
CHFD - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

majors in that capacity, or maybe the front office? Is that something you've thought about? >> Yeah, I've definitely thought about it. Listen... Coaching and the travel that comes with it may be a little tough to sell to my wife at this moment. Given the fact we have four little ones, still, but, listen, anytime I can help the blue jays in any way, shape or form. The organization has done everything for me, so I can't help but try to figure out how, so... It's definitely something that I'd consider if that opportunity ever comes about. >> Ross: well, that is exciting news to hear from blue jays' fans. It'd be great to have you back with the team in some way. I just want to go back a little bit and talk a little bit about your career, because you're one of the greatest blue jays' players of all time. From 2010 to 2015, you hit more home runs than any other player in the majors, but it didn't happen overnight. You were with several other teams before you were traded to the jays. I just want to you, what do you think it was? What helped you persevere and reach such a high level in the sport? >> Just a combination of factors. Just going to a place where they believed in me. They put me in a position to succeed. I made my tweaks and changes to my hitting approach, my mechanickings, and everything just kind of came together at once. So it was a great five-year run. And my ten-year stay in toronto is something that I'm never going to forget. To this day, I call toronto my second home. Everybody's knows that. Every time I come back, everybody makes me feel like a king, so I truly appreciate it. And I love the fans as much as they love me back, so... You know, toronto is my home. >> Ross: well, what a return it was last summer. You joined the blue jays' level of excellence in an emotional ceremony. Tell us how you feel now that you've had some time to think about that, and will you be returning to toronto in some capacity this summer? Will you be returning to the city? >> Yes. Listen... I feel still great and honoured and humbled about that ceremony that happened last year. To see them -- know that I can look up there anytime I come back and see my name in the rafters, it's a huge honour, right? So it was a great show of gratitude from the fans and the organization to me, and it's reciprocated, so... It was a great day, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And, yes, I have been back to toronto a couple of times already this year. And I'm planning on coming back a couple more. Hopefully even sooner than people think. I think the jays have a couple of things they want to surprise fans with very, very soon, and hopeful little I'm part of that as well. >> Ross: well, it's been a season of many lows this year, so that'll be great to have you back in the city, and for fans to be able to see that and for you... I guess you haven't seen the renovated rogers centre just yet? Have you seen the new field lines and so on? >> I have not. So I'm looking forward to that. It's -- it's definitely going to be a -- I've seen videos. I've seen on the inside, too, for the clubhouse. The guys are being spoiled with a lot of great renovations on the inside. I saw the outfield last year, so the fans I know are enjoying that, and I'll get to see the rest hopefully soon. >> Ross: owe only have a short amount of time here, but I wanted to mention you partnered with mary brown's chicken, which is also the official chicken restaurant of the toronto blue jays. Tell us about that. >> It's a great partnership. Listen... I think anytime I have the opportunity, you know, to consider partnering with great canadian companies, I have to consider it, right? And this one was no different. I got to know those folks earlier this year and I got to visit a few of their restaurants, and I really like what they do. I like how that he prepare their product, their process, how they take care of their customer, and how they go above and beyond to try to make, you know, every single one of their product as healthy as possible, and they like to feed canadians. So I can't help it, but try to work with companies that want to work with me and the jays and have a great impact on canadian communities, and mary brown's is no different, so I'm very happy to be a part of mary brown's family, and hopefully we can caught some great community impact going forward. >> Ross: jose, you've done so much for canadian baseball as well, and we thank you very much for those moments you've given us, and hoping to see you back in the city at some point. That's jose bautista, jays' lending, joining up thislegend, joining us You deserve extraordinary discover Frank Lyman designs at the Little mermaid. 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>>> A woman is in hospital with serious injuries after being stabbed by a man at fairview mall. Paramedic rushed to the scene at sheppard and don mills just before 12:30 sunday afternoon after reports of a woman being stabbed. The suspect was taken into custody by mall security before police arrived. Police say the victim and the suspect were known to each other. An investigation is ongoing. >>> Halton police are issuing an urgent public safety warning after three appointed-related deaths. -- after three opioid-related deaths. Two separate opioid poisonings have killed two men and a woman over the weekend in halton hills. Officials suspect the deaths are linked to the inhalation of an unidentified substance. Police are urging drug-users not to use alone and to keep naloxone on hand. >>> Toronto police have confirmed a body was recovered from lake ontario sunday afternoon near the ferry at billy bishop airport. The investigation is currently ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. >>> Peel regional police will announce the results of a major auto theft investigation. Dubbed project odyssey, the force will hold a media availability at 9:00 this morning. Brampton mayor patrick brown is expected to attend as well. Back in march, peel's police chief said his region sees the highest per capita number of vehicle thefts in the province, with an average of 20 stolen every day. >>> Ontario's privacy commissioner is set to publish a special report about the use of non-government eMAILS about the greenbelt scandal. Ndp leader marit stiles requested an investigation into the personal phones and eMAILS of the premier and his staffers. The office of the privacy commissioner says they're working on 19 active access to information appeals similar to the concerns raised by stiles. There's no timeline on when the report will be release the, but an investigation from the rcmp into the scandal is ongoing. [ ] >> Candace: okay. Last monday of the month. Getting started on a bit of a soggy note, but it sounds like things could turn around? >> Ross: yeah, a bit of a lull at times this morning, then more wet weather this morning. Later this morning, into the afternoon, can dos. Downpours something tokai ware of if you're out on the roads this morning, and have the umbrella handy, certainly. As we take a look at our harbour cam, you can see the cloud cover hovering over the city this morning, and yeah, be do be prepared for some wet weather that's going to be moving in. All due to this disturbance. It's a pretty widespread one. It's what's provided for some severe weather in the U.S. and some of the storms that will push through the gta could deliver some heavy downpours. There could be some lightning as well, and you could see that activity pushing through the london area, and it is moving towards the gta. We did get into some thunderstorms overnight, and as we look at the temperatures, it is warm and mild out there. Already reaching near 20, despite the cloud cover and -- well, with the humidex, it's already around the MID-20s, and that humidex will likely be close to 30 today. The daytime high will reach near 23 in toronto. Around that range for much of southern ontario. High teens as you head through sudbury and north bay. So let's take a look at how it works. Yes, later this morning, in through the afternoon, some heavy downpours possible. 15 to 25 millimetres by tonight. We see a break likely later this afternoon towards the evening, and then another round of showers will move through by tomorrow afternoon. Don't expect the rain with this to be as heavy, and then by wednesday, we'll start to see some drier weather. Although it will be cooler. Less humidity out there. So here's a look at the next three days, the next seven days. So, 20° with the showers on tuesday, especially tomorrow afternoon. Then we start to see things clear out. 18°. A mix wednesday. Thursday, back to the 20s. Looks beautiful friday. 23°. And looking ahead to the weekend, temperatures near the MID-20s and at this point, does look dry. And that's a look at your ok tire weather. Candace? >> Candace: thanks, ross.

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