
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

there's a voice that keeps on calling me down the road, that's where I'll always be every stop I make, I make a new friend can't stay for long. Just turn around and I'm gone again maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on so if you want to join me for awhile just grab your hat, we'll travel light, that's hobo style maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on ( ) Ummmm... Well, that's heavy... I would probably hug them and try to stop them from doing that. Don't do it! Like... you know, you're my friend, I love you... I'd be afraid of what to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing. ( ) If you're worried about someone, let them know that you are here for them and want to help. You can call or text 9-8-8 any time to get support. ( ) Snowmelt and spring showers caused damaging leaks inside your home. Hi, I'm Jerry from the Foundation. Guys, we offer foundation repair, basement waterproofing and crawl space encapsulation. The foundation guys were the right guys to call. [Music] Sometimes the most exciting changes in life can leave us wondering what's next. Your home is your most valuable asset, full of unforgettable memories. So when it's time to move, get a guaranteed sale with the Pilon group and eliminate the worry, stress and hassle. So when it's time to sell your home, the Pilon group will support and guide you every step of the way and guarantee your home sale in as little as 20 days. It's really that simple. Go to Pilon Group Dotcom now and start packing.Regain independence in your homewith help from [ Music] are you ready? [ Music] [ Music] are you ready? [ Music] [ Music] Yeah! >>hey call your dog off! [Carl]>> It ain't my dog. (barking) >>woo boy, simmer down. This is a taste of what you'll get if you don't come up with big al's money by tomorrow morning. [Carl]>> Where am I gonna get 30 grand? >>you should've thought of that before you started playing the ponies. Come on, let's go. (barking) [Carl]>> Thanks, pal. What's an artist without his beret? Lucky for me you came along when you did. Lucky, yeah. The name fits. You wanna do me a real favour, lucky? Go dig me up $30,000. That translates roughly into 75,000 hot dogs. Okay, sausages then. There's only one catch though, I gotta have the money by tomorrow morning. My studio. I know what you're thinking. What's a great artist like me doing betting on the horses? Well I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. The art business ain't so good. Take it from me, lucky, don't become a painter. (doorbell) [Wanda]>> Ah... Pardon me, do you clean paintings? [Carl]>> Like the sign says, lady. [Wanda]>> I know it doesn't look like much but it's been in my family for years so be careful with it, okay? [Carl]>> I'm an artist, not a butcher. Of course I'll be careful. [Wanda]>> I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. [Carl]>> Forget it. I've got a lot on my mind. Name please? [Wanda]>> Wanda vanderhoff. [Carl]>> Vanderhoff. Sounds dutch. [Wanda]>> It is. My grandfather was from holland. My friends used to kid me all the time about being in dutch. [Carl]>> Lady, you don't know what the word means. It'll be ready for you friday, if I'm still here. [Wanda]>> Pardon? [Carl]>> Nothing. [Wanda]>> Friday, fine. Wow, what a beautiful dog.

[Carl]>> He's for sale. Wanna buy him? $30,000. [Wanda]>> You better be careful. I might take you up on it. [Carl]>> She thinks I'm kidding. (bark) okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Well we might as well get started. This ain't bad. There seems to be a name buried here. Let's see. Vincent... Lucky! You are lucky. Do you realise who this guy is? It's vincent van gogh! It's original! I feel it in my bones! (barking) I know. Look at it this way, it's a matter of life and death, my death. Besides, I'm not trying to cheat her, I'll pay her back some day. (whine) in the meantime, I'll give her a clean copy of the original, she'll never know the difference. (whine) all right. I'll tell you what I'll do. I won't even charge her for the copy. Satisfied? [Al]>> If there's one thing I hate and despise is a welsher. See, a guy who don't pay his debts, he undermines the whole structure of society. Don't you agree? [Carl]>> Big al, I couldn't agree with you more. That's why I'm here. [Al]>> I see. And why did you bring this fine looking beast here with you? [Carl]>> In case any of your guys got a little impatient. I wanted to talk to you without getting bopped first. [Al]>> You got the wrong idea. There ain't no boppin', no boppees unless I say they're gonna get bopped. Fellas, you can be excused. I understand you got a little business you wanna talk to me about. [Carl]>> Yeah, that's right. In addition to your being a businessman, I noticed that you are also a collector of fine, fine art. [Al]>> Ha. Look kid, if you're figurin' to sell me one of your paintings, you're barkin' up the wrong person. I don't collect nothin' but famous artists. I'm very big in the culture department. [Carl]>> That's exactly what I'm talking about. How would you like to own a genuine van gogh? [Al]>> Van who? [Carl]>> Van gogh. Vincent van gogh. G-o-g-h. [Al]>> Van gog! Gog. [Carl]>> Excuse my pronunciation. [Al]>> Yeah, well, I could be interested in somethin' by this van gog. I hear this guy's a comer, eh? [Carl]>> A comer? Yeah, well, I have one of his paintings, it's worth at least a million dollars. [Al]>> A million dollars? Now ain't that a coincidence. See, the 30 thousand bucks you owe me, plus the interest, comes to - whadda you think - an even million bucks. [Carl]>> What?! I don't even get cut in? [Al]>> You think I'm givin' you a bad deal? [Carl]>> No. Never. [Al]>> When you gonna deliver the painting? [Carl]>> As soon as I finish painting the copy for the present owner. [Al]>> One thing I gotta warn you about, kid. I got my own private art expert who is the greatest guy in the world for detecting fakes. If you try and pull a fast one, kid, you're gonna be the one who gets painted outta the picture. [Carl]>> Big al, I know better than to try to pull a fast one on you. Believe me, this is a genuine van gug. [Al]>> Gog! [Carl]>> I stand corrected. Oh brother, that pirate! $870,000 in interest. (bark) yeah, yeah, I know. It wasn't even my picture to begin with. She's a nice girl. I'll make it up to her. I'll take her to lunch. [Wanda]>> Coffee? [Carl]>> Thanks. I couldn't eat another thing, you're a wonderful cook. [Wanda]>> Oh, thank you. The place looks empty without that painting. I suppose it doesn't mean much to a connoisseur like you but I've gotten used to it. [Carl]>> It's a fine painting. [Wanda]>> When can I come and pick it up? [Carl]>> It'll be ready tomorrow morning. [Wanda]>> Great, then I can

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