
CHFD - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 06:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

for the services libraries offer for free. The librarians also exchanged materials from their collections and talked about scaling back traditional services and increasing e-books and audio books and less conventional collections, like puzzles and games, musical instruments or even seeds. Some Indigenous students are now better equipped in their educations. Nokiiwin Tribal Council is one of several recipients of refurbished laptops...ensuring more people can access services. The laptops were collected by Rotary Clubs in Southern Ontario, and will be given to students in Nokiiwin's Education Program. The equipment was refurbished by Siemens (See-mins) Energy Canada...with the initiative created by the charity "Corporations for Community Connections". Audrey Gilbeau with Nokiiwin says these laptops will go a long way. >>Having equipment that's really functioning is one thing having the equipment that's going to be able to potentially help elevate someone's opportunities as they start to look to engage with them, not only education but employment as well >>In today's world with today's education requirements is virtually impossible for students to totally succeed going Through public school then post secondary education without having a laptop to be able to access resources do assignments >>And that's all the time we have for this edition of Northwest Newsweek, join us next time for more top stories from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. A bountiful harvest grown by YOU! There's nothing more rewarding than home grown produce for your family. With over 95 years of growing experience, Bill Martin's Nurseryland has practical advice to inspire you to get growing, whether your space is big or small. Stop by today & get all the gardening supplies you need to grow the best tasting veggies & flavourful herbs. Bill Martin's Nurseryland, just minutes from the waterfront district. At Dominion, we know that summer in the north is special. Where long days turn into even longer nights. When catching fish meet climbing cliffs. Back roads, sunsets and tailgates. A region made for us, needs a vehicle made for you. Dominion, it's all about you. The Thunder Bay Source, your community connection! (Fred Jones) Rural living has its rewards and its tribulations. Mother Nature definitely plays a role in it.

Read "Rural Roots" to find out more. (Derrek Lankinen) As a chef for the past 25 years and now a restaurant owner, food has always been my life. Read "Here's Cooking at you Kid" for my tips and info, so you can do some experimenting on your own. >> The Thunder Bay Source is delivered to you free every Thursday in the "Lakehead" or on Friday to home subscribers of the Chronicle Journal. [ ] >> Jeff: on this sunday night, sirens sound in tel aviv. For the first time number months, hamas rockets rain down on israel as trucks carrying desperately desperately-needed aid finally enter gaza. >>> Scrambling for shelter. >> When it hit, it was just so loud. >> Jeff: powerful tornados tear through the central united states. >>> Mandatory military service. >> We will introduce a bold new model. >> Jeff: the british prime minister's controversial campaign promise. >>> Plus missing messi. [ Chanting ] >> Jeff: canadian soccer fans raise their voices after a superstar snub. >> Announcer: "global national" with farah nasser. Reporting tonight, jeff semple. >> Jeff: good evening, and thank you for joining us. For the first time in four months, air raid sirens sounded in tel aviv, sending israelis scrambling for cover. Israel says hamas launched at least eight long-range rockets. Israel says it underscores the threat hamas continues to pose after seven months of war. This 84-year-old and her caretaker barely escaped. She described the chaos when the rocket landed on her house. Israel says the rockets were fired from rafah in southern gaza. The israeli military is preparing to launch a major offensive on that city, despite pleas from its allies and the u.n.'s top court. And a warning, the images you're about to see here are disturbing. This was the aftermath of an israeli strike on rafah today. At least 30 people were killed according to the hamas-run health ministry. The palestinian red crescent society says it happened in an area designated for displaced civilians. Israel claims it was targeting a compound housing hamas militants and that it had successfully eliminated two major hamas laders. David aiken has our top story tonight. >> Reporter: for the first time in four months, air raid sirens sounded in tel aviv. Residents scrambled for cover. This video, released by hamas, shows the missiles leaving gaza. And the israeli army says they were launched from rafah from a site less than a kilometer where israeli forces were stationed. >> Hamas launched this rocket from near two mosques in rafah. Hamas has been attacking israel from rafah. >> Reporter: one person in israel was injured, and damage otherwise was minor. Still, it was a demonstration that even after seven months of fighting, hamas still has significant weapons. Meanwhile, israel allowed around 200 aid trucks through the kerem shalom crossing at gaza's southeastern corner, bypassing the main rafah crossing that has been closed for weeks. But some of the food has been waiting so long to cross, it is beginning to rot. And on the diplomatic front, norway's foreign minister sunday presented palestinian prime minister with papers confirming norway's recognition of the state of palestine. They used the unit to repeat calls for an end to the war >> I think it's time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand a ceasefire. >> Reporter: but the rocket attack makes a ceasefire much less likely. One hardline minister in netanyahu's cabinet urged the army to hit rafah even harder. David aiken, global news, ottawa. >> Jeff: israel also struck several targets inside southern lebanon today, killing at least eight people. Israel says the strikes were in response to an earlier attack by hezbollah that saw 15 rockets launched into israel.

>>> And the war in gaza continues to spark protests here in canada, and a deadline is fast approaching for protesters at canada's largest university. Members of a pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto are meeting with the administration, which has given them until tomorrow morning to clear out. Protesters are presenting the university's leadership with a counter offer after rejecting the administration's proposal last week. The protesters are demanding the university cut all ties with israeli institutions and companies they say are profiting from the war in gaza. A trespass notice was issued to the camp on friday, and demonstrators now have until 8:00 A.M. to leave or the university says it will take all necessary legal steps to remove them. >>> Ukraine an president - volodymyr zelenskyy made a dramatic plea for the leaders of china and the U.S. to attend a major peace summit in switzerland and apply pressure to the kremlin. >> We do not want the U.N. charter to be burned. Burned down just like these books. >> Jeff: that's zelenskyy speaks from the war-ravaged kharkiv region where russia has escalated its attacks in recent weeks. His message, directed at U.S. president joe biden and chinese president xi ping. >>> A series of deadly tornados in the southern united states. Take a look at this. All that remains of a shell gas station in valley view, texas, after a series of powerful twisters ripped through texas, oklahoma, and arkansas. >> We ran up under the stairs, and the little bathroom. And then it went boom! Like we got hit like lightning or something. And then this whistling. It's scary. It's the worst I've ever experienced. >> Jeff: at least 15 people were killed in those tornados including two small children, and dozens more were injured. Crews are now scrambling to pull survivors from the rubble. The storms in texas coincided with record-breaking heat over the U.S. memorial day long weekend, and forecasters warn this is just the beginning of wild weather ahead. >> Reporter: incredible video as a tornado forms in north texas saturday afternoon. Part of a super cell storm that erupted over the region. >> When it hit, it was just so loud. It was like something just crashed into us. I knew. I knew. I didn't realize how bad until we came out. >> Reporter: in texas, at least seven people are confirmed dead so far, including two children aged 2 and 5. >> It's like a punch to the stomach, really. This is my community. I know people that work here, and I see them every day. >> Reporter: in oklahoma, what is believed to have been a long track tornado damaged homes and trees in two communities northeast of tulsa. Baseball-sized hail was also reported. Two people were killed in the storm that rolled in quickly early sunday morning. >> I'm still trying to process it. It's shock. Everything you had, worked so hard for all these years is gone. >> It was so loud. So scary. I'm so glad my mom got me out. After she got me out and I sat down, my glass immediately broke and the tree hit my window. >> Reporter: parts of arkansas were hit hard too. Thousands in the state are still without power, and at least one person is confirmed dead. Earlier this week, tornados in iowa kill the at least five people. >> Several states will be impacted by several storms on memorial day. The storm is moving towards the east and extending all the way towards the southeast. Strong winds, large hail, and triggering tornado watches. >> Reporter: 2024 shaping up to be one of the worst spring storm seasons in five years, with more severe weather still to come. Heather yourex-west, global news, calgary. >> Jeff: a boeing 787 dreamliner was able to land safely, but it suffered turbulence days after a similar incident on a singapore airlines flight where one man died from a suspected heart attack.

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