
CHFD - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

in for me at a moment's notice. You don't have the same luxury. >> Chelsea: Yeah, my creative work certainly taps a different part of my brain, but I can't access that when my heart is a thousand miles away with Connor. >> Adam: Okay, so do it. >> Chelsea: I can't, Adam. I don't have anyone to cover me. I'm not gonna leave Summer in the lurch. >> Adam: Look, I hope that this doesn't sound too opportunistic, but I was just having a conversation and it might help both of you. >> Chelsea: Okay, if you have an idea, go on. >> Adam: Would you consider letting Sally step in? >> Alan: Why don't we just take a breath, okay? >> Ashley: So did Traci tell you what happened? >> Alan: Why don't you tell me? >> Ashley: Okay. Um, I'm talking to Jack and Traci and then I-- I-- I get kind of lightheaded and I-- I guess I blacked out, which is what apparently I've been doing. And then I-- I'm in this room and it's all white, very bright white light and I'm there, but there's two others of me, but we're different. One is a-- a bitch and the other one has like a Southern accent and they're fighting over me. They're arguing over me. >> Alan: What were they saying? >> Ashley: They were saying that I should absolutely not go to Paris with you and that I should let them take over. Is this what you meant? Is this what you were trying to explain to me? >> Alan: I believe so, yeah. These personalities, alters, call them, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you, but the fact that they exist at all means that there is something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? >> Alan: Well, that's what we need to find out. I think you should go to Paris with me as soon as possible. >> Tucker: Yeah, hi, Hayley. Uh, I need you to book me on the next flight to Paris. Absolutely, tonight. [ Jordan groaning ] [ Jordan sobbing ] >> Jordan: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I will not die like this. I will not die like this. Not at your hands, Victor, no. No, I will not. Help me, help me, help. Oh. >> Cole: Just don't fight. >> Jordan: Please, please have mercy, please. Please, please. [ Jordan panting ] [ Jordan crying ] >> Cole: Okay, put her back, put her back. >> Victor: This is Victor Newman. We found that Jordan woman who escaped from prison twice and who terrorized my family and almost killed my wife. We found her on the banks of the Galewood River. Yes, that woman. She's alive, we'll bring her to you. >> Cole: You're doing the right thing. >> Victor: No, Cole, you and Michael betrayed me. And that I will not easily forget. Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc. Join us again for"The Young and the Restless." Joey's is Thunder Bay's first name in seafood... and so much more! With take-out available, and Joey's easy to use mobile app, getting your favorite seafood to go is easier than ever! Through the app you can place

your order... pay from your phone... and pick up your order when ready or get it delivered right to your door through Skip the Dishes! Reel in a delicious seafood dinner with just a couple taps on your phone, or stop in and get it to go! Enjoy quality, affordable seafood your way - with Joey's. It's a tasty little place for seafood. Hi. >> I'm hayley perreault. Welcome to word for word where we offer you an in-depth look at some of our interviews with newsmakers from across the northwest. Our recommendation regarding the proposed indoor turf facility will be presented to thunder bay city council on monday. It suggests that council approve a design standard that would cost an estimated forty two point seven million dollars. Here's what one councillor and the project's most vocal proponent had to say the whole idea of this of this proposal that we've put forward is to show that we can do this for cheaper than was planned. Previously we heard from the city, we heard from councillors that the location was pretty costly at chappells and the type of building we had was was too costly. So we decided to come back with something that would that would appease more people in the city while still giving the users what they were looking for. And we believe we did that with spline. >> What are your thoughts on option three being proposed monday night? Do you like it? So we originally came with the ontario building codes. We wanted to keep the costs down if the city and council decides to spend more money on it to make it more energy efficient, that's up to them. But they have to understand that there will be the ones raising the cost on that. I understand why they would want to do it and we would support that if they supported . How are you feeling now that it's finally coming to council monday night? It's been a long time. We brought this plan to council about 16 18 months ago. It's taken a really long time to get here but we're here it seems to be from the report that it's going in a positive direction and I'm really excited to see it when it gets in the hands of the developers of what the true cost the facility will actually be. We spoke a little bit off camera just about those extra added costs that they're looking at not putting in right away. >> I'm wondering you just talk a little about that and they've got the camera rolling here. Yeah, so with a lot of the cost there's things that need to be done off the start and there's things that can be done later if they choose to do so. So we suggested and it seems like they're going to be doing the same thing is putting in what needs to be done automatically and then if you decide to add in additions after the fact, go ahead, feel free. But as long as the facility is up and running the users are getting to use it then go ahead, feel free and just oh my goodness I forgot what I was going to ask. I lost uh oh just just what do obviously if it gets approved monday night I guess just talk about what you're really looking forward to when it comes down to the bids and tenders and the design phase. So really it just gets us to the next step. I'm really excited to be working with some of the developers on bringing back a cost effective facility that meets the needs of our community and what works for our community. We're going to be making sure that we bring this facility back is cost effective as possible because we want to make this as great as we can for everybody in our city because the question but will you be working long city staff if this gets approved then or I'm not sure if we're going to be allowed to we have basically an open door policy. We will go and help out in any way we can with them. I hope we're included as much as possible to ensure the things that are required in the facility are in there and extras aren't there's there is some talk about some other potential things that could go in the building but I think we'll add costs but not give much to it. I'm hoping we can stay on track to keep the costs down on the building and we'll just needs to go in there. So that's something you would like to do in the future just still continue to share your opinions with city staff? Oh absolutely. We will continue to work with them in any capacity that will allow us to ok and not to jinx it or anything. But are you feeling good going into monday night are hopeful that this will go through? >> Yeah, I am feeling very positive about it in saying that we've been very, very close to this before and it hasn't got crossed the finish line so it is just part of the process and it is a step in the right direction but it's still just a step when this goes to the developers and they get to come back with their own designs of what the facility will layout like what it will look like on the exterior and they come back with that final dollar then we'll know is there anything else that you want that we might have missed? >> No, no. I guess the conversation of what the building is going to look like on the inside and the outside and even the true cost of this we don't know what that's going to be until the developers come back with that . The whole purpose of us going to the design build rfp was to allow the developers to come back with their own design and that's going to save the city money and it's also going to save the city time. So we're going to be able to allow the professionals to go out there, do their work and come back with the package and put it in front counts on admin

and I hope in a couple of months we'll be coming back and there'll be something that appeases everyone. It's obviously a long time coming. So here it is kind of the final report and one thing that it really reflects is a lot of the will of the community. The site has been selected finally and the scope of the project has the parameters had been set by city council. So what we're looking at is very much in line with I think the the expectations of the community as well as city council. >> Do you think that your fellow members of council will support the I forget how much exactly but over forty million dollar cost? Well it's tough to say but I mean my hope is that we don't really focus as much I mean we got to focus on the cost. There's there's no question about that. But I mean functionality sustainable there's all kinds of other factors that we have to evaluate before we make our final decision. But I think right now the process is good. I think the rfp the developers would support the current process with the rfp and it's going to be informed by a potential operating models moving into the future to make sure it's sustainable for the long-term. Yeah, my staff is recommending against a prefabricated model and saying that it wouldn't be able to be upgraded down the road. I guess just your thoughts on that the the prefabricated I that's what I'm saying. >> No, no I mean maybe ask it again just question from what I understand I like it because I don't know if that's in the report. I think that's what is in the report. But I we can check again. Are you talking about the energy component? Yes, that's what they were saying. They were saying pre-fabricated wouldn't have the ability to be upgraded on to energy efficiency down the road. >> Ok, well I mean I agree and one thing that that city council and the community needs to be mindful of is this area actually has the potential to have a centralised heat distribution system which is highly energy efficient and would be extremely difficult to retrofit at a later date. I think it's you know, you know what? I'm here and then the community is if you're going to do this project, you do it right. And one of the things that doing you know, doing it right is making sure you got not only lower operating costs but you're able to tie that infrastructure in to a centralised heat distribution system that we could do for all the facilities in this area. So I think that's really important that you know, we we get the project right and we don't kind of just you you know, try to carve off too much to to just get it across the political political finish line . People want to see this project and they want it done right. This is a legacy project and ultimately it's it's here and I anticipate it's going to get past some and then there was some things that were in the report if you want to hold that for me for five seconds, that's what's in the report and they could remove those items to make it a little bit less money. >> Just your thoughts on that? Well, I mean I think that's ok and I think that that's different than like the design of a building like with energy hvac retrofits like that's infrastructure that needs to be built into the design the beautification of the site. The site would be in mckeller ward and this is a residential neighbourhood. I think the residents want it to look nice eventually but those add ons could could be added on later. I'm agreeable to that and I think the rest of the council probably will be as well. >> Anything else you just want to add about this project? Well, I mean this is a long time coming right? You know what's important to be mindful of is the changing demographics of thunder bay. I mean we very much have more southeast asian students and international and immigration immigrants moving to thunder bay and you know, turf sports are what they play. We're playing cricket. We're playing soccer and that's ultimately for the thunder bay of the future. This is the facility of the future and it's also important to remember that, you know, turf sports are really low barrier. We also have heard from, you know, the lakehead social planning council that thunder bay has very high you know you know a lot of a lot of citizens living at the or below the poverty rate. You know, turf sports are accessible. They are affordable and ultimately these this facility is going to meet the recreational needs of the future. And in my mind it's we got it. We're going to do it. It's never been about this site or anything. It's just you know, I think council's unanimous in their support but I think for a long-term feasibility on even on the finance side, I think it's good to get it done right the first time. >> Stay tuned. We'll have more word for word right after the break. It's Tee time! At Dragon Hills Golf Course! Located in the beautiful and rugged country side, Dragon Hills is a nine-hole golf course that will challenge and impress golfers of all skill levels. Take in the stunning views, mature trees, and peaceful ponds. Come slay the Dragon! Dragon Hills Golf Course, Thunder Bay's Premiere Golf destination! You deserve extraordinary discover Frank Lyman designs at the Little mermaid. Frolic at patio parties in bold blue. Dare yourself to try this striking midnight blue

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