
CHFD - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

that when we say you're living on nothing and it's a bonanza, if you find a papaya, -that's no joke. -CHARLIE: Yeah. Shocking. I hate to say this to y'all 'cause I've really loved. -Oh! -Oh, come on! Here's your first look atSurvivor47. (all cheering) PROBST: Every survivor story begins with an empty page. It's up to the players to leave their mark. I want to forge my own legacy in this game. I want to be the very first head on the Mount Rushmore of the new era. This will be the most important chapter of my life. Survivor is a completely blank page right now. I want to come here and really be one of those big-name players that people are saying, "We want to see this guy." People look at me as an underdog. That's Miss Delaware or whatever. She has nothing more to her. And I'm like, I'm a big dog. (imitates dog barking) I have no outdoor skills. What am I doing here? I went camping as a Cub Scout. I threw up and went home. I am ready to forge my own path. I want to be the fasting person out here. I want to be the strongest person out here. I wish they had a bench press competition, 'cause I just hit 300. My final words will be I'm 59 and I beat all your asses. I am either gonna blaze my own path out here or I'm gonna burn down this island. It has to be victory or glory in death. All right, welcome back to theSurvivor46 After Show. If you want to bid on props from this season,you can do that. Website's on the screen. Profits goto Stand Up To Cancer. If you want to be onSurvivor,what do you have to do? -ALL: Apply.-You gotta apply. All right,thank you all, and thank youto the non jury members -who couldn't be here.-We love you, Jeff. Really enjoyed this season. You all were fantastic to watch. Congratulations to our winner, Kenzie. We will see you in the fall forSurvivor47. -(all cheering) -PROBST: Let's do it. Give me a hug. Congratulations. Thank you so much. -Charlie [indistinct]. -CHARLIE: Thanks, Jeff. -[indistinct] -Thank you. PROBST: All right, come here. We got to sign this thing over here. MAN: Kenzie, you got to sign it first. Let's get Kenzie in there first. We've got Charlie, WOMAN: Right under [indistinct]. (cheering)

good evening and thank you for joining us. Thunder bay police are speaking out after three separate drug investigations resulted in the seizure of two loaded handguns ,cocaine and fentanyl. The op also confiscated a handgun during a takedown in thunder bay last week. City police want residents to see how serious they are in tackling drug trafficking and taking guns off the streets. >> Just clement has the details and the span of just a week and through three separate investigations, city police have confiscated a significant amount of cocaine and fentanyl along with two loaded handguns. >> So we felt it was important not only to note the work that was was being done but also to make the public aware that there are out of district players in the city all of the persons arrested, six in total and these investigations were from our district from the greater toronto area and that the the work of the funderbirk police service is extensive in order to to attempt to stem the tide of drugs and weapons into the community. >> Detective inspector jeremy pearson notes the first seizure happened last tuesday at an address on hartland street and led to the arrest of two men from southern ontario and the seizure of over two hundred thousand dollars worth of cocaine and fentanyl. The second happened on thursday at a residence on fredrica street and resulted in the arrest of three men from southern ontario along with seizure of drugs and a loaded handgun. The third incident was on saturday where police rested in southern ontario man and seised a loaded handgun and suspected cocaine and fentanyl. Meanwhile, opi made a separate arrest in the city last week and confiscated a handgun and ammo. >> Pearson says he hopes the result of these investigations creates some second thoughts in terms of the profitability of drug trafficking in the city I mentioned just earlier there is demand here. There are profits to be made. There are also risks involved in coming to the city of funderbirk and dealing drugs because we are aware of this issue and we are working diligently to attack it. >> And pearson hopes the community will take solace in the fact that they're working diligently on getting guns and drugs off city streets and all the number of hartnell overdoses and opiate overdoses in general that we see in this community the devastating impact on the community when you look at the microscopic amounts of fentanyl that can be deadly and then you look at the amounts we've seised here. I mean that is potentially dozens of deaths that may have been prevented. I can't guarantee that. Of course I can't I can't predict what the future would have been for these drugs but they are extremely dangerous. This is a significant amount and I hope that the seizures made an impact. >> Jessah clement tv news nishnawbe assassination chief's got a first look today at the terms of a 20 billion dollar long-term reform agreement for first nations child welfare. It's one of two agreements resulting from a landmark human rights complaint against canada . The agreement is the main focus of a two day special assembly that kicked off in the city today. >> Lee noonan was there and she spent much of the day today going over the nearly hundred and twenty page final settlement agreement that lays out how almost 20 billion dollars will be spent on long-term reform of first nations child and family services. >> Negotiations with canada are ongoing for the historic settlement which has been in the works for more than 17 years. >> But grant chief calvin fiedler says they're 99 percent of the way there. >> We are close to coming to a final agreement. I think we can always see the finish line. Fiddler says the agreement is about building capacity and empowering communities and families to look after their own children. >> We want the best for our children. >> The settlement stems from a human rights complaint filed in 2007 by cindy blackstock in the first nations child and family caring society with the assembly of first nations. The two part settlement is the largest in canadian history and provides twenty three point three billion in compensation for children and families harmed by discriminatory underfunding of first nations child and family services as well as this nineteen point eight billion for long-term reforms of first nations child and family services and jordan's principal programmes you as knough leadership new and took that step that our children were priority that our children needed to know that we cared and loved them and that we are taking back the authority to make those decisions with them and for the nannies that intervenor status in the case since 2015 after successfully arguing that the unique needs of rdand communities warranted a seat at the table, deputy grand chief bobby narcis says the agreement will reflect nande priorities including a needs based funding model and considerations for

remoteness not just, you know, our flying communities. Yes, we have very unique challenges but also our roadthe access communities as well are also included in the remoteness aspect of it because we know that there's various degrees of remoteness. According to narcis, the rdand chiefs are the first in the country to get a look at the agreement. It will also be presented to the chiefs of ontariosot in june and at the afan in july leinonen tbps news efforts are underway in marathon to revitalise a port there. The town has partnered with igance nishnawbe to form the peninsula harbour port authority and brickbat shipping to the area. The port has been inactive in the mills since the mill shut down 15 years ago. There have been efforts to bring life back to the harbour for years and they're finally coming to fruition. A port operator qsl has been brought on marathon marathon mayor rick dumas says they've already are looking to secure a product supply and if all goes well, he's hopeful four ships could dock within the year. Won't more detailssot than that . But what we're excited about it but at the same time we're also excited about other products that can come through the port ,you know, potentially a third generation coming on board and other aggregates and we're hoping with tears. But we had discussion plumeri about their opportunity to send pop and pwhl products to the european market. So yeah, we we're no they're they're they're shut down right now but there's still potential there that milk gets back up and running and ships of product through this port. So there's many opportunities and not only that supplying the whole north shore basically from this port domus adds they still need to dredge the harbour. They're applying for four million dollars from fednor and the nt fhc to cover that cost. Additional work will also be needed to accommodate seagoing ships in the future. Confederation college president kathleen lynch is confident the institution is in good shape for when she leaves. She highlighted the college's achievement this morning at the annual presidents breakfast in her final report to the community, lynch cited new partnerships the college's economic impact and the launch of new programmes as good indicators of the college viability. The report shows the institution has over seven thousand learners and three hundred and forty apprenticeship students across nine skilled trade programmes. But lynch is concerned about what future international enrolment will look like because of the federal cap despite the college being able to maintain its numbers this september. >> We are really happy with our allocation permit allocation but I think you know it remains to be seen how canada is perceived by international students. So I anticipate they'll be a bit of a rocky road ahead until we regain some equilibrium in the international market. It's it's the future that is always, you know, an unknown. But I think we have a great reputation both in the region, the province and internationally. >> Lynch will retire in september. Michelle salos was recently named as her successor. >> A new free mental health check in service has been launched at intercity shopping centre to bring a smile to the face of anyone who needs it. Shoppers can scan a qr code with their phones at a sign located near the food court and get a positive uplifting message in return that can be shared with family, friends or even strangers. >> It's a partnership between mogahed real estate, which owns the mall and kids help phone mogahed will donate two dollars to kids help phone for every scan. Intercity marketing manager shannon young says they've seen quite a lot of engagement since the campaign was launched at the beginning of the month we've seen quite a bit of engagement across our portfolio. We have quite a few check ins now we're aiming at upsala we wanted to do donate fifty thousand dollars for the month of may and we're we're getting there. It's a slow process but it's starting to pick up in the last week and a half so the more check ins the better and ten times a day if you want and you get a positive affirmation to your cell phone once you check in which is kind of a little, you know, upbeat thing for people as well when they're having a down day, young adds other positivity programme they're coming to your city in the near future. >> A new wellness centre is officially open to the public. It provides eye movement distance station and reprocessing therapy the first of its kind in the city. Mdr is mental health therapy to conditions that arise because of memories from traumatic events in a person's past. It's best known for its role in treating post-traumatic stress disorder by using bilateral eye movements but its use is expanding for conditions like stress and anxiety. Karrine trhough is one of the owners of the mdr wellness centre. She explains how beneficial this therapy can be mdr is less talk focus therapy and more

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