
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

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ah glory be pard, I knew you'd be back. You're down right dependable, that's what you are. That's more than I can say about people. You're darn right it's heavy. A whole lot more than we can handle. All right partner, you go for help and I'll wait here for ya. [Mr. Parsons]>> Susan, is the McGILLICUDDY turn-off to the right or to the left? I can't remember. Ah to the right, thanks. Oh no, did I hit ya? What the? Now wait a minute dog. Are you trying to tell me you want me to follow ya? Why didn't you just say so? [Jasper]>> Well now jasper, this is a fine fix ain't it? [Mr. Parsons]>> Okay dog, we've had the walk in the country, now give me the keys. Come on. Give me the keys. Come on. (hobo barking) [Jasper]>> Hold on a minute pooch. I think I've been a real sport about this but if you think I'm going to crawl into that hole with you, you're... (bark) come on, give me those keys. [Jasper]>> Partner! Don't come in here. The whole dang mountain's about to sit on my head. (coughs) [Mr. Parsons]>> So there's somebody in there. All right. (barking) give me a break dog. This is a new bit for me. [Jasper]>> Don't come in here partner. (coughs) dang it partner. You never listen to a word I say but glory be, you brought help. [Mr. Parsons]>> How are you? I'm just passing through here. You okay? [Jasper]>> Well you're a damn fool, whoever you are but I love ya just the same. [Mr. Parsons]>> All right, a little further. That's it. Can you walk? [Jasper]>> Not a foot. But if you'll get me going, you'll see the fastest crab crawl you ever saw in the world. [Mr. Parsons]>> Yep, that's it. Come on. Easy now. That's it. Easy now. Okay. [Jasper]>> I'm coming. [Jasper]>> I think I can make it. [Jasper]>> That's a devil of a place. [Laura]>> Uncle jasper! What happened? [Jasper]>> I don't rightly know laura. There was a whale of an explosion and the property fell on me head. But thanks to my partner and this friend here... [Laura]>> You! [Mr. Parsons]>> How about that? And I thought I was lost. [Laura]>> You're lower than I thought. What's next, murder? [Jasper]>> Laura have you taken leave of the little sense you had? This man here-- [Laura]>> This man is glen parsons. [Jasper]>> The devil himself? [Mr. Parsons]>> Laura, mr. McGILLICUDDY, look I wanted-- [Jasper]>> I beg your pardon sir, the first time in my long life, I have nothing to say, so I'll say nothing for the moment. [Mr. Parsons]>> Oh you brought my keys did ya? I think I'll find my own way home.

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