
CHFD - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> The death toll from severe weather in the southern united states has now risen to 18. Powerful storms left a wide trail of destruction across texas, oklahoma, and arkansas. The worst damage was seen in a region spanning from north of dallas to the northwest corner of arkansas. The governor of kentucky declared a state of emergency early this morning, citing multiple reports of wind damage and tornadoes. Now, forecasters say the greatest risk for weather will shift to the east today, with severe storms expected anywhere from alabama as far as new york city. >>> Strong winds and heavy rain pounded the coastal regions of bangladesh and india as a severe cyclone made landfall. Millions of people are without electricity after power poles fell and trees were uprooted by gusty winds. Dozens of bangladeshi villages were flooded after flood protection embankments either washed away arrest were damaged by the storm surge. Nearly 800,000 people had been evacuated from vulnerable areas in bangladesh on sunday. The india meteorological department says the storm is likely to weaken further thought the day, but warns heavy showers will remain over the next few days. >>> Ten months after torrential rain caused devastating flooding in parts of nova scotia, there are residents still struggling with the high cost of remediation and repairs. Heidi petracek has the story of one senior's fight for financial assistance and how many have been left waiting for government help with future at lasts for urban flooding in canada. >> Reporter: when flood waters rushed into streets and homes in nova scotia last july, it caused more than $170 million in insured damage. >> The driveway was covered. >> Reporter: and the flood burst through the backdoor? Clifton crux's basement. Photos show the aftermath. The water had been high enough to make appliances float and left everything caked in mud. His estimated rest station cost, 1-43,000, taxes in. His insurance capped at 50,000. >> Reporter: but after months of waiting and piles of paperwork, kruk was offered $6,000. He appealed and was then offered $15,000. At 74 years old, he's taken out a second importantly to pay for the $60,000 he has left. >> What would you say if somebody said we're going to put your home back to the way it originally was? Just pay -- pay my contractor's bill. That's all I want. >> Reporter: the province is still processing more than 500 disaster assistance applications from the floods. 1100 have been paid out to the tune of $14 million. >> For the ones that haven't been paid out, we're certainly very sympathetic. We know it's been very traumatic for them. But it's been challenging for us, too. >> Reporter: >> Flooding is actually the costliest natural disaster in canada in terms of property damage. >> Reporter: arrest -- a tool to help municipalities prepare for and prevent urban flooding, which is expected to increase in frequency. >> We're expecting more kind of short duration, intense rainfall events, and we have, I think, everyone knows examples of those across canada. >> My doctor's increased a loft lot of my medications. The. >> Reporter: the stress has increased its toll on kruk. He's not sure he could take another flood. Especially considering what he's paid for this one. >> Antony: a graphic artist who designed tragically hip-themed canadian travel posers has caught the attention of the band. As jay durrant plains, she is posters are now being sold across the country. >> Reporter: a little background music for inspiration. [ ] graphic artist john bow eye planned and his creative partner adam rogers came up with a unique idea to showcase their client's capabilities. >> Reporter: the finished products posted on social media quickly caught the attention of the kingston band. >> And I got a call from the tragically hip and said, wow... Don't even know about this project. Really interesting. Maybe we can talk about it. >> Reporter: now the complete set is being sold on the hip's website on their 40th anniversary. A hip trip around canada, incorporating some hidden nuggets from well-known lyrics. Weather vain jesus at the top of this.

could have the willie nelson sore would have been could have been the wine. I probably went through their whole catalog. We actually ended up hiring a writer to help us with that. Because we really wanted an over-the-top sort of advertising feel to the writing. >> Reporter: this is not belisle's first tragically hip-themed work. He created a commemorative poster for rogers arena during the farewell duerr tour in 2016, back when he was more of a casual fan. >> I probably had two or three albums, and now I listen to them all of the time. Shaking all night long, and my hands are steady >> Reporter: from this project that's quickly taken off, there's a lesson here that he will continue to share with his students. >> You're going to get overwhelmed by the software and the technology and all of those things, but at the end of the day, it's all about imagination. Andel the one thing that will keep you in the industry. [ ] >> Reporter: jay durrant, global news. >> Antony: and that's what's making national and international news for this monday, may 27th. You're watching "global news morning." we'll be right back. What do you do when your tire goes flat and there's no air anywhere to fix that? You reach for Bullseye Pro. The smarter, faster, hands free way to fill it up with air. Bullseye Pro is equipped with a rechargeable lithium ion power plant. So fast, so strong and so convenient. It's like putting the power of an air compressor in the palm of your hand. Look, you can inflate all four tires of your car on a single charge or inflate a bag full of soccer balls at practice. Bullseye Pro is so advanced it has a built in smart pressure digital sensor that gauges and automatically stops when the set tire pressure is reached. Plus, it can be 100% hands free. You simply set the target pressure and walk away, keeping you out of harm's way. Bullseye Pro is lightweight, durable and powerful enough to inflate this massive monster truck tire. Plus, it has four ultra bright led lights to safely inflate at night. Bullseye Pro comes with three custom air nozzles on board so you can easily inflate, pool toys, exercise balls and more. Forget driving to the gas station. Bullseye Pro is your anywhere! any time! inflation station. Call or go online now and get the complete Bullseye Pro inflation system all for the factory direct price of just $79.99. It comes with a 90 day money back guarantee. Plus, we'll ship your entire order free. That's right, free shipping. But to really inflate this offer we will give you a 50% discount on a second one. You get it all. An incredible value for one low price. Call or go online to order now. It's going to be a big game in Oakland tomorrow night. Get your sports highlights on Time Out. Monday to Saturday on Global Thunder Bay. Brought to you by Joey's Restaurant. . >> Announcer: fête your dog's tail wagging with the flurries dog walking forecast. Tune in deak ways with canadian meals ross hull and the canadian broughs in the morning, and chief meteorologist anthony farnell and storm the weather dog at 5:30 and 6:00. Brought to you by rehn' pets. Pet foods, treats, and case toys for your pet's best life.

>>> May is amachine may-zing on "the morning show"! Fun with family and friends from furiosa. >> I want them back. >> Reporter: to "seinfeld." >> I wanted to do one of those spielberg night scenes with the smoke. >> Announcer: "bridgerton." >> We've been holding back the chemistry that we have together for this. >> Announcer: we have fan favourites, fan finales, and a william senateer in exclusive from the final fronter. Amazing may, all month long on tms. [ ] >> Ross: morning, meteorologist ross hull here with you on this monday. Hope you all had a great weekend. Notice the jet stream pushing right into B.C. and that's the storm track, and we've got more wet weather on the way. Quieter weather, at least warmer, across alberta, saskatchewan, into manitoba over the next couple of days. And the jet stream right over the great lakes, in towards the maritimes, signifying some unsettled weather after relatively dry weekend. Although there were some thunderstorms. We've got that disturbance that he is pushing through. Which will bring the potential for more showers and thunderstorms. That will be the situation on tuesday across the maritimes. But we're dealing with it today around the gta, southwestern québec, and still some showers moving in by the afternoon around southern ontario. We'll look at some steadier rain moving in on tuesday across the maritimes, and that will start to clear as we move into wednesday for most areas. Okay, let's take a look at the west. Yeah, relatively quiet. Although still some showers, and still cooler than average through B.C. at least, which has been favourable for the wildfire situation in that province. Special air quality statement north of B.C. in towards the northwest territories for smoke from wildfires, and as we take a look at the futurecast, you can see quiet through edmonton, calgary, saskatoon, regina. Some cloud cover in winnipeg, but the unsettled weather continues through the B.C. interior, through british columbia and through the south coast of B.C. as well, around vancouver and victoria. Going to be breezy. Southerly winds, though, you can see that around saskatchewan come mid-week. So 16° with a chance of some showers in vancouver today. 22 in kelowna. As we head towards edmonton and calgary, into the low 20s. 20 in calgary, 22 in edmonton. 21 in regina. 22 in saskatoon. The potential for some showers around winnipeg, with a high of 17°. As we head farther east, unsettled at times. Showers, thunderstorms. Temperatures reaching 22, 23° around toronto. It will feel into the high 20s, though, when you factor in the humidex. A humid feel to the atmosphere, but it will be unsettled at times, and as we head east, we are looking at increasing cloud cover. Highs around the mid-teens for the hrm. More towards the low 20s as you head in towards moncton and fredericton, with increasing cloud cover and mostly cloudy conditions. We'll be into some rain tomorrow. >> Candace: okay. So, you know, a bit of up and down still before things really settle into the swing of, I guess, late spring/summer things. How is the forecast looking for -- it's very early to ask, but how is the forecast lacking the looking for next weekend? >> Ross: a little cooler mid-week and it looks to warm up just in time for the weekend and try at this point, too. >> Candace: excellent! >> Ross: I think there's a reason behind that. >> Candace: I was just going to flag for allle allle of our toronto viewers, apparently all ten of the city's beaches open next weekend with lifeguards on-site. So that is good news, and another, you know, unofficial sign that summer is here. >> Ross: yes. Take it in while you can, because it just zips by. Other outdoor activities this weekend. This is pretty cool. Thousands of lucky picnickers enjoyed free delicacies prepared by some of the city's top chefs. Foreign 4,000 people shall the "a" sat along the avenue, using a tablecloth that was more than 197 metres long. Boy, how do you clean that out with all the crumbs in it? The lucky diners were chosen for a draw in the event which comes exactly two months before the summer olympics owes opening ceremony in paris, and wow, that looks like a lot of fun. Having that extra picnic atmosphere. >> Candace: absolutely. Something about breaking bread with the baskets and just all be on that blanket, really setting that sense of community within the city before it is invaded by the world. Who knows. That invasion has probably started as well. So it's -- there's a lot of symbolism there, too. That's really nice. >> Ross: yeah, and I'm sure there's going to be many similar events leading up to the olympics and, of course, looked like decent weather there on sunday, but the weather forecast will be key ahead of the olympic games, too. I know I think the opening ceremonies are going to go right

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