through your dish. What are you making? That's going to be a mushroom egg drop soup, and then I'm going to have a warm grilled salad. This is like a miso soup? Yeah, and I have all these really beautiful ingredients to add on the end, as well as all these grilled vegetables but not overpowering the special mushroom, I promise. Not just a special mushroom. It's the hero of the dish. These are one of the most luxurious mushrooms on planet Earth. They can cost up to $1,000 a pound. I don't even feel like I should be touching them. But you're no stranger to mushrooms, are you? I'm not, no. We work with portobellos, and we forage wild mushrooms all the time. Well, focus, dig deep, and don't doubt yourself. Thank you, Chef. Going back to my roots with all veggies feels really great because I can finally just come out and do what I love.

My food dream is a cateringcompany where I grow and forage, and I just want to give people the freshest ingredientsthat I can. This abalone is very tough. It's like rubber, so I know I have to really break down its fibres, or else it's justoing to stay rubbery. Chanelle! Hi, Chef. So, getting abalone from Cryssi. Do you think that was a gift, or was that something to maybe trip you up? I'll think it as a compliment that she wanted to give me a challenge. This is a very difficult ingredient to work with. You have to elevate it, make it shine. Yes. chael: So, tell me what the plan is. I really wanted to go Japanese, so I'm doing a sushi rice. I'm going to do a kale gomae and then I'm going to do the panko-crusted abalone. Hopefully it will be tender and tasty. Hopefully. So, dre, what do you think Cryssi's strategy was in assigning you uni? Oh, to definitely throw me off. Does that fire you up? It just shows that this is a game, and there's no friends here. I just gotta focus on what I'm doing and make sure I don't go home today. Walk me through your dish. What are you making? I'm going with a cauliflower steak paired with cauliflower rice and edamame, and with a mango uni sauce. Well, I like where you're going right now. This dish sounds very unusual and different. Good luck. Thank you, Chef. Alvin: 10 minutes! All right. The worst part about the pressure cooker is I can't see if my meat's done. I open my pressure cooker up. I'm seeing this pork belly. It's not ready. She is in big trouble. It's really tricky to open the pressure cooker prematurely. You won't be able to get it back up to pressure quick enough. Alyssa: I really don't want to mess this up. I hate this pressure cooker right now. (Whooshing) A diaper this leak-free,sets them free. Only Pampers Cruisers 360 have a 360 stretchy waistband. Plus a newblowout barrier. For up to 100%leak-free fit. Pampers Cruisers 360. Live wild and free. Feeling sluggish or weighed down? Could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. But a little Metamucil every day can help. Metamucil's psyllium fibregels to trap and remove the wastethat weighs you down... you can lighten up*every day the Metamucil way. That grimey film on your teeth... Dr. G? That's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause cavities. Unlike other toothpastes, Crest Pro-Health's Antibacterial Fluoride fights bacteria for 12 hours. It stops cavities before they start. Crest. Darrell's family uses Gain Flings now, so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Woman: Isn't that the dog's towel? (Groaning) Hey, mi towel, su towel. More Gain scent plus Oxi Boost and Febreze in every Gain Fling. Grace didn't believe in magic. But her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. What's the Walt Disney World thrill feel like? It's like... Woody: Howdy, partners! and like... (Giggles) and also like... (Screaming) And it feels even better together. And check this out. You can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. Visit to learn more. Disney thrills us like... (Screaming) ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way Sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. Like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. Which is why Downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher and better. Downy Breathe life into your laundry. Did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? Whaaat? I just cleaned those! Try Dawn Platinum. It removes 99% of grease and food residue. That's why Dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. Dawn Platinum cleans to the squeak. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. (Whooshing) Male Narrator: At least one home cook is facing elimination

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