
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

pride we participate at them and we have volunteers and my son on the QUéBEC navy league and participants and lastly I say that through like this navy bike ride, army run and air force run, I think these event protray and show case with a canadian armed force do and rally community around them. >> Let talk about the theme this year because great theme. >> This year, it is 100 anniversary of armed force and rva and rcm worked since its inception during the battle atlantic. Rfc provided air cover arrive navy has organic air component and until stz 48 our jersey our t-shirts there is two jihad rons symbols two blair time helicopter squad rons locate in has an esquimalt we honour them that starve op boar our ships and there are integral part of company and navy cannot its job of surveillance and recognise maritime picture without air force assistance. >> Thank you join for us. >> Thank you. >> Still spots to register they can do that on lane. It is happening june 15 and brand new location this year hog's back park. [text on screen] >> Still ahead. >> How long long it takes. Come with me. You'll find your way home. >> Mr. Hollywood is hear his picks for what new in theatres including this one. I can't wait get details on that. That's coming up and see mr. Demers right there our ctv "morning live" la-z-boy lounge. He will join us shortly. Good morning ottawa. It is -- seven Sit Pretty With spring savings at Ormes Get $200 off all stressless recliners and Ottomans, classic power based recliners home office chairs and each seat of a stress sofa. Love seat or sectional. Plus get 10% off all Ormes solid wood dining tables and $50 off each Stressless Laurel or mint dining chair shop ormes 5470 Bank Street, Ottawa. Consumer debt is at an all time high. The cost of food and basic items has risen so dramatically that it has made daily life unaffordable. Call Doyle Salewski for advice from experienced license or trained professional You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Have you been in a catastrophic accident and you're now unable to work. Or are you now unable to work at the same level as before your accident? You need Yegnedorf Rashid injury lawyers. Have you applied for or are receiving long term disability ltd benefits because of an illness or accident? Has the insurance company denied payment despite your doctor's support? You need Yegnedorf Rashid injury lawyers. A depth of knowledge and experience. A commitment to excellence. ( ) Ummmm... Well, that's heavy... I would probably hug them and try to stop them from doing that. Don't do it! Like... you know, you're my friend, I love you... I'd be afraid of what to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing. ( ) If you're worried about someone, let them know that you are here for them and want to help. You can call or text 9-8-8 any time to get support. ( ) Make the move to sawmill Flats, luxury apartment rentals, Arnprior and choose an active lifestyle designed for you. Downsize today. Book your tour at Sawmill Flats. Ecom Golf. Upbeat Music Eat pizza earn points and get rewarded with the Gabriel Pizza Perks app. Perks members get

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three days in the office. She says this is not political decision but made by public service lines says more than 40 five thousand letters have been sent to her an all M.P.s to demand withdraw new hybrid mandate. >> Majority of our members are not impressed with the policy. It is starting to effect their work life, their environment and familys. >> Stefan: new policy will start-on september 9. L.R.T. will be parliamently shout down in okay for work repair reliability of system. We not where or when confederation line will be down and we are expecting so learn at meeting at the end of month. Part work will be addressingish whitney houston action else and tracks. >> Stefan: algonquin college considering chopping hairstyle an esthetician programs which mean ends of the era for college. The board will road on june third whether or not to suspend program says part of stral whyic play stress -- they generate revenue for school with salon service for public on cam fuss. Structure say program are high gland and also female dominated. >> There is great short am we lost time to professional because of the huge closures that happened during the pandemic. Our industry was one most biggest impacted if you calculate months an date we are closed, it was equivalent over a year. So in order to if you will nail gap we need programs like this. >> Stefan: it is estimate within next five ten years, storage pair hair sthis will be 10,000 nationwide he is a according to data. >> Melissa: federal government tabled bill thursday that add unknown new citizens. >> Ppd legislation will extend citizenship by beyond first jen tlation inclusive and uphold value of our citizenship. S. >> The bill will confer to person broad to canadian parent you are an that also born abroad prior to the legislation coming. It is restore citizenship to the so-called lost canadian in the individual that last their never required citizenship as a result of previous legislation. >> You down orer to tamarack race weekend. Runners take over streets for the weekend and severalres place. [text on screen] full list on our website check it over the weekend. >> Melissa: tasty treats >> Stefan: always zoo in chicago right idea surprise animals at zoo and special surprise snack. Cicadas they are popping up in area and it is win for animals that get feast on more rare delicacy. I am glad it is them and not me. I am not sure I ever tried one. >> Stefan: do you want to >> Melissa: no. I tried bugs on the show and I remember we had chocolate covered ants and bugs I tried and it was crunchy and different. But I don't think it is cicada was in the knicks >> Stefan: I can put in the melange for you. I will take pass >> Stefan: sounds like you are curious >> Melissa: I am not but I am. [Laughter] ... [talking simultaneously] I am not but I am let me know. >> Melissa: only try with me >> Stefan: that is knots happening so you never will try if that is condition >> Melissa: that's how you get out of if f >> Stefan: I seed what you did there! >> Melissa: we have sunshine and warm temperature hot with week felt like thirty seven. We are at 15 here in the city. [text on screen] lots off of sunshine more not weekend as well so hardly any rain for us we go

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