
CHFD - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> A toronto man has become the province's latest member of the giant jackpot club. [ Cheers & Applause ] that's greg chialtis celebrating his win from the lotto max jackpot. So, what are his plans? Greg says, for him, it's all about family. >> You know, memories is what you're going to remember, and so I don't look at it as buying stuff. I think now we can make memories that can last each of us a lifetime. >> Candace: beyond that, greg says he wants to help others by giving back to the community and part of that includes adopting a rescue dog. >> I don't know what comes next, but I I know I'll be ready for it. >> Candace: that video message was from former maple leafs coach sheldon keefe about two weeks ago after the team fired him, and now keefe does know what comes next. He's been hired as head coach by the knock knowledge devils and says he's excited to lead a young team he says has a lot of potential. The devils had a lot of fun with keefe's first name on x,. Keefe will be formally introduced by the team next tuesday. >> Mayor Olivia Chow: welcome, everyone, to newcomer day at city hall. Welcome to toronto. And welcome home. >> Candace: thursday marked the tenth annual toronto newcomer day. Beyond a neighbourly greeting for new arrivals, newcomer day offers help with understanding and ack-ack ceasing the wide range of city services av Every time I open my eyes... It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (sfx: Crowd noise. Ref whistle) (Music) Sarah, you got this. Ok. You can be amazing You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug You can be the outcast Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love But I wonder what would happen if you Say, what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly, I wanna see you be brave With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly, I wanna see you be brave Just wanna see you Just wanna see you But they lost Just wanna see you Not really. Just wanna see you Not where it counts. I wanna see you be brave I just wanna see you just wanna see you Be brave >> But the funny thing is I got this phone from the Power Centre. >> That's not that funny. (laughter) >> Power Centre is an authorized TBayTel dealer. (laughter) (knock on door) >> Hey, what are you guys talking about? >> He was telling me the Power Centre is an authorized TBayTel dealer. >> Plus they offer all smartphones starting a zero dollars with simple pay. (knock on door) >> Hey guys, what's up? (applause) >> The Power Centre, amazing prices on smartphones and >> They have TBayTel-dedicated smartphone sale staff. >> Wow, I thought they just sold appliances. (laughter) (applause) Watch Northwest Newsweek with Hailey Perrault, weekends on Global Thunder Bay. >> Antony: hello, and thank you for joining us on this friday, may 24th. I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines...

>>> Retailer london drugs has confirmed what had been feared: files stolen by cyber criminals last month have been leaked on to the dark web. Cyber criminals breached company computers in a ransomware attack. London drugs at one point closed all of its stores in western canada as a result. Now, a group called lockbit claimed responsibility and threatened to release stolen data unless london drugs paid $25 million. The company says it is unwilling and unable to pay and customer and patient databases, it says, were not affected, but employee data may have been, and they are getting free credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. >>> Well, if you've ever bought a ticket to an anti-oar a correspond sent, you've most certainly used ticketmaster. Now the U.S. justice department says live nation is too big. Eric sorensen has more on a legal battle that could reshape the multi-billion dollar live entertainment industry. [ ] >> Reporter: when millions of people could not buy taylor swift eras tour tickets two years ago, public anger coalensed around ticketmaster and its dominance in ticket sales. Ask swiftieses like halifax's elizabeth 'hanley about the prices she ultimately faced. >> They're $3,600. >> Reporter: now the U.S. just department and most U.S. states are suing the patient company live nation. >> Live nation relies on unlawful anti-competitive conduct to exercise its monopolistic control over live events in the united states. >> Reporter: managing more than 400 artists, and controls the majority of large concert venues and promotions in the U.S. and then there's ticketmaster's additional fees. >> Ticketing fees. Service fees. Convenience fees. >> Reporter: and the list just went on within a within. >> Per order fees. Handles fees. >> Reporter: it is a climb-down for the U.S. government, which allowed live nation to merge with ticketmaster in 2010. Critics say the government has no choice but to bring more competition in the live concert industry. >> The engine of lower prices is competition. Competition is something that's been absent in this area for decades now. Really, the only way to resolve it is to break up the company. >> Reporter: >> Ticketmaster learned valuable lessons from this on sale. >> Reporter: live nation's president told a congressional hearing last year that bots and scalpers were responsible for high ticket prices. In statement, live nation says this lawsuit distracts from real solutions that would decrease prices and protect fans. What could it mean in canada? >> We always say more competition is more choices for canadians, so obviously we're going to be locking at what has been announced in the united states. >> Reporter: any investigation in this country would come the competition bureau, which reached a settlement with live nation over extra fees in 2018. >> They are most likely watching very carefully what the americans are doing, and then they would have to decide whether they think that they would like to investigate it. >> Reporter: the case follows years of backlash from concert-goers. It could be many more years before it's settled. Eric sorensen, global news, toronto. >> Antony: a man from british columbia who recently celebrated his 100th birthday has, of course, seen many changes in canada over the years. Including how people of different ethnic backgrounds are treated. Kylie stand ton introduces us to wayne chow, whose paper trail illustrates the many challenges chinese-canadians faced over the years. >> Reporter: when you hit certain milestones in life, you can't help but smile. >> My dad turned 100 on may the 4th. >> Reporter: wayne ching chow celebrated surrounded by family and friends. A chance to honour just how far he's come in this life given the world he was born in. >> His 100th birthday is pretty close to the 100th anniversary of the 1923 chinese exclusion act. >> Reporter: at just 7 weeks old, chow became one. First canadian canadians ever documented with C.I. or chinese immigration certificate. Throughout his childhood in cumberland and university degree in manitoba, he held on to that piece of paper. >> It's not your dad's store. >> It was with him had had he got married, raised five children, and moved back to B.C. for a job with bc hydro. Out of sight, but never out of mind. >> For some reason, like -- he knew the importance of it. My oldest sister, gay lean, was looking in a safety deposit box

probably three years ago, and found it. >> Reporter: but the timing, much like chow's birthday, coincided with bigger things. The opening of the chinese-canadian museum and its exhibit, the paper trail. >> It sheds light on this history and it makes it very personal. >> Oceans of ink. Reams of paper. Report roughly 400 C.I. certificates are on display. Chow's is one of them, but provides an unflinching look at the chinese inclusion act. >> Inning for chinese canadians, it is an affirmation. This was part of again our history and the stories are not just in the shadowed from 1923 to 1927. No chinese fundamentally could enter this country. >> Reporter: a century later, the CHOWs say that was then. This is now. >> Of course, my dad can personally see the change. >> Reporter: lessons have been learned. Lives have been built, and 100 years later, that's something to smile about. Kylie stanton, global news. >> Antony: now, to some stunning new up imagines to show you that are literally out of this world. The european space agency released this: five images from the euclid telescope. They feature unprecedented views of of a star-forming region in the milky way and clusters of hundreds of galaxies. Now, the telescope will spend the next few years gathering images to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mess industries: dark matter and dark energy. >>> And that is what's making national and international news for this friday, Imagine a new, state-of-the-art Central Library Branch that meets the changing needs of our community. Imagine an expansive, accessible space for active children's learning and play, tech-centric hangout spaces for teens, Indigenous cultural and ceremonial spaces, a growing collection of books, media and more! A space where Thunder Bay can learn, connect and collaborate in the Heart of the city. Visit to learn more, and provide feedback. Thunder Bay Central Library. Your Library. Reimagined. Global Thunder Bay believesin being accountable to you, the viewer. Which is why we participatein the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. We are committed to upholdingthe highest standards of broadcast excellence andadhering to the codes of conduct administered by the cbsc. If you have a comment about ourprogramming or a concern about something your heard or saw onour station, contact us or visit the CBSC'swebsite at A bountiful harvest grown by you! There's nothing more rewarding than home grown produce for your family. With over 95 years of growing experience, Bill Martin's Nurseryland has practical advice to inspire you to get growing, whether your space is big or small. Stop by today & get all the gardening supplies you need to grow the best tasting veggies & flavourful herbs. Bill Martin's Nurseryland, just minutes from the waterfront district. What we love about Camping, at it's core, is the Freedom...that sense of escape. And camping in an rv gives you all the Freedom in the world. With an're not tied to a place or time...You're more free than ever to roam...and explore...To see new places, with your favorite people, and have a shared experience...Without having to sacrifice comfort... Whether you're looking to upgrade your RV...or embrace rv camping for the first time...Get started by shopping for your dream rv at Woody's Marine & RV...selling memories. Eco Tips; basic tips and tools to be more environmentally conscious on Global Thunder Bay. Brought to you by Carvalho Custom Granite, mother nature's art, perfected. >> Announcer: -- leaves an ontario man stranded abroad. No hospital here at home willing to accept him. Until global's sean o'shae stepped? >> Thank you for all your help. He wouldn't be home if it wasn't to you guys. >> Announcer: watch sean o'shae. Only on "global news." >> Candace: when canadians hear "globalmedic" we think about natural disasters, wildfires, floods. For the last 25 years, globalmedic has been there. But now they have partnered up with hail I don't know to roll out the halion health trailer into communities right here in the gta. And here to talk more about it, let's welcome executive director from globalmedic raul singh. Raul, thanks for joining us. >> We're excited to get our trailer out on to the road and delivering health care and vital aid to families that need it. >> Candace: for sure, and when we heard about this, it peaked my interest, because, again, like I mentioned, these are communities right here in the gta that we didn't even think globalmedic would be serving.

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