
CHFD - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

olympic gold, two bronze medals, and the most international goals scored among men and women. She's one of nine women being recognized, including american tennis star, vennus williams. Stay with us. Your national and international headlines are coming up I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Bright and zesty. The Chimichurri Steak & Cheese and Chimichurri Veggie part of the new Globally Inspired Subway Series. (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! You know where you're going, but you don't knowhow you're getting there. The Ride is theanswer. Every cab company,the bus, the subway. This is gettingaround. Get The Ride App. The Bathroom Renovation Centre has a large selection of everything you'll need for your bathroom lighting. Our Lighting gallery has many choices to illuminate your bathroom. Layering your lighting helps you achieve optimum functional and aesthetic results. Whether you're setting the mood for a relaxing bath or an invigorating morning routine, The Bathroom Renovation Centre has a selection of both ambient and task lighting. See you soon at The Bathroom Renovation Centre... from the start to completion, we do it all. 325 Simpson Street. Get fast 24-hour relief from symptoms caused by indoor and outdoor allergens. >> I kept telling the police, he's vulnerable. >> What you needed was help. He was met with force. >> That made me even more angry. >> Announcer: "crime beat", fridays on global. >> Antony: hello, thank you for joining us on this thursday, may 23rd. I'm antony robart. Here is a look at your national and international headlines. [ ] >> Antony: british prime minister rishi sunak has called a national election, which will happen on july 4th. >> Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold war. >> Antony: sunak said king charles iii granted the request on wednesday to dissolve parliament, which his office said will be suspended friday. This announcement comes months ahead of when it was expected, with the governing conservative party support dwiedlingndling after 14 years in power. The international community is turning up the heat on israel, as ireland, norway, and spain have joined 140 countries in officially recognizing a palestinian state. This comes as newly released footaged taken on october 7th shows hamas militants kidnapping female israeli soldiers. Brie jackson has the latest from washington, but first, a warning,er the details are disturbing. >> Reporter: disturbing newly released video from october 7th shows 7 female soldiered captured by hamas terrorists, some faces bloodied, their hands bound. Loved ones reacted to the chilling video with an urgent plea for the hostages to come home. >> I'm begging for people to do something, you know, just get them out of there. >> Reporter: the hostage families forum made the video public to push for the hostages rereese, a demand echoed by protesters gathered in israel who say the government must do more. >> We've got to do everything -- everything to bring them home. All the hostages. Because they're suffering if they're still alive. >> Reporter: in what they call an effort to bring peace to the region, ireland, norway, and spain agreed to formally recognize an independent

palestinian state. >> We do so because we believe in freedom and justice as the fundamental principles of international law. >> Reporter: the landmark move drew praise from palestinians, while israel and the U.S. voiced opposition. >> What I can tell you is we believe the only way you're going to achieve a two-state solution that delivers for israelis and palestinians is through direct negotiations between the parties. >> Reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned rewarding terrorism will not bring peace. In washington, brie jackson, nbc news. >> Antony: telecom and media form, quebecor is calling on the federal government to stop a deal between super market giant loblaw and a retailer co-owned by rogers and bell, saying it will lock out competition and "hold consumers hostage. Quebecor said it's deeply concerned about loblaw's desire to drive us out of the mobile shop and the concern should be shared by canadian consumers who will see wireless competition weakened by this highly subjective decision. Quebecor said the move will effectively shut its freedom mobile brand out of its 180 stores across canada. Industry minister, francois-philippe champagne, said the move is a matter for the competition bureau. >> In terms of due process, you need to get the authorities involvement so that they can look at that, assess the merit, and then decide on further course of action. Sglabt prime minister trudeau said the loblaw deal is being looked a t to see if it needs to be referred to canada's competition bureau. Well, warm, sunny days are on the way, and this is reason for many people to head outside and enjoy it, of course. But during skin cancer awareness month, advocates are urging you to enjoy the sun safely. Morgan black has more. >> Reporter: from hiking to biking, rob stoffer spent many days enjoying the outdoors, and along the way, got a few burns too. >> Somewhere in that process,er I -- I ended up with radiation from the sun. >> Reporter: he's a two-time melanoma survivor. First found in his right ear in 2015, later moving to his brain and lungs. >> The fact that it had gone through most likely through my blood stream to my brain, you realize that your chances for survival are small. >> Reporter: he recovered, and became an advocate. Connecting with save your skin foundation, a not for profit dedicated to sun safety education. Cathy bernard created it in 2006, after a trial treatment in alberta saved her life. >> I am so unbelievably lucky, and I would not be in front of you if it was not for the cross cancer institute in edmonton, alberta. >> Ever since, she's been reminding people of the essentials. Sunscreen. Sunglasses. And a newfound appreciation for some shade. >> You can still be outside, enjoying the nice weather. You just have to be careful. >> Reporter: the incident rate of melanoma has gone up in the last few years, in 2023, 700 canadians were diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer, an increase of 11% from 2022. >> You know, 90% of skin cancer coming from uv exposure. We know that. It's a fact. It always has been. >> Reporter: stoffer is committed to teaching others to enjoy the warm weather safely. >> The critical part. The sun, the impact it can be. There are preventive measures. You can enjoy the outdoors. You just have to be aware of those. >> Reporter: morgan black, global news. >> Antony: the calgary humane society has found a home for one special surrendered pet. This is slippy the turtle. He arrived at the humane society last september. Turns out he's a map turtle, which is a controlled species in alberta, and can't be kept as a pet. So after reaches out to numerous organizations, the humane society finally found a home for slippy at the victoria butterfly gardens. And after arranging a flight for him to b.c., where map turtles are not a controlled species, he's now settling in at his new home. And that's what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news morning" on this thursday, may 23rd. We'll be right back. [ ] Owners Jackie and Wayne, along with their service team -Darryl and Jay- welcome you to Narvi's Auto Service. Narvi's is the place to go in Thunder Bay when your Car, Truck, r-v, Quad, Snowmobile, or Side-by-Side needs servicing before you take them on the road, or hit the trails. Narvi's carries parts for dirt track race cars, aluminum sheeting, and is your retailer for Amsoil products. Narvi's Auto Service, one convenient Stop for all of your truck & auto Needs

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