
CHRO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

dropping to 8 not dropped to the quite some time and cool overcast forecast. Sunday heat back so that sunshine and twenty twenty seven enjoy weekend and warmer because mon, tution, they drop below normal in the next week and look like very soggy start your work week. We are track that could upwards thirty millimetres on monday and tuesday. Roads are clear on the 417 and no collision to report and road that are close due to the tamarack race weekend. Full list go to >> Many ways book flight and use travel agent or go with on line company or do yourself. >> No matter how you book ticket you have to careful your documents are order done have problem at the airport. >> Leave her behind for fend. >> Family bolton were reunite in france but march vacation not get off good start. They purchased tick for themselves and their children use expedia and during process makes was made. >> My passport myden name and my I continue merry name. >> This is at the agents use name on her credit card and they say told passport not need at this. >> We asked agent of book being if we required pass ports, we are told no. >> And that we will add that information at the airport. >> Family arrived pearson, her name on the ticket not match her passport. Told easy fix and this wasn't and she was not allowed on the plane. >> It was little bit devastating to be kind of ripped part own that pint when they have leave I couldn't joan them. >> Buy new ticket next day an her eggs spendings for twenty 8hundred they expedia cover that cost. >> I couldn't on the plane was their fault for not make sure my ticket was booked appropriately and properly. Ctv reached to expedia and person is says -- [text on screen] in the past, we have story on family that pay a thousand to change names on ticket and on man that denied board flight because s- was missinging. They feel they deserve a refund. >> We volunteered use our passports and out right told we are not need that led not this problem. >> Pat for ran, ctv news. >> Still ahead, we are taking look what trending unincluding big announcement canadian fans are waiting for. That armour coming up. >> Melissa: good morning. It is 6:4three. No issues on drive in traffic moving well and you go to work on friday. It is -- you have In life. We plan for so many milestones weddings, retirement, our children's education. But what about planning our final arrangements? Your celebration of life is just as important, pre-planned now so your family doesn't have to later. By pre-planning, you can tailor every detail to reflect your passions and character detailing how you want to be remembered for over a century. We've helped families in Ottawa honor unique lives. Plan Your Celebration with Dignity Memorial. Every detail remembered [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my friends. ( ) I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. Hi I'm Keith Bean from Bean Chevrolet Buick gmc in Carleton and I'm proud to be one of the supporters of the win 2024 dot calottery. If you win, the choice is yours $100,000 cash or a 2024 Corvette convertible. Really, everybody wins because all proceeds from this lottery go to benefit the Almonte and Carleton Place hospitals. We need to have a lottery to put equipment into our hospitals, things like beds, beds and big equipment like ct scan. This is the biggest win 2024 dot ca lottery ever.

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new york north america. >> Ticks thousand rare jenik disease and his diagnosis may not have happened if not flag for testing during ai algorithm. Cheo named think rare and developed by scientists working with tech experts it is a nudge not replace doctor but we are helping them with some digital tools. >> This project they use algorithm to analyse ten years data and consistent two hundred an fifty. Is a were flagged potential rare genetic disease. >> Ai allowing also to diagnosis rare dis in order kids earlier for families can get help faster. >> Don't have specific diagnostic code tached their system, you are not enough given enough resources. We are talking about ottawa race conditioned thousand hit pavement over walk or run. We are stay active during summer months. We are hearing some comments. [text on screen] low impact soak up vitamin d >> I get more steps in the summer as well. [text on screen] I love there. >> Stefan: good investment. Look him more active if the winter. That's great. >> Stefan: not like most us! [Laughter] that's yes in our social room. [text on screen] >> Melissa: time what truck trending with alberta fire department put notice op social media asking how seen a dummy. It shared this post on social media yesterday asking for strathmore like to be bob. This is bob, bob rescue dummy went miss during training exercise on wednesday now fire department they can retrieve him. >> Stefan: experience tell me anything, bob also is the average body weight real person so bob wouldn'ten light so not ran out with bob. It is carrying on our adult on our back. Miss placed. Hopefully. >> Melissa: hopefully bob is found safe and sound so they can continue their training not kidnapped. Not talking about pick-up truck -- they are work with bob in the park in alberta. >> Get bob back loam! We are our first look at hotly anticipated documentary about music celine dion and her on struggle with rare neurological disorder. >> It is heart to do -- I am working hard every day. >> Stefan: I am celine dion looks behind curtain at eye journey with stiff person syndrome. Which is impacted her ability to walk and to sing. Documentary will be available to stream on prime video june 25. >> I saw full trailer yesterday and very emotional and some wonderful footage earlier years of celine dion and I think it is very powerful documentary >> Melissa: bad for her for speak about this because it is rare disease and people don't know about it and so helping others maybe suffering shed sot light I look forward hearing her and just hearing her story. >> Insight. When you are a so attached to what you do, voice not just instrument but your entire being and feeling though that is goinga with an app saying, used to be har get the on stage and interact with people like I miss those people so much. >> It is easy do I show hard to cancel a show. So it is touching documentary. Finally after much speculation it is official, canada getting a wnba team. >> They have role model

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