
CHFD - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

( ) Crispy and tangy. The Cuban Crunch, part of new Globally Inspired Subway Series. [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre a simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. jazz music It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Rock 94 and Norteños Taqueria are sending you on a 3 Night Stand in Minneapolis to see Metallica, Green Day, and then more Metallica... Along with hotel and 500 bucks spending money... The 3 Night Stand... From Rock 94! Eco Tips; basic tips and tools to be more environmentally conscious on Global Thunder Bay. Brought to you by Carvalho Custom Granite, mother nature's art, perfected. Morning show! "i love watching this show" "that makes me so happy" watch the >> Announcer: it's canada's favorite morning show. >> I love watching this show. >> That makes me so happy >> Announcer: watch "the morning show" with carolyn mackenzie and jeff mcarthur weekdays on global. >> Antony: hello, thank you for joining us on this thursday, may 23rd. I'm antony robart. Here is a look at your national and international headlines. [ ] >> Antony: the international community is turning up the heat on israel, as ireland, norway, and spain have now joined more than 140 other countries in officially recognize gz a palestinian state. This move comes as disturbing newly released footage taken on october 7th shows hamas militants kidnapping female israeli soldiers. Brie jackson has the latest from washington, but first, a warning, some details are disturbing. >> Reporter: disturbing newly released video from october 7th shows 7 female soldiers captured by hamas terrorists, some faces bloodies, their hands bound. Loved ones reacting to the chilly video with an urgent plea for the hostages to come home. >> I'm begging for people to do something, you know, just get them out of there. >> Reporter: the hostage families forum made the video public to push for the hostage release. A demand echoed by protesters,er gathered in israel, who say the government must do more. >> We've got to do everything. Everything to bring them home. All the hoesages and because if they're still alivick they're suffering. >> Reporter: in what they call an effort to bring peace to the region, ireland, norway, and spain agreed to formally recognize an independent palestinian state. >> We do so because we believe in freedom and justice as the fundamental principles of international law. >> Reporter: the landmark move drew praise from palestinians, while israel and the U.S. voiced opposition. >> What I can tell you is we believe the only way that you're going to achieve a two-state solution that delivers for both israelis and palestinians is through direct negotiations between the parties. >> Reporter: the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, warned rewarding terrorism will not bring peace. In washington, brie jackson, nbc news. >> Antony: british prime minister, rishi sunak, has called a national election, which will happen on july 4th. >> Now is the moment for britain the choose its future. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold war. >> Antony: sunak said king charles iii granted his request on wednesday to dissolve parliament, which his office said will be suspended on friday. This announcementant comes months ahead of when it was

expected, with the governing conservative party support dwied dwindling after 14 years in power. In texas, the families of victims of the 2022 uvalde shooting have reached a settlement. They will create a permanent memorial for the victims and overhaul the police service. And lawyers are suing 92 state police officers for their response to the tragedy. 19 grade 4 students and two teachers were killed. The botched police response has been condemned by several U.S. government reports, but no one, however, has faced criminal charges for how the shooting was handled. Earlier this month, london drugs stores reoped, after a cyber attack forced their closure for more than a week. We know the group claiming to be behind the attack is demanding a multimillion dollar ransom. This news comes as another high profile cyber attack has been made public. This time, on a health authority. >> Reporter: the methods are not subtle. Pay up or the data is dumped on the dark web. London drugs, the latest corporation to be targeted by the group known as lock bit. The hackers demanding $25 million from the rich monday-based company to retrieve its employee data. By international standards, london drugs, a small company, experts say it doesn't matter. >> They go for organizations that are most like torque to pay up, organizations under significant pressure to get systems back up and running. >> Reporter: all 79 london drugs stores were shut down at the end of april for more than a week to deal with the cyber attack. The company has finally confirmed what happened, and despite claims from lock bit it offered $8 billion in ransom, london drugs says it unable and unwilling to pay, saying we acknowledge the criminals may leak london drug's corporate files, and this is deeply distressing. Cyber attacks are on the rise around the world. B.C. has been hit several times in just the last few weeks. First it was london drugs, then the provincial government reporting intrusions, now a new attack, the first nations health authority has been targeted. >> I can tell you that it is different from what the province faced and it is also different from what the london drugs incident. >> Reporter: according to the health authority, the attack was discovered may 13th and in a statement says while the investigation is still at an early stage, fnha has uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others has been impacted. The cyber security industry said companies and organizations that are targeted need to come forward with more information about the nature of their attacks. Without direct access to the information, other companies remain vulnerable. >> This chief operating officer has been pretty tight lipped on exactly how this took place, what was happening, and we don't want other companies to get into that same issue and we need to know. >> Reporter: london drugs is paying up to two years worth of credit monitoring for its employees, potentially compromised. Experts say everyone should pay close attention to their online profiles, after these kind of attacks. Aaron mcarthur, global news. >> Antony: the calgary humane society has found a home for one special surrendered pet. This the slippy the turtle. He arrived at the calgary humane society in september. Turns out, he's a map turtlick which is a controlled species in alberta and can't be kept as a pet. After reaching out to numerous organizations, the humane society found a home for slippy at the victoria butterfly gardens. After arranging a flight for him to b.c., where map turtles are not a controlled species, he's settling into his new home. That's what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news morning" on this thursday, may 23rd. We'll be right back. [ ] What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind

( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours from sweat, urine,and other musty odours can get trappedin fabrics. Try DownyRinse & Refresh. It helps remove trapped odours 3-times better than detergent alone. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Yes! Ooh, it's on! >> Announcer: asking tough questions on issues that matter to canadians >> Why not just say, we're going to to have a public inquiry >> Announcer: insightful commentary, watch "the west block" with mercedes stephenson, sundays on global. [ ] >> Next time on "the morning show", the winner of survivor joins us fresh after the finale? >> And simu liu talks to us about teaming up with j-lo for the sci-fi flick atlas next time on "the morning show". >> Ross: we're moving into june pretty soon, many of you have headed out to the gardens, done some planting, but have you heard of pollenater gardens. Around my household, that's shotgun we're focusing on. Pollinator gardens attract pollenating insects which have an impact on the wildlife and vegetation and your property. To talk more about this, we'll bring it into a little more focus to your beganed and how to do it is mark colin. The gardening expert. Thank you for joining us. >> Pleasure, ross. Delighted. >> For those who are not aware of what a pollenater garden is, what is it? What is a pollenater plant. >> Let me begin by saying, a third of the foot we eat is pollinated by the natural world. Mostly insects, birds, humming birds, night flying batsick actually. There are a lot of them out there. But primarily, they're native bees, of which there is more than 400 in canada, over 200 in quebec and ontario and the maritimes. So these are native bees, not honey bees, and, of course, there are butterflies. Now, I have a question for you. You don't know what that is, I'm not going to ask you what it is, but it's milk weed. And I only know because I grow it myself. This is the simplest thing in the world to grow. Why would you grow it? You know the answer, I'm going to let you give it. >> Ross: you grow milk weed, because this is the primary food source for larva of the monarch butterfly. >> That's correct. It's like the panda bear is to the bamboo, milk weed is to -- to the monarch butterfly. Now, these are seeds that I garied last fall with my grandchildren. Here is a question, true or false, ross, in the second world war, canadian children were given the job to go out and harvest milk weed seeds, like these, to stuff life saving jackets for the canadian navy. True or false. >> Ross: you offered a lot of detail there, I have to say true, mark. >> It's absolutely true. >> Ross: you helped me out a bit. >> Next time you look at milk weed seeds, you look t a them differently when you know that's an actual true story. From one pot, I grew over 500 milk weed plants in my greenhouse. So there is a lot of potential in a milk weed seed pot. >> Ross: wow. >> But it's one of so many plants that produce a flower that attracts pollenaters. Look at this, it looks like it's snowing here. That attract insecs to the garden. This one is capped lupin, of course, and a lot of maritime viewers are laughing, saying, why on earth would you grow a lupin when they grow in the ditch at the end of the driveway. The answer is, have you seen anything so beautiful >> It's remarkable, yes. >> And they attract bumblebees, they attract -- bumblebees,ing with native bees, and there is

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