
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

[jingle ] cause we do that, you better call top hat there's a voice that keeps on calling me down the road, that's where I'll always be every stop I make, I make a new friend can't stay for long. Just turn around and I'm gone again maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on so if you want to join me for awhile just grab your hat, we'll travel light, that's hobo style maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on Tim and the Glory BoysThe inimitable Canadianbluegrass trio at the Théâtre du Casinodu Lac-Leamy on June 20th. Don't miss this thrilledcountry night. Tickets on sale now Are you looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than Lifestyle Home Products sun rooms. Our sun rooms are designed to bring the outdoors indoors, creating a serene and calming environment perfect for lounging, reading or spending quality time with your family. With our beautiful large windows, you'll never miss a sunrise or sunset, whether it's morning, noon or night. Our sun rooms provide the perfect backdrop for any activity, and with our customizable options, your sunroom can be tailored to your unique needs. Need a home office? We've got you covered. Yoga studio. Our sun rooms provide the perfect space for your practice. Planning a dinner party. Our sun rooms make for a stunning dining area. So why wait? Transform your home into a tranquil oasis with a lifestyle Sun room call or Click today to schedule your free, no obligation quote, and let us bring your vision to life.Like others weighing those options, it wasn't an easy decision, but they're glad they made it. I've been a homeowner since I was 23 years old. I didn't want to do the same thing. Look out for a house forever and ever. I wanted to travel a little more. I just learned some freedom. And now I get to choose what I want to do, not what I have to do. Visit a Lepine apartment near you to explore your options. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (banjo music) [Jasper]>> Come on partner. Now that we've got the chores done, we can spend a couple of hours in the mine. I feel lucky. By jingles you're right. This might be the day that jasper McGILLICUDDY hits another load. It was a day just like in 1936. Or now was it '38? >>okay you run through the crops and I'll knock over the chicken house. We'll starve the old guy out. (laughs) [Jasper]>> You know, danged if don't think you're right. The flood was '36. The drought was '38. (hobo barks) what's that? It's them again. Them blasted marauders again. (hobo barks) I'm coming partner. (barking) (banjo music) stand clear partner whilst I

ventilate those bushwhacking sons of... (gunshot) wee! We did it, didn't we pard? We run 'em off good and proper. That's right boy. You look after the livestock while I go see if I can set my privy back up. [Mr. Parsons]>> You told me that by this time last week, you would have convinced this old man, McGILLICUDDY, to sell us his 10 acres. But instead of the deed to his property, I have here on my desk a memo informing me that a brand new motorcycle which we were fortunate to recover at all, now needs $1,500 in repair work. [Ralph]>> All I tried to do sir-- [Mr. Parsons]>> I don't even want to think about what you tried to do. All I know is you failed to do it. And I don't hand out bonuses for failure. [Ralph]>> Give me another shot mr. Parsons. [Mr. Parsons]>> You're lucky you still have your job. Out. >>what happened ralph? Did we get the can? [Ralph]>> No we didn't. But I'm not giving up on that bonus money so fast either. (intercom buzzes) [Mr. Parsons]>> Yes susan. [Susan]>> Laura bailey to see you sir. [Mr. Parsons]>> Oh yes, yes of course, send her in. >>didn't he even get mad? [Ralph]>> Oh he's mad all right but one thing about glen parsons, he pays for results. I'll get that old codger off that place if it kills me. Or him. [Mr. Parsons]>> As I mentioned in my letter, my last offer was a quarter million dollars. And frankly miss bailey, the property is only worth that kind of money to me since it is located right in the middle of my planned development. [Laura]>> But I can't understand why uncle jasper turned it down. [Mr. Parsons]>> He accused my attorneys of trying to slicker him out of his gold mine. [Laura]>> He's still working that mine? [Mr. Parsons]>> Yes it would appear so, in spite of the fact that the state engineers have stated on the record there are no mineral deposits of any kind within 1,000 miles of that area. [Laura]>> But I haven't seen my uncle in almost 20 years. I don't know that he'll listen to anything that I say. [Mr. Parsons]>> Well hopefully mr. McGILLICUDDY is as vulnerable to charm and beauty as the rest of us. [Laura]>> I'll do what I can. [Mr. Parsons]>> I appreciate that. I have a driver waiting to take you out there. [Jasper]>> Ha! Ya we did it! This is the big one! We struck a vein! This is the big one pard. What's this? Here they come again. Don't you worry. Me and beulie will fix 'em. I'm coming pard. (gunshot) [Laura]>> Uncle jasper don't shoot! It's me, laura bailey, your niece. [Jasper]>> That sounds like a woman don't it? [Laura]>> I'm coming up there uncle jasper. Don't shoot. [Jasper]>> What the devil is she talking about? I never shot a woman in my life. Well come on up here girlie, whoever you are. Nobody going to shoot ya, not while old jasper McGILLICUDDY is alive. [Laura]>> Look uncle jasper, it's me, your sister jane's daughter. [Jasper]>> What do you take me for? Old janey's been 5 years dead. [Laura]>> I'm her daughter. I'm laura. [Jasper]>> Now that's rich. Little old laura is no bigger than a hiccup. [Laura]>> Well that was 20 years ago. The last time I was here I opened the gate to the chicken coop and all the chickens went out. Do you remember? [Jasper]>> Well where in the devil you been? You stay away from that chicken coop. [Laura]>> You haven't changed much uncle jasper. [Jasper]>> Changed? Why should I change? Sometimes you talk just as silly as your mother. Feather headed women don't make no sense. >>what if he sees ya and turns the dog on ya? [Ralph]>> Nobody's going to see anything. I'll wait until him and the dog go in the mine. The only thing they're going to see is a great big bonfire. [Jasper]>> Ya darn fool female. You ain't got the sense that you was born with. I shake a whole cupful of evidence right under

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