
CHEX - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

only on Global. At Peterborough Pregnancy support services it's all about love we provide physical emotional and spiritual support to women experiencing an unintentional pregnancy in a safe and inclusive environment help support our mission at the all about love annual fundraising gala June 6th, 6pm at the Venue an evening of storytelling and connection featuring musician Mike Shultz to reserve your tickets call 705-742-4015 Peterborough pregnancy support services providing hope for your future I'm Jeanette Wood, your Peterborough and Kawarthas realtor inviting you to join me on my virtual cycling ride across Canada. We are raising money for the Children's Miracle Network. This journey is a mission to make a real impact right here in the community ensuring every child in our community gets a chance to come home. Your donation can make a world of difference. Let's come together now. Visit my website or follow my journey on instagram and facebook. It's time to change the cycle on mental health awareness. Join global peterborough and tom's heating and cooling as we raise funds for youth and family mental health programs in the region.this initiative by c.m.h.a hkpr, supports youth & family mental health services in the region with a goal of $25,000. A that path to mental awareness starts here! Join the ride and change the cycle saturday june 15th at nicholls oval. Details at Atlantis Wholesale Hot Tub Factory Outlet store open to the public! Hot Tubs, swim spas, year-round pools, patio furniture and more, all at wholesale prices! Why pay retail prices! A huge selection of everlasting outdoor furniture Adirondack chairs retailing at of everlasting outdoor furniture Adirondack chairs retailing at $499, now wholesaling at $219! Hot Tubs priced from as low $499, now wholesaling at $219! Hot Tubs priced from as low as $5795! Plus, factory rebate incentives on Hot Tubs and Pools all at wholesale prices! Atlantis Wholesale Factory Outlet Store, highway 35 just north of Lindsay. >> I kept on telling the police he's vulnerable. >> What he needed was help, but he was met with force. >> That made me even more angry. >> "crime-beat" fridays on "global" >> Hello, and thank you for joining us on this friday, may 24th, I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines. Retailer london drugs has confirmed what had been feared. Files stolen by cyber criminals last month have been leaked onto the dark web. Cyber criminals breached company computers in a ransomware attack. London drugs at one point closed all of its stores in western canada as a result. Now a group called lockbit claimed responsible and threatened to release stolen data unless london drugs paid $25 million. The company says it is unwilling and unable to pay customer and patient databases it says were not affected, but employee data may have been and they are getting free credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. Well, just one week before the start of the atlantic hurricane season, there are dire predictions from forecasters in both canada and the united states. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration is projecting the highest number of named storms in history, and experts warn it could be the most active hurricane season on record. Jackson has the story. >> Hurricane otis seemed to come out of nowhere after decimating acapulco. >> After rapidly intensifying from a category one to a category five in a single day. That nightmare scenario could happen again and again this year. This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways. Never have american forecasters been so certain of a violent hurricane season, calling for 8 to 13 hurricanes with 4 to 7 major storms of category three or higher, all fueled by record warm ocean temperatures in the atlantic, they are equivalent to what we would normally see during august, and they are dramatically warmer than in 2005. 2005 was the year that brought katrina again. >> The rescue worker giving the thumbs up, which killed over 1800 people and caused upwards of $125 billion in damage. >> Since then, climate change has supercharged the ingredients for hurricanes. >> The most intense hurricanes will become more intense. >> That was a projection of the last ipcc report. At the same time, the rainfall associated with hurricanes is also projected to become more intense , canada's hurricane center warned. >> Storms could also be stronger as they make their way north, like 2022 hurricane fiona, the costliest weather event in

atlantic canadian history. The risks haven't stopped people from flocking to the coast, places like florida have witnessed a population boom in the last decade, even as some home insurance providers pull out entirely. >> So some insurers are cutting back, and that's making it challenging for some homeowners to find coverage in these high risk states. >> That will all but certainly raise the costs of the next major hurricane to make landfall, making the dire forecast a wake up call about our vulnerability to more frequent and more extreme storms . Jackson, proskow, "global news" washington. >> Medical experts from across the country are raising concerns about delays in updating national cancer screening guidelines. The canadian task force on preventative health care is being asked to more frequently revisit its recommendations, especially as medical technologies rapidly evolve. Maegen king has the story. >> Waiting ten plus years for an update is just not acceptable anymore. >> It's been over a decade since national guidelines were made recommending women aged 50 and older should have access to mammography to screen for breast cancer. Since then, evidence showing that the age of breast cancer incidence is becoming younger has urged experts in the field to call on the canadian task force on prevention care that sets national guidelines to lower its recommendation to age 40. Absolutely. >> This will save lives. There is no question about it. The sooner that the breast cancer is detected, the earlier the stage, the much more, higher rate of cures that we can accomplish. >> While leduc is calling for equity on a federal level, many provinces have taken the change into their own hands, as nova scotia has its average risk age for screening mammography starting at 40. And that's not the only cancer it's making its own decisions on lung nspe. I took nova scotia's high lung cancer rates into consideration when deciding to implement screening availability beginning at age 50, rather than the task force recommended age 55 discussing with partners vulnerable population. >> Our mi'kmaq communities are our folks tend to start younger. And with that in mind, it we started here at 50 was the age. >> So what that creates is what we call a postal code lottery. So if you're in a province that does allow screening in the appropriate age group, you're lucky. >> And that actually goes against, the canada health act. >> And, it's, it creates inequity. >> The coalition for responsible health care guidelines is calling for the restructuring of the independent, federally appointed task force for and accountability. A representative for the task force says it's working on a comprehensive evidence review for its upcoming draft guidelines on breast cancer screening. The draft recommendations are expected out later this spring. >> We sort of stand by helplessly and watch as they, create these guidelines that don't align with what experts know, you know, actually happens in reality. >> The coalition wants experienced specialists to be part of these crucial guideline decisions. Maegen king, "global news" halifax a new survey reveals canadians are more interested in this year's summer olympics than the previous one. >> An ipsos poll done exclusively for "global news" finds nearly 58% of people are looking forward to the world's biggest sporting event. This is actually a significant increase since the 2020 tokyo summer olympics, which piqued the interest of 33% of canadians, while 85% of people surveyed said canadian participation in the games will make them proud, 4 in 10 believed olympics are not worth the hype. An overwhelming majority hope the competition will bring people together, despite violent conflicts plaguing various parts of the world. Now the paris olympics will kick off on july 26th and that is what's making national and international news for this friday, may 24th. You are watching "global news" morning. We'll be right back. This portion of Global News Morning is brought to you by Trans Canada Nissan. Trans Canada Nissan, home of Hear ye, hear ye please welcome the Mattress King of the Kawarthas Are you tired of sleeping on your old mattress? Enter my kingdom of comfort today. Why shop at big box stores when you can save money and shop at Peterborough Mattress outlet and I will give you a free shirt.Incredible prices on pocket coil, memory foam and eurotop mattresses. You will sleep like the kings and queens that you are. Sire... snoring... ah the sweet dreams of royalty Hi I'm Tristan nd we'd like to welcome you to our backyard leisure division. We provide a comprehensive and exceptional collection of best made hottubs and swim spas by Marquis, Artesian and Be Well. Our outdoor furniture is equally diverse and comprises deep seating, sectionals, dining set, umbrellas and much more.

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(Singing in deep voice) I Can See Your Voice,all new, tonight at 8 Easternon Global. >> Well, as the weather patterns changed throughout the seasons, asphalt and concrete endures. Significant stress. Freeze thaw cycles and water infiltration caused swelling. Buckling and eventually cracking. Now for driveways. Taking quick action on these issues can lead to longer lasting repairs and savings on contractor fees. Here to show us how to diy asphalt and concrete crack repairs, we are joined by home renovation expert ryan thompson. Always great to see you, ryan. Thanks for joining us this morning. Okay, so let's start off with I guess we've got a couple of displays here. We've got asphalt and we've got some concrete, start to see those cracks appear, especially after those freeze thaw cycles. And as we move into spring and summer, how important is it to really start repairing these asap? >> Yeah, it's really important because what can happen is if you don't address these right away, you know, in the case of asphalt, these will expand and could actually turn to potholes, right? So if we're talking about a driveway application and you leave it, you're going to start to have a bumpy driveway, the exactly right, and with concrete , the same thing now, I should say cracking and concrete is normal. Normally when concrete is applied, you cut some relief cuts, but that's not always the case, and so if you do have cracking in your concrete, same thing, you want to address it because you don't want those cracks to get bigger when we don't have, you know, this is a diy, so we don't have all the stuff that the road crews have for the various cities and municipalities and so on. >> So what can you do at home? You've got some some kits here and we've got some caulking and we've got some tools here. So what do you need to actually start to repair these, these cracks and holes when you start to see them. Yeah. >> And so this is, you know, on my diy scale easy medium hard. This is easy right. But it's easy if you have the right tools okay. So we have our caulking gun, which is going to be what you need right, and then we have our product. So for our asphalt filling we have a dap asphalt filler. And sealer. >> So there's a specific one for asphalt specific one. >> Got it. And as a filler sealer it fills the cracks. But then it also seals it as well. Right. So that you're not water can't infiltrate same thing with the concrete. We have our concrete. Filler and sealant as well. Does the same thing. It's just made for different products. Right. So it's very important you have the right thing. And then you're going to want to have a couple tools here that we use to clean out, clean out the cracks because we'll get into some preparation. Yeah. And that's all you need okay. >> That's pretty simple. >> It is. >> It seems easy. >> It is. Okay. >> So what do we need to prepare then what do we do first ahead of actually putting some of the caulking in there. Yeah. >> So the first step is you're going to want to clean out what you have in the crack okay. So you know with asphalt if this is your driveway for example, you may have debris, dust, dirt. >> So you're going to want visuals here of you doing that. Right. >> Exactly. Yeah. You want to want to clean clean that out. And then what I like to do is get a shop vac and actually suck it up with the shop vac. You don't want to use your household vacuum for this, right? So again, you want to make sure you have a shop vac and there you go. Okay. You're cleaning out because you don't want any debris in here, when you're filling it. >> Because that debris could obviously affect the effectiveness of this caulking and cause maybe even more cracks potentially, or, you know, so. All right. So once that's done, then what's the next step? >> The next step is we get to it. >> So we're going to get to it. All right okay. >> For and the viewers something I always like to mention too these have instructions on them right. If we're going too fast these have instructions on them. Right. Both products that tell you the steps. >> Now you did mention that you say cutting it at a was it a 45 degree angle at the top there? >> Yes. So you're every again get the right caulk gun okay.

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