
CHCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

(lively music) (kids): Time for a joke! - Hey, Waaseyaa, there's a one-storey house where everything's yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors and yellow furniture. What colour are the stairs? - Uh... I don't know, Paxton. What colour are the stairs? - It's a one-storey house. There are no stairs! (laughter) (kids): Who are you? (exhaling) - Hey, Paxton. - Hey, Glee. - What you doing? - It's called roller-coaster breathing. It's where you breathe in when you're at the top of your finger, and breathe out when you're at the bottom. Want to try? - Sure. (exhaling) (exhaling) Wow. That really works. Thanks, Paxton. - What do you do to relax? (soft music) (kids): Who are you? (both): Hi, everybody! - Hey, Hayden, what do you want to be when grow up? - I think I want to be a kindergarten teacher, because I love to work with kids. What about you, Stella? - That's so funny. I also want to be a teacher. - That's so cool. - I want to be an art teacher, because I love painting and drawing. - Wow! (both): What do you want to be when you grow up? (lively music) (kids): Ready to dance? Hey We're on our way Gonna be okay We can do this together Hey So you had a hard day You can't find your way Through the stormy weather We got this We got this We got this We got this Hey It's gonna take a team To follow your dream We're gonna help each other Hey Your friends are here To lend an ear We're gonna stick together We got this We got this We got this We got this - More cowbell. (up-tempo music) See it Be it Got it Good Feel it Heal it Got it Good Try it Cry it Got it Good Dream it Scream it Got it Good We got this We got this We got this We got this (cheering) U is for unique Be yourself there's only one you K is for kind You care for others as well as yourself E's for everybody You belong And you can make a difference We can make a difference You can make a difference Subtitling: difuze [giggling] [all cheering] - She's true - True - True - True She'll wish for me and you Hero, hero She's true True And the Rainbow Kingdom "True Switcheroo." Ugh! Phew! Bartleby, could you pass mean empty flowerpot, please? -[creatures chitter]-Oh! [laughs] You'renot Bartleby. Good work, little helpers! I just wonder wheremy big helper Bartleby went. [creatures chitter] [Bartleby snoring] Mm... fishy-poof crackers... Aah! It's raining! It's raining, it's pouring And Bartleby is snoring Are you forgetting what day it is today? -Is it Sleep On The Grass day? -Nope. -Brush My Fur day? -Nope. -Eat A Big Lunch day? -No, silly! We're going to help Grizelda with her gardening today! Whoa, now. Stop right there. Where do you think you're going with True's flowers? It's okay, B. I'm giving them to Grizelda so she can add them to her garden. Aw, that's so nice. Okay, enough chatter.

Let's get these flowers onto the wagon! [slurps] -[clank] -Whoa... What was that? [both] Ooh! It's some kind of crystal! [sniffs] Smells pepperminty! What kind of crystal smells pepperminty? Hmm, we might be able to tell if we clean it up a little. [gasps] Something's happening! [zapping] [pops] [chitters] I don't know what just happened. I think this crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel! Wow! What do you know! An actual, working, for-real switchamajig. -Switchamabob. -Yeah, switchamathing. -Switcheroo. -Switcheroo. That's good, yeah. Yeah, that's what I said. [laughs] Have you ever seen anything so amazing? Just think of all the things we can switch! -She has my ball! -He has my ball! [zapping] [both] Yay! We're friends again! Wow! [zapping] [whines] [zapping] [laughing] [zapping] -Awesome! -Amazing! -[laughs] -Oh, let me try! Let me try! [zapping] [True's voice] What just happened? [Bartleby's voice] I don't know. [both scream] You're... me. And you're an extremely handsome kitty cat. The Switcharoo switched our bodies! I can't be a cat! What about me? How am I supposed to be a human? Or a girl! I don't know how to be either! -[crying] -We have to switch back! [grunting] Ugh! How do you hold anything with these paws? Or what are all these fingers for? All they do is wiggle around! When are you going to get here to help me with my garden? The Grizmos are ruining everything! Help me, True! [whispers] She thinks you're me. Say something. [whispers] Like what? Wait, who said that? -Um... -Hold on, just let me get-- [static] We're on our way! See you soon! -[pops] -Oof! On our way? True, we can't go to Grizelda's like this. We have to! We promised we'd help. Grab that crystal, and we'll try and figure it out there. Okay, but the second we get there, I wanna be a cat again! Oh, I don't know how you people live without fur. I'm freezing! Hmm. Put the bench where the bush is, and the bush where the bench is. Moving past... Hmm. No, no. That's not right either. Put them back where they were. [Grizmos groan] Okay, let's try switching back before we talk to Grizelda. -Whoa! -Phew. It's hard to get a grip on anything with these paws. [Grizelda] Who is that back there? Oh, no. Here she comes. Let her do all the talking! Yeah, for a change! -Uh... hi, Grizelda! -Hello! True? Bartleby? You two sound weird. [giggling] Anyway... [hums fanfare] Everything that's here should be there, and everything that's there should be here, and... True! What are you doing? Uh... hands still dirty from, uh, gardening. Oh... kay. Ooh! What's this? [both] Surprise! Aw! That's so sweet of you, True! [gasping] A crystal? [screams] It smells like peppermint! It'll be the perfect centerpiece for my garden! Eee! True, we need the Switcheroo back. Why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift? I couldn't say anything without showing her that we switched! Grizmos, put this on the top of the birdbath right away. It's my new centerpiece, so guard it for all you're worth. Whew! All this gardening is exhausting. Time for a beauty nap. [chittering] Oh, and I want that crystal to be sparkling so I can see my face in it, so be sure to shine it every couple seconds. Thank you! -[grumbles] -[music playing over headphones] -Polish it? -Every few seconds? -Grizmos, no, or you'll--! -Switch stuff! [zapping] [all] Yay... Grizmos, I really need that crystal back. -No. -Uh-uh. But everything's getting switched! -Nuh-uh. -Hmm. -[zapping] -Uh-oh. Huh? Oh! [zapping] [grunting] We have to stop all this switching! Never fear! This ninja cat-- um, girl-- will get it back!

Uh, Bartleby? Hiya! I don't know what to do next with your body. [screams, meows] I'm the cat! I can leap! Ninja cat, go! Ooh! A feather duster? Dirty trick. Ah-ha! [squeaks] No claws, no claws, whoa! [squeaking] Ugh, I'm used to landing on my paws. -[zapping] -Look! The beams are going everywhere, True, even Rainbow City! [all screaming] Hi! [zapping] Ew, mustard! Yay! Oh! -Hooray! -Yay! [both whine] [bird caws] [laughs] Yay! Huh? [boing] [deep voice] Hey! Mm, num-num! [high-pitched chittering] [zapping] There's no way we can fix this on our own. We need some Wish help! Oh, Cumulo! [warbles] [warbles] Hi, Cumulo! Please take us to the Wishing Tree! [warbles] [zapping] Look out! [all cheering] [chittering] [Zee] Sound Wishes... you move over here, please, and Bouncy Wishes, you can move over here. Hi, Zee! Greetings, True and Bartleby. I'm just switching some of the Wishes' spots in the Wishing Tree. Ugh, more switching? Can't things just stay the same anymore? True? There's something wrong with your voice. You sound like Bartleby. Ha ha! No, nope. My voice sounds the same as always, Zee. [laughing] No, Bartleby! My eyes must be seeing things. My ears must be hearing things! No, I must be dreaming! Wishes, help me wake up, please! I can't be sleeping on the job! Ooh! Thanks, Bouncing Wish. It's okay. You're not dreaming. B. and I switched bodies. Yeah, True dug up this crystal thing we call the Switcharoo, and it zapped us, and now I'm a human and she's a cat. [sighs] I miss having fur. Great gravity! What a problem this is! Come, let's sit and have a think about this. [inhaling, exhaling] How can the Wishes help you, True? Well, first we need to get the Switcheroo back from the Grizmos. Grizelda thinks True gave it to her as a gift, but she did not. Oh, uh, that's awkward. Really awkward, but maybe a Wish can help us give Grizelda something else that she'll like even more! And once you get the crystal, you can switch yourselves back and everything will be normal! -Right? -Uh, not exactly. We saw the Switcheroo beams blasting towards Rainbow City! [laughs] Whoa! Ooh! Ha! Landed on my feet. [laughing] It is time to get your three Wishes. Wait, True's the one who asked for the Wishes, but right now I'm True. The Wishing Tree always knows the real True. But she will need her Wish pack. Oh, right. Huh, perfect fit! I'm ready! Wishing Tree, Wishing Tree, please share your wonderful wishes with me! Please share your wonderful wishes with me! [exclaiming] Please share your wonderful wishes with me! Wishing Tree Share with me Tiny Wishes, one, two, three Wishing Tree Please share with me Magic power for you and me Wishing, wishing [exclaims] Wishing, wishing Wishing, wishing Magic power In the Wishing Tree [exhales] [snorts] These are some great Wishes, Bartleby-- uh, I mean True. Let's check the Wishopedia. Your first Wish is Snorfle. This Smelling Wish has a very strong nose for sniffing things out.

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