
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

check out you can sign up run maybe you put it off to it late you can get family out walk for great cause this sunday morning. Saunders form for 20th anniversary make cystic fibrosis history not too late to register check out walk -- the website. I am samantha taylor. It heart it powered boo barrhaven. Newist and largest ford store and eastern ontario's ford ev heard. >> Handcuff smoke meat a fries, it is exopinion its reach and opening location in or leans. Tell us owner mark fernandez and jr. Good morning. >> Good morning. >> Good morning. >> Good morning to everyone thanks for having me. >> Of course in congratulations on the expenses so two location in the west and carling and klondike and going east tell us about that business. >> Listen our customers and almost every day come to or leans, come or lens. Okay. Because we bring close or regular customers. >> Stefan: has gad enough in the area sopping by but maybe living orleans and wants out there as well. >> Yes. >> Stefan: so first location open to is that before pandemic and launch second one after things return to normal and clearly must be take on. >> Yeah. It is our passion. >> For those may not be familiar with traditional montreal smoke meat sandwich how describe it to people. >> Yes so smoke meat is like spices and how cured and like yes but for we have own pat an suppliers so only label here. >> Look at this. What makes your stand out without giving a way secrets of course we stand out bus we love and wely. Our customers and suggestion and we learning because we are five years right and so. >> Han cut too. We make sure that like everything fresh and ever single thing. That's important. Show you house to us done. >> Smoke meat and >> Stefan: o hot. At that. -- o. Look at that. My gooden he lev bring old slab for us. >> We have rye bred. Dark or white. >> Dark ride. >> Perfect mustard for ya >> Stefan: sure. Medium or lean or fatier smoke meat. >> Fatty. More nutrition! [laughter] and look at that I like it! You did not like tarred other sauce to compliment that you use. >> Mayo and like, honey mustard as well. I love. >> Great with swiss cheese as well. And you can put swiss cheese cheddar an tomato and you know make smoked meat sandwich. >> The it should be good enough and -- very good. There you go. Huge smoked meat sandwich 8ounce and take bite >> Stefan: mn has to be --. Mmm! Messy eat but there you you challenge me. Have you ever this before or eat this big sandwich I am go in for bite. Mmm! >> How is that? Very good. Flavour >> Stefan: delicious and flavourful. Perfect it makes -- [talking simultaneously] we want to --. Challenge accepted this on

the side here. So cut in angle like this. How is it going so far. >> So far so good. [Laughter] pp you know -- it could weekend job for everybody. I will build this and mustard first. >> Right there. My colleague jerry -- forget for pickles as well. Forever smoked meat where jerry is he close by? Okay. So -- it should be like every bite you to bite. Hi jerry. Good morning we are making sandwich for you brother. For me. >> Just for he new. Stack is high. -- just for you. More juicy meat in there. S. Careful don't cut your fingers. I am not a pro. You do t say that has to be marchi he is a montreal smoked meat. >> That's slinted. That's -- [talking simultaneously] [Laughter] you want endorsement [laughter] [talking simultaneously] thank you so much jerry and everybody get a sandwich today. Bring a lot of sandwich for everybody. Enough for everybody. The entire building. We appreciate having you here lot of fun guess local chef or restaurant here let us know. [text on screen] don't worry we doesn't won't leave you out. Had. >> Never. -- perfect. Fitting their child with the right car seat in terms of legalities. You can have forward facing, rear facing. It goes by weight as well. >> Every province different within canada when it comes to regulations and laws. In ontario your child has to be rear facing from 0 to 20 points. They can then switch to a forward facing from 20 to 40. After that they can to to a booster until either 8 years old. 8 years old, 80 pounds or 4-foot 9. >> Melissa: different requirements. Why are parents putting them in car seats wrong? Why are they so hard to install. >> We have different reasons. Parents, they want to do the best for their child. There's a lot of information out there. Just to find a credible source and then try to get a certifieded technician to verify for you. >> Melissa: you are doing a workshop this weekend to ensure kids are sitting safely in the car seat. >> Exactly. >> Melissa: can you show us a demo. We have our baby here. >> We have a baby. A child seat for the baby. Be careful hand links the child.

put them in. Make sure bump is completely in the back of the seat. Obviously this baby is not square mish. Happy to go in. We will do the chest clip. The buckle at the bottom. >> Melissa: how tight are we fastening the seat. >> In this car seat the strap comes out at the shoulder. We pull at the waist. 's pull at the strap it gets tighter at the shoulders. You might have to row adjust the chest clip to make sure it doesn't choke the baby. We want to wind up it at the armpit level. >> Melissa: the chest clip is the arm pet level. >> Make sure traps are flat. You don't want to finch payment it together. If you can see it, it is too loose. If you pinch and you can't it is snug. Make sure everything is adjusted. We will go in to the car to see how this -- >> Melissa: I find these one as little easier. Base once the basin talled. The car seat you clip in and out. What are we lock for in terms of clipping in the base. >> In terms. Clipping in the base you want to follow the manufacturers recommendations about how to pass the seat-belt. I have already passed the seat-belt for minor -- make sure it's snug, not too tight. You don't ever want your whole body body weight into it. You can put one knee. Make sure this is snug. Then you will clamp this down. Then when you look for tightness you don't want it to move one inch side to side or one inch back to back. >> Melissa: okay. >> Properly installed. Get the baby in. >> Melissa: the baby is still going rear facing. >> You want to hear the clicks. Heart heard the click. And you always want to do a double check to make it is safely installed. >> Melissa: think very much. What happens when I can move the car seat more that an inch side to side. >> You probably have to start over the install calculation lags. Do the seat-belt back-up. Sometimes it takes more than one person to do it. The physics. >> Melissa: I hear you. Sometimes I can't get them in quite right. Then my husband, I need some map power here. I can't do it myself. What are some common mistakes that people do make when it comes to the car seat installation. >> Sometimes people will use the seat melt belt and the universal and core age system. They are both safe. Will pass standard. Read the manual. If thy rear facing. If wieffer you have one that changes from rear to forward make sure you follow directions to make sure they are in the right spot. For this one rear facing the strap sat or below the shoulder level and forward facing at or above the shoulder level. All the information is in the MAelARETU if you want to register there should be a qr code on the screen. Go and scan the qr code now and you can register to be part of the clinic on the 26th at the four station from 1 to 5 millimetre. You can head online if you want to visit. But you can scan the qr code right now on the screen. We will be back right after (Dramatic music) (Cheering) Discover furniture and accessories for your home and garden, as inspiring and unique as you. For a limited time, get up to 25% off made-to-measure furniture. Home Société Have you been in a catastrophic accident and you're now unable to work. Or are you now unable to work at the same level as before your accident? You need Yegendorf Rashid injury lawyers. A depth of knowledge and experience. A commitment to excellence. Anxious pet. Don't stress them out by travelling to the vet. Dr. Vetamin is Ottawa's first veterinary clinic on wheels to provide at home vet care for your furry family members. Fully equipped with a state of the art diagnostic laboratory and treatment facility that can park right at your doorstep. Don't leave home to see a vet anymore. Book your mobile vet visit at d-r dash Vetamin dot c-a. Available for after hours service, weekends, urgent care and emergencies. Home town friendly thats the mg way. Matt here from mg Auto We are always out scoring the competition at my stores. You got to check out one of my amazing locations.

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