
CHFD - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Will I be attending any of the meetings this week with Audra? Is Audra in Paris? >> Traci: Ashley has come to this point before where she was willing to get help and then backed out at the last minute. But somehow, this time, Jack, I really feel like it's different. >> Jack: Yeah, we can only hope that she's ready to take the steps to make herself healthy again. >> Traci: Yeah, that's all I want for her. I think about when she finds out what she may be facing, if this is D-I-D, this is gonna be so overwhelming for her. >> Jack: She's always in control. That's who she is. She thrives on it. To find out she's not in control of her actions, her mind, I don't know how she's gonna cope with that. >> Traci: I know, I know. She's worked so hard to overcome mental health issues in the past. When she finds out that she may have to go back into some kind of a facility, this is gonna bring back all kinds of memories of Fairview, and it's gonna add to all the emotional baggage she's already carrying around. >> Jack: Wherever this leads her, she will have our love and support. >> Traci: Of course, she will. And do you know what gives me hope, Jack? That the Ashley that came home today, that's sitting in our house right now, that is our sister. >> Jack: Oh, I pray to God you're right. >> Alan: Who were you talking to just now, Ashley? >> Ashley: I don't know. Oh, God, could you please help me? I don't know what's happening to me. >> Alan: Well, I think we are dealing with several personas here. >> Ashley: What does that mean, personas? >> Alan: Have you ever heard of, uh, D-I-D, dissociative identity disorder? >> Ashley: Yeah, I've heard of it. >> Alan: Yeah, it's rare, and it presents in a number of ways, but in this case, we're looking at multiple, distinct personalities. Identities that can control your behavior, and usually this is the result of some kind of severe trauma. >> Ashley: That can't be what's happening to me. >> Alan: Well, another symptom of D-I-D is memory loss, which you've admitted to. And your family, and Tucker and I have seen you forget memories from your past from your own history. And we've all met these personalities that are very different from the Ashley we all know. >> Ashley: But you said it was because of trauma. I don't like, I haven't experienced any trauma. I mean, not recently. Not that it would've triggered something like this. >> Alan: Unfortunately, I-- I think you may be blocking it. >> Ashley: When would this have happened? >> Alan: Well, right now, looking at the timeline, we are thinking Paris. >> Ashley: The argument I had with Tucker? I mean, that doesn't make any sense. It was upsetting, but it wasn't anything that would've made this happen to me. >> Alan: Well, there are ways of exploring this. >> Ashley: No. No, you're not gonna talk-- you're not talking about putting me away, are you? I won't go. I won't go. >> Alan: Ashley, you need to be in a safe place where you can get good treatment. Now, I promise you, I will be there all the time, making sure you get the best of care. The important thing right now is to uncover the incident that caused this trauma, and once we have, we can begin to address it. >> Ashley: How am I supposed to remember this? I mean, how-- how do I remember this, whatever you think has happened to me? >> Alan: Well, I'm thinking maybe you could come back to Paris with me and we could explore these memories together, and hopefully, maybe, find the truth. Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc. Join us again forThe Young and the Restless. Did you know that gold is at an all-time high right now? There has never been a better time to turn your unused and unwanted jewelry into cash. It's not magic. It's Thunder Bay Gold Exchange. Their professional buyers know what your gold is worth, and

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What were some of the highlights from that and what was the message you were trying to get across that I'm trying to get across how important peer support and service waltzs to our members and especially our members families? >> I don't think a lot of the the members families realise the effect that being a police officer has on the family. >> The families take our they come to work with us at the end of the day and they struggle with us and they see the changes. So it's very important for us to get out there that we are here to help them and what kind of services are provided for officers who may need a little support during these times? >> Well, as a peer support member we're sort of as I put it, the conduit to get people to the professional help that they need. None of us are trained counsellors or medical practitioners of any kind but we're just the ear to listen and when we see issues developing direct them towards counsellors, direct them towards psychologists. We've also entered into a partnership with wounded warriors who are providing a great selection of service for our members. >> The majority of them are free of charge or at very limited cost. So we're trying to cover all of the bases to make sure that our members and their families are healthy and I've talked to officers and people in the service who said mental health and these supports weren't always around. They weren't as much of a focus as they are today. Is that something you've noticed over the past few years that's growing more becoming a topic out in the open? It really is. I always encourage our members to be very open when they're talking about any issues they might have for the first 25 years of my career I know it was kind of the you know, don't say anything. You know you're you're tough. You can handle this stuff and it's not true. I'm trying to get the message out that it's ok to not be ok sometimes and to talk to somebody because that's really important. >> I mentioned that in the last year the number of members reaching out to peer support has declined. Can you maybe speak to me about the larger timeframes neebing the last five years? >> Has the number increased decreased what does it look like having only been in the role for about a year and a half? I see them right now consistent . There are a large number of our members reaching out which is good because that's what we want. If somebody has questions somebodys struggling if somebody needs help we want them to come forward and talk to us and we're there to talk about anything whatever they are thwhere stresses our stresses in police work don't necessarily come from police work. We're we're humans. We have families. There's lots of stresses outside the job so it just compounds. So we encourage people to be very open and come and talk to us and honestly the more people to come and talk to us the better I feel because it's just showing that what we're doing is working. The stigma is going away and people are feeling comfortable coming and talking about what's troubling them. >> I think you mentioned as well that the number of say counsellors, the level to members I guess there's not enough counsellors available to handle I guess the need what's being done to sort of address that to make sure that I guess people aren't left waiting to get to the services they need? Well, with our partnership with wounded warriors that's going to help because they have lots of counsellors available online who are willing to talk with members. We've also jumped into a partnership with lakehead university to work with their school psychology to get us better access to to train psychologists and also to help them develop a programme to train people to work as psychologists with first responders. So I think it's going to be a win win situation by getting more counsellors out there. Also counsellors who are trained to work specifically with first responders and maybe just finally, what role does the senior leadership have to play in programmes like this? >> Senior leadership is huge without their support. We don't have a programme and I know a lot of our senior members are very willing to speak with our other members and come forward and support them. That's that's really important for the members to know. Is you know, our leadership supports us and our our members on the road support us. >> Our families support us. The support has to come from all around. You know, as you mentioned though that say that maybe that's been a bit of a change since chief leary took over. Was that not always the case with past administrations? There has been support with past administrations but it's just that this is sort of a new

era we're entering having somebody come from outside the agency I think is making a big difference. It's built a lot more trust to have somebody there and chief flurry's very outgoing. He's very easy to talk to and that makes a huge difference for our members to know that you that the chief is there to speak to. You know, a very open door policy. In fact, I had one of our members comment that when when the chief sends emails he signs them. Darcy it doesn't seem like a lot but that's a huge thing so that the membership pardon me the support from the leadership is there a chief let's start off there was that peer support presentation today to the police board. What were some of your takeaways from that? >> No, just a real good presentation as to where we are with our programme and the steps that were taken to move forward and really give as much support as we can to our officers, make sure they're safe. No one of those people that our work and those that are struggling and what we can do to help them get better and get them back to work and like I was mentioning earlier in the previous interview, there seems to be something that's more of an open conversation compared to years past people are willing to come forward and say they need help whether it be from peers, whether is mental health concerns. Is that something you're seeing improve in the service over the past few years in terms of that conversation? >> Yeah, I think that's definitely something I've seen since I've been here. You know, jeff does a great job of communicating with the with the team going around and making sure that people understand that it's ok to come forward and have those conversations. You know, we all struggle at times and I think having that support from somebody who really, really talks the tosot and walks it I think is really important. I think the membership of respond to that. So we've seen some some good openings there. >> People come forward. So it's it's been really good and something my colleague is mentioning in the previous interview as well in terms of senior leadership yourself maybe the deputy chief, what role do you all play in ensuring this is a productive programme that is benefiting officers? >> I think about that is that we just have to be present rydholm we have to make sure people understand that at times when they may be having a bit of difficulty that they have the support, that they feel like it's ok to come forward, that they're not going to be, you know, sort of criticised or chastised or are kind of put in a place where they don't feel like they're comfortable or or feel like they're wanted to come to work. People want them to come to work so they just have that support all around is really, really important and and help them through their struggles. >> You just talk a little bit about the importance of that. I guess that reintegration pillar for this programme and getting officers back to because we know that there are a number of officers who are off work due to safety issues with mental health and things like that. >> So just talk a little bit about how important it is to have that reintegration. Well, that's really important. I mean everybody you know, not everybody but I think people people have different difficulties. They struggle at different times and I think having somebody with a clear understanding of how how people are being affected by the situation that they're in is really important to the degree that they're not sorry to have that that important information, that background that can help them understand themselves where they are, what the what the the abilities they do have at certain points in their career and how they can be. I take that to be accommodated within the organisation and then reintegrate them to what they can do at the time being while keeping an eye on how they're doing. Is it too much is it something that perhaps I can expand on their on their work duties and stuff like that to really have somebody who's courting that is really important stuff at the lakehead regionvo conservation authority have a new assignment this year monitoring the status of the sea lamprey population in the neebing and macintire rivers for the first time your organisation has been contracted by the federal department of fisheries and oceans to trap and release the invasive fish species in the rivers over the next eight week period. >> Environmental planner michelle willows says the study helps them assess the population to determine how effective control measures are. >> So can you just talk a little bit about what you guys are doing out here today and then also with the last year doing with the sea level? Sure. So that lakehead region conservation authority was contracted by the department of fisheries and oceans to run the sea lamprey trapping programme in the neebing and macintire rivers. So sea lamprey control started in nineteen fifty five which we started here as well and it was initially done by electro fishing to now we've switched to portable traps and hopefully soon this summer we'll also have a permanent trap in the neebing river right behind me. And how do the traps work so the traps work well set them daily and then you pull them out and it must be done five to seven times a week. You do an inventory of all the species that you run into should you capture lamprey? We are doing a mark and recapture study just specifically on sea lamprey as they are invasive and then we release them at a controlled site when we catch them again we do a biological assessment so we look at if they're male or female and then we also look at their sexual maturity and so once that we do that they are disposed of and not released back to the river and again that's to get a population assessment to kind of determine how effective control measures are yearly. >> And for those who might not know what is a as the lamprey as like a long eel like

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