
CHCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

Mmm... I don't know. Do you wanna see them? Mmm... OK. What do you think, Lu? - Do you wanna try them on? - Yeah. Oh, comfy! Ooh! And splashy. And not bitey. (giggles) Da-da-da! Super Slug! - Hi, Gus. - Hi. Gus, do you wanna have another splashy run? - Yeah! - (both) Me too! Me too! - One... - Two... Three... (all) Go! (chuckles) That is some serious splashing going on. I like these rain boots. They're comfy and splooshy. That's great, Lu. Oops. (chuckles) I'd like to give Lu my old boots, OK? - (gasps) - I like that idea, Declan. Me too! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (giggles) They were the splashiest, splooshiest dinosaur boots ever. I loved them. What will happen to them now? Well, they're not good for wearing, with the hole in the toe. Sometimes people take old things and use them for something new. (gasps) I know! - (giggles) - Umbrella boots. Dinosaur umbrella boots. I really like your idea, Lu. Stop the umbrellas falling over all the time. Are you sure you're happy for your dinosaur boots to live here now, Lu? Yeah. I know they'll be happy here. Bye-bye, dinosaur boots. (giggles) Lu, come splash. (giggling) (rhythmic drumming) Splash! (all) Splash! Splash! (lively music) Splash! Splash! Splash! Yoo-hoo! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! robots opposites opposites robots Oppo Bots [mechanical sounds] Hello. -Hello. -Hello? Hello. Goodbye. Goodbye. Opposites. [rotary phone clicks] [phone rings] -Hello. -Hello? [static] Hello. Goodbye. Goodbye? Opposites. [dialling, ringing] Hello. Hello? Hello. Hello! Goodbye. Hello? - Ready, Lu? - (gasps) - Where's Declan? - Here I am! Oh! (panting) Ugh! Get off, backpack.

Get off! Get off! Take your time, Declan. We can wait for you. When I want to stop rushing and take my time, I breathe... slow... - Wanna try, Declan? - Ugh! OK. (both breathe deeply) How do you feel now, Declan? Uh... - I'm ready for anything! - (giggles) Oh. Except getting into the swimming pool. Yay, Declan! Yay, yay, yay! Come play in the pool! No, no, no, no, no, no! I might be ready to get in all the way next time. I'm glad to hear you're taking your time. And would you look at the time! We'll have to finish up the interview now. (both) Aw! Hey, Declan, you ready to play? I'm ready! (squealing) Mittens and Pants, Mittens and Pants A kitten named Mittens and a puppy named Pants Mittens and Pants, Mittens and Pants Mittens, kitten, puppy, Pants Mittens and Pants, Mittens and Pants - [Narrator] It was another beautiful day in Kibble Corners, and Mittens and Pants were listening and dancing to their favorite song. - I love this song. - Me too. Watch me dance. Diggy, diggy, wa, wa - Wait, "Diggy, diggy, wa, wa?" - Yeah, those are the words. It's about digging, and I love digging. - Those aren't the words. - Well sure they are, listen. Diggy, diggy, diggy, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa - No, no, no, no, no. It's saying, "Kitty, kitty, wa, wa." - "Kitty, kitty, wa, wa?" - Yeah, it's a song about kittens, listen. Kitty, kitty, kitty, wa, wa, wa, wa - Hm, now I don't know anymore. I wonder what the real words are. - Well it's DJ Swimfins's song. Why don't we go ask her? - That's a great idea, Mittens. (Mittens giggling) - Okay, Pants. - You're so smart. - Okay, okay. Come on. - [Narrator] So Mittens and Pants set off to find DJ Swimfins. - [Both] Hi, Monsieur LaFleur. - Hi, kids. Oh, boy, I love this song. Tricky, tricky, wa, wa Ah! Oh, my carrots! - There's Ms. McRooster. Let's ask her if she's seen DJ Swimfins. - Oh, yeah. Yodelayheehoo - Hi, Ms. McRooster. - Oh, hello, Mittens. Hello, Pants. What can I do for you? - Have you seen DJ Swimfins? - Yeah, we wanna ask her about her song. - Which song? - Well, I think it's, "Diggy, diggy, wa, wa." - And I think it's, "Kitty, kitty, wa, wa." - Oh, that song. Well I hate to disappoint you children, but it's actually, "Chicky, chicky, wa, wa." It's a song about chickens. - [Both] "Chicky, chicky, wa, wa?" - Oh, yes, I was yodeling one day and called in my chicks, "Chick-elayheehoo!" And I remember DJ Swimfins driving by at that moment. I'm sure that's where she got the idea for the song. - Really? - Hey, that's neat. - But you should ask her yourself because I never found out for sure. - Okay, we'll let you know. - Yeah, bye, Ms. McRooster. - Bye! (Mittens and Pants giggling) Chicky, chicky, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa - I like, "Chicky, chicky." - [Pants] It's kinda fun. - Oh, interesting tune. But I prefer jazz. - [Narrator] Mittens and Pants kept on, determined to find out what the words to their favorite song actually were. - Everyone thinks something different. - I know, isn't it interesting? - [Narrator] Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice. Piggy, piggy, wa, wa, wa - There's Post Pig Petunia. Let's ask her. Post Pig Petunia! - Who said that? - Oh! (post van crashing) - [Post Pig Petunia] Oh! (packaging thudding) Oh, what happened? - Are you okay? - Oh, Mittens, it's you and Pants. Oh, yes, happens all the time. Did you need me? - We were just gonna ask you if you've seen DJ Swimfins. - Yeah, we want to ask her about that song. Hey, you're playing it now. - Oh, yes, you mean, "Piggy, piggy, wa, wa?" - [Both] "Piggy, piggy, wa, wa?" - That's right. It's a song about guinea pigs like me. You see, I was driving down the road, humming about being a happy guinea pig when I passed right by DJ Swimfins. And do you know what happened next? - You drove off the road? - I drove off the road! And I said, "Wa!" I'm pretty sure that's where the song came from, "Piggy, piggy, wa, wa," listen. Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa Piggy, piggy, piggy, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa - Huh, oh. Hm, it does sort of sound like, "Piggy, piggy." - We still don't know what the real words are. - Well, if you find out, let me know.

- We will. We'll call Fire Chief Grapefruit so you can get your van down. (sirens wailing) - No, no, I'm here, children. I've taken to following Petunia fairly closely because (laughs) this happens a lot. - It doesn't, doesn't it? (Fire Chief laughing) See you later, kids. - Bye! - Yeah, bye-bye! Piggy, piggy, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa Piggy, piggy, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa - (laughs) I like, "Piggy, piggy." - Yeah, me too. That's fun. - (laughs) Maybe we could go ask my mom. - Good idea. Moms know everything. Wa, wa, wa - [Pants' Mom] I don't know. - [Both] Oh. - But you can always ask DJ Swimfins herself. Here she comes now. - [Narrator] Just then, DJ Swimfins pulled up in the fish van. - Hello, hello. I heard you were looking for me. - We were. - We wanted to learn what the words were to that song everyone was playing. - Oh, this one? (song playing) - Yeah, that's the one. - Oh, I like this song. - So where did the words come from? - Well, funny you should ask, Pants. That came from you. - From me? - Yeah! I'll tell you. It was a few months ago. You were a much younger puppy. Anyway, I was driving by your house, and I said hello. Hello, Pants! - Hi, DJ. - [DJ Swimfins] And then you stuck your paw in some mud. - Oh, no! - [DJ Swimfins] And you said... - Icky, icky! Icky, icky, wa, wa - [DJ Swimfins] But then, you started to think the mud was pretty fun and decided to run and jump over it. - Icky, icky, wa, wa. Icky, icky, wa, wa, wa. - [DJ Swimfins] You played for a while, and I stopped to listen because you were having such fun. I thought it was so great- - Whoa! - I decided to turn it into a song. Let's see. Icky, icky, wa, wa - Wow. - And that's how it happened. - Wow, Pants, you're almost famous. - Oh! Aw, everyone else will be sad it's not their words. - Oh, that's the best thing about music. It can mean different things to different people, especially if it grooves as well as this song does. (song playing) - Hey, it's our song. - Yay! - [Narrator] And that was the day that Mittens and Pants learned that songs can mean different things to different people, but are still just as fun no matter what the real words are. Icky, icky, icky, wa, wa Icky, wa, wa Wa, wa Icky, icky, icky, wa, wa Icky, icky - This mud puddle is so fun. I love you, mud. (sighs) I'm tired. [whoosh] [Stuffy yips and pants] [light] Hmm?! Wow. [female voiceover]It'sbeautiful, isn't it? Mm-hmm. Hi! Stuffy and I, we're just looking up at the stars with our telescope. Ma-naa! Telescopes help us see things that are really far away more clearly. Tonight we're looking for shapes in the stars. [barking] Stuffy sees a shape. Let's see if we can guess the shape. [shimmering] I see a shape that has one, two, three sides. What shape has three sides? That's right, it's a triangle. Arf! [chimes] We got it right. -Yay! -[bark] Let's see if you can guess what shape this is. [shimmering] One, two, three, four. I see a shape with four sides that are all the same length. What shape is that? That's right, it's a square. [chimes] Great work. [barks] Do you see something else in the sky, Stuffy? [shimmering]

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