
Chiefs share video recap of 2023 season that was shot with a Super 8 camera

Sports fans are accustomed to seeing games and highlights in the very best video quality available today.

But for a recap of their Super Bowl LVIII championship season, the Chiefs chose not to use, say, 8K ultra-high definition. Instead, they went old school, using a Super 8 camera. That may sound like Greek to some younger readers, but you can brush up on that 1970s technology here.

Once upon a time, reel-to-reel films were used for everything from movies you’d see in a theater and “educational films” in schools.

This was an interesting choice for Chiefs’ highlights because it does give viewers and old-school look.

This is what the team shared on Thursday and some information about the project from Robert Alberino Jr, the Chiefs’ vice president of content and production.

It’s a different way to show highlights that should already be familiar to fans. And Chiefs fans absolutely loved the style of this recap.

Here is a look at what was being said.