
CHRO - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

than here haun he can see -- by thursday morning. So here is your seven-day forecast. Twenty three for today and we can see upwards 40 millimetres and 15 with low feels like 2le today. Tomorrow at twenty and break wednesday morning skies should clear and cloudy and wednesday and final sun is back thursday into your weekend forecast. >> Here your time saver traffic no issues on the roads right now. Traffic is moving well west and keep in mind we are expecting that rain and it could really soggy support for commute home. That rain will at its heaviest. >> Rosey: I said we want to hear what do you think about kid getting allowance for doing chores? That's question our social room this morning. Let us know. [text on screen] interesting topic. Good morning. You are watching ctv "morning live" temperature right now at 17 and we can see 40 millimetres on the way today. Ottawa Now with Kristy Cameron. On News talk 580 cfra ctv Morning Lives Ask the Expert brings you interesting guests & information (male vo) Join our expert Colleen Lyle owner of Trinity Stone Realty for valuable tools for buying or selling In Ottawa's exciting real estate market. Send in your questions by email, Facebook, x or call in live during the show (male vo) Ottawa News, weather traffic - It's everything you need. Ctv Morning Live Brought to you in part by Trinity Stone Realty. It's time to Toyota at Kingston Toyota When it's time for durability, it's time to Toyota Make Kingston Toyota Your destination for brand new or pre-owned Come see why our first time buyers come lifelong customers. When it's time for capability, it's time to Toyota. When it's time to electrify, it's time to Toyota. This guy is even ready to make the switch. No matter what you're looking for, it's always time for Kingston, Toyota Every moment matters in a medical emergency. But Ottawa's paramedics are stretched so thin, they're struggling to reach us in time. A message from cupe 503. Okay - bye! Hey, where are you off to with all that gear? I'm going to camp fortune with Zack. Isn't that a ski resort? No, Mom, it's not just a ski resort. What else can you do there, then? Weeeeeee [in excitment] Yeah, Yeah. Bunch of things. Okay, Bye! [door closes] Are you noticing your smile a lot more, now that were in daily online meetings? Are you embarrassed to let your true self show through your smile? Hi Im Dr. Andrea Stevens, and I can help. With our smile shaping makeover, you can have a beautiful, glowing smile, often in as little as 2 to 3 visits. Getting that smile youve always dreamed of might be faster and easier than you think. [Announcer] Your first step to a more beautiful, healthy smile is to make an appointment. Visit today! On the road again.Hi, everybody.I'm just arriving in Kemptvilleto check on

Consumer debt is at an all time high. The cost of food and basic items has risen so dramatically that it has made daily life unaffordable. Call Doyle Salewski for advice from experienced license or trained professional (female voice) a breast cancer diagnosis changes the life of every woman in a heart beat. Kelly's Boutique together with the innovation, knowlege and collaberation of heath care professionals & providers like Amoena can help renew your confidence and self asteem with longerie, activewear & swimwear designed to give women back their shillohette. Contact Kelly's Boutique to arrange an appointment with your personalized certified fitter. Amoena. The global leader in breast care products available at Kelly's Boutique (Dramatic music) You hurt? No excuses. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. >> Scores! Exciting stuff. In season of first, fans were treat to thrilling game four of the pwhl final. Minnesota up two to one playing bots and scoreless in the double over time. Nets game win for boston to force game five. Moments before minnesota thought they won but goal was over turn for goalie interference. Series returns to boston on wednesday and where one of these teams will be crowned league champions. >> Stefan: good morning. Welcome back ctv "morning live." here is what you need to know right now there is new warning about increase in lyme disease case with researchers saying case in canada have increased by more than one thousand per cent in the last decade. >> Melissa: in your forecast, it is wet one and we can see up to 40 millimetres rain and reaching twenty three and we are expecting that rain within next hour and it ran through tomorrow. Here is your time saver traffic. No issues on the highways so far. Traffic is moving well east to west. >> Stefan: thank you. Nearly three years that wheel fell off one light rail cars cause de rail and now new cbc report says train maker alstom abandon efforts to redesign many that cause at failure. Now bill carroll from morning rush on 580 cfra. Bill what are you thoughts on this morning after hearing that we are redesign to year. >> Bill: you think you heard it all with our trains? But you haven't. Three years ago that trains came off tracks and not much three days ago that last week, that mayor told us will be permanent fix. And well, put up with. Trains will move had a fast han more hants not perfect but we get final fixed for this problem. Now, we hear that may not be true but alstom, it needs redesign. There are little mesh ta take long to blake it work. Seems to be at tude from them. What really interesting to me is that even they admit we don't know what cause the problem. So they don't know that was cause but how know not redesign? That answer total non-answer they are trying -- get their lives an pretend we the allow that or their problem and get in fixed and fixed perm northernly soon will be nice. Let's not forget provincial government made clear until you permanent fix for probably don't expect penny for stage three expansion and at the moment that probably really good thing. Ottawa needs to be very careful moving ahead with more train systems because we can't make ones we have work. Why extend spend more money? Considering a fact if a post pandemic world change and if you are fewer are using public transit so get reality check that rally here reminder that maybe when were doing with should be doing >> Stefan: certainly as useer public those did not want

feel their safety gambled with bill. >> Bill: well, yeah that's biggest problem. Very thing about the possibility of wheel coming off while on train and train come off tracks. So yes, that's not just inconvenience here, it is safety issue. We are doing everything we can to mitigate that and still in the en don't no went wrong, we know if er right thing to keep continuation on the track. Not good enough. >> Stefan: another situation with L.R.T. that we have to watch closely. Thank you for in. >> Okay. Another day, another transit nightmare welcome hom to morning with bill carroll on 580 cfra weekdays from 6to 10 am. Coming up, we are talking to financial experts about giving kids an allowance for doing chores so that's what we are talking about. You are a parent and what do you taken it >> Rosey: it is good thing. You know it teach kids about money and about reward for the doing work and I am talking about extra work. Not about you made your bed soar some money. No. We are set this and some extra work needs to be done and you will be paid for. Then learn that's how works. Ah now I get to pet up little birch account so save so I think this I think it is good thing. >> Melissa: I agree with. My kids not age where getting an allowance yet but teaching this bakesics money fraurz how hard you to work but also, in general how much things cost bus they have little bank no more pennies but little penny bank arch go to buy some things and realise how hard to work to earn that little thing so I think it is good thing and I think eferg they are older will be on allowance. >> Stefan: it is tool for financial literacy myself the sure similar what you shade should be getting to do what you be doing but I think that there is lerch to be taught in terms of keeping your room clean, our own space clean, threes bakes why things don't need fob reward for. So not rear for it does mean you are not doing it. However, going outside of your home, maybe mowing lawn for neighbour, doing some shovelling those chores you can turn into the job that don't pertain our own house that you should maintain and helping. A art paf family unit >> Melissa: I agree with out. >> Interesting to get financial experts take on this and what they have to stay in terms of gad thing or bad thing? >> Rosey: what do you do with that money? There you that's next step. That's question our social room. [text on screen] let us know. Sends us e-mail you know we love hearing from you. [text on screen] >> Melissa: most kids will spends allowance on the ice cream truck. It comes around at supper time. I don't know why. Ice cream before dinner that's what my kids had saturday night! Good morning ottawa. You are watching ctv "morning live." roads still running smoothly. We are expecting rain in the next hour so keep in minding it a soggy day Are you considering downsizing for finding a space that better suits your needs? With 22 years of experience, our office understands emotional and practical decisions when selling your home. If you have questions about your property or the neighborhood you live in, contact our office today. Upbeat rock music

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