
CHEX - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

emotional and spiritual support to women experiencing an unintentional pregnancy in a safe and inclusive environment help support our mission at the all about love annual fundraising gala June 6th, 6pm at the Venue an evening of storytelling and connection featuring musician Mike Shultz to reserve your tickets call 705-742-4015 Peterborough pregnancy support services providing hope for your future it's time to change the cycle on mental health awareness. Join global peterborough and tom's heating and cooling as we raise funds for youth and family mental health programs in the region.this initiative by c.m.h.a hkpr, supports youth & family mental health services in the region with a goal of $25,000. A that path to mental awareness starts here! Join the ride and change the cycle saturday june 15th at nicholls oval. Details at What if we could put life into slow motion? It would give us time to focus on the important things, savour happy moments, and avoid mishaps. Speed limits and Peterborough school neighborhoods have been reduced and traffic fines increased. By slowing down near schools, you help keep everyone safe. After all, we may not be able to slow down life but we can reduce our speed. Find out more at Yes! Ooh, it's on! Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. >> Hello. And thank you for joining us on this thursday, may 23rd, I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines. Uk prime minister rishi sunak has called a snap election stunning. Even some members of his own conservative party. So after 14 years in power, the tories, who are trailing in the polls, could face a wipeout. Crystal goomansingh has more on a high stakes political gamble alone, exposed to the elements any shine rishi sunak may have had, all but washed away. >> I hope that my work, since I became prime minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish come july 4th. >> Sunak will face the voting public for the first time in 2022. His party chose him from a list of one. >> Rishi sunak is therefore elected as leader of the conservative party in the aftermath of the brexit vote, which led to david cameron's resignation, the uk has churned through several prime ministers. >> Sunak, the fifth, hopes to hold on to power, but faces opposition. >> We will stop the chaos time and again. They pursue their own interests rather than tackling the issues that affect your family. >> Keir starmer is also a novice in terms of running in a general election. As for his party, labor was last in office in 2010. >> I don't think anyone who gets voted in really cares too much. >> I won't be voting for either of them, to be honest. >> I'm guided by doing what is right for our country, not what is easy. And I can't say the same thing for the labor party. Hello >> In terms of conservative leaders, sunak is good on paper, but the financier and oxford graduate has often seemed out of step with the public and his party. >> We certainly need some changes. >> Why an election now is the question. Inflation is nearly at a three year low, but the tory party leader's popularity, well, it's nearly at record lows as well. So in less than two months, all of the party leaders will have to find a way to inspire voters and actually get them to turn up at the polls. As crystal goomansingh "global news" london. >> Iranian president ebrahim raisi is being laid to rest today in the dauphin dutton in the raises body is being taken to birjand city for a last ceremony before being buried in his hometown of mashhad. Thousands of people held placards over iec and waved flags marching in the streets this morning to bid the president farewell. The 63 year old died alongside his foreign minister and six others when their helicopter crashed in the country's mountainous northwest region earlier this week. Throughout the pandemic, the canadian government spent billions of dollars on more than 800 million covid-19 rapid tests. The bulk of them were given to provinces and territories to distribute in free screening programs. But in

many places, that will soon be coming to an end. As heidi petracek explains, rapid testing may soon be based on your ability to pay five in the box. >> I can only give you one per person. >> There used to be lineups for free covid-19 rapid tests. Today it's no waiting for bill van gorder, who picked one up at his local library in halifax. >> If we have been somewhere where we then hear someone else has covid, or if we've gotten, you know, have the sniffles or something, we use the test. >> But the days of ottawa sending millions of tests to the provinces are numbered, health canada saying in a statement given the current covid-19 outlook, inventory levels and indicated testing demands, the federal government does not anticipate the need for additional federal procurements at this time. >> New brunswick took that as its cue to announce it will stop handing them out when supplies run out, likely the end of next month. Saskatchewan did the same in february. >> People who are wealthy can continue to buy them. >> That bothers one infection control epidemiologist who says rapid tests should still be part of the plan. >> And if we say we're not going to have it anymore, then we're really taking the word public out of public health. >> Nova scotia is planning its next steps, as is alberta, which stresses no decision has been made. Other provinces aren't saying much right now about what the plan is. Ontario, for example, would only say through a spokesperson that the province has tens of millions of rapid antigen tests available to the public and wouldn't say when they expire. But lab based testing by medical referral remains available. For and one expert, is the better tool because rapid tests perform differently for different people. The interpretation capacity has to improve, and that means that the sensitivity of these tests needs to improve. The experts agree tests need to improve and detect other respiratory viruses like rsv and influenza. That innovation is in the works, likely rendering these obsolete. Heidi petracek "global news" halifax. >> So if your seasonal allergies are worse, this year, you're not alone. >> Sinus and my throat. >> That's why I sound all stuffy . >> Well, she is just one of millions of canadians sniffling through a difficult spring allergy season. Even so, because warm weather is starting earlier, so are allergies, and that is creating a real run on medications at local pharmacies. It's the time of year, so the allergy medication is just going to start flying off the shelves for the next little while. I actually have to order a completely new stock, usually just ends up being no sprays and antihistamines. Tips to lessen the effects include allergy medication, changing air filters in your home, and vehicle, and you may want to consider a sinus rinse. Well, a wildlife photographer in montreal captured a stunning showdown between a fox and a goose. Look at this. Lana block says she was photographing birds at montreal's botanical garden last week when she saw a fox trying to catch this canada goose. So she snuck up in some trees and managed to capture this dramatic scene. Who won, you might ask? Well, block says, the fox eventually gave up and went off to hunt a squirrel. The goose, meanwhile, simply waddled away. And that's what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news" morning on this thursday, may 23rd. We'll be right back. This portion of Global News Morning is brought to you by Tom's Heating and Cooling Call Tom's today, someone you can trust Hi Keith Carroll here fom Lifestyle Home Products. Does your home's exterior need a make over? Well I'm here to let you know at Lifestyle we've have you covered. We have up to 18 different designer colours that wil enhance the beauty of your home. Announcer: Take advantage of Lifestyle's spring make over event where we pay the tax or a free upgrade to one of our 18 designer colours for no extra cost. Keith: Call today and let us transform your home with new Lifestyle windows and doors Music Announcer: Call or click today and take advantage of Lifestyle's Spring Make Over Event, where you save the tax or receive a free upgrade to one of our designer colours at no extra charge. Call at at 1-800-465-0593 or head over to Atlantis Wholesale Hot Tub Factory Outlet store open to the public! Hot Tubs, swim spas, year-round pools, patio furniture and more, all at wholesale prices! Why pay retail prices! A huge selection of everlasting outdoor furniture

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