
CHCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

to the customer's table. Because today I'm playing... Waiter! (chimes) (upbeat music) (howling) Do you want to play Waiter with me? You do? Ya-hooo! Let's play Waiters and give all our customers exactly what they want, together! (chimes) If you don't have something like this, you can use anything. Here's your drink! (giggles) Now I'll be the customer and you be the waiter. "I'd like a bowl of soup, please." (sniffing) Mmm! (slurp) Oo, hot! (blowing) Come on, let's go outside and play... Waiter! (howling) (seagulls cawing) Time to bring customers exactly what they want. Let's go! We're Waiters, giving customers me-e-e-nus, carrying food on a tra-a-a-ay, and giving everyone exactly what they want to eeeat! (giggling) - Cha-chaaah! - Yeah! - Yeah! Gymnastics!! - Hi, Dylan! - Hi, Dylan! - Cheep cheep cheep! - Hi friends! We're waiters, wanna play restaurant? - Yes! - Yes! - Cheep che-chef! (clatter) Cheep-cheep-cheep. Cheep cheep cheep cheep. Cheep cheep cheep. - Nice chopping, Chef Bitsy! - Oo! And I'm the customer! (gasp) - We can use my tablecloth. ( ) - Now it's a fancy restaurant. - Oh yeah, look! (chimes) (classical music) - I'm gonna dress up. But what if I don't have anything fancy to wear? You can use anything! - Fancy, fancy... Oh! Fancy. - Oh, fancy! - It works! ( ) - I'm the host, I bring customers to their tables. Welcome to Dylan's restaurant. Do you have a reservation? - Uh, what's a reservation? - It's when customers tell us they're coming, and we put their name in the book. - Oh! I'm coming, for lunch! Today! - Yes, here it is! Ozzy, table for one. Follow me! Exactly. ( ) (humming) (twinkle) (humming) (boing) And here's your table! Enjoy! - I will! - Hi! I'm Dylan the waiter. Here's a menu. Can I tell you, our specials? We have curly soup, ice waffles, and silly spaghetti. That one comes with a silly walk. - Oo, I'll have that one, please! - Of course! Coming up! Ding! Chef-Bitsy, one silly spaghetti please! Cheep cheep! (clattering) Ching! (gentle music) - We're waiters, bringing food to the ta-a-a-ble with a silly willy wa-a-a-alk. - Oh, yummy! (gasp) - I didn't know we had silly spaghetti. I'm a customer now! - So, I'm the waiter and the host? Okay! Welcome to Dylan's, I'm the host now! Whoopsies, my waiter moustache! Ahem. Do you have a reservation? - Yes! Daisy. - Uhhh.... uhh... - There's my table. Ozzy! - Of course! There! And here's your table! Enjoy! - Thanks! Ozzy, it's been too long! - So too long. The longest!

(squeaking) - I'm Waiter Dylan. Here's a menu. - Silly Spaghetti, please. But I don't want the sauce to touch the noodles. - No problem! Coming up! - Good choice, so yummy! Nom, nom, nom. - Ding! Another silly spaghetti, Chef-Bitsy. - Cheep cheep! - Wait, am I forgetting something? - Oh! Daisy doesn't want the sauce and noodles to touch, please. - Ah! Cheep cheep! (clattering) Ching! ( ) - Phewf! Looks perfect. - Chewf! - We're waiters, we're bringing out food fast without any spilling-- whoa! Waaah! Phewww! And here you go! (sniffs) Mmm! - Oh, waiter! Can I please have a glass of warm water? - Of course! - Oh, waiter! I'll have warm water too, please. But with ice. - Okay? (panting) Here's your water! (sniffs) - Smells warm. (sniffing) but I don't smell any ice. - Mine smells... (sniffing) ice warm? (sniffs) - Oh yeah. Ah, ice warm. - Cheepa cheepy-cheep cheep cheep! - But if you're a customer, then I'm the waiter, host and chef? - Cheep! - Okay! (giggles) Welcome to Dylan's Restaurant! - Over here, Bitsy! - There she is! - Cheep cheep cheep. (pop) (fluttering) - Hm. Cheep-cheepy, cheepa cheeeep cheep. - Silly spaghetti in a huge bowl? Coming up! - It's good manners to wait for Bitsy's food. - Oh, definitely. - Ding! Chef Dylan, one spaghetti-- In a bowl thiiiis big! (clattering) We need something thiiis big! Paw-noculars on! Do you see something we can use as a big bowl for Bitsy? (gasp) There! ( ) - Cheep, cheep. Cheep cheep. - Mm. - Uh, your meal will be ready in five jumping jacks! - Cheep? - Fine! Four and a half! (clattering) - One, two... - One, two... - Chef-- Woah! Oof! Chef Dylan, is it ready yet? - Three. - Three. - I'm going as fast as I can! - Four. - Four. - Ding! Order's up, Waiter Dylan! (wobbling) (groaning) Ah! (grunting) Whoa! (gasping) Lunch is silly served! - Oh! Waiter, you forgot to do the silly dance. - Oh yeah! Right. - We're waiters, giving-- - Ahem. - Don't forget the big bowl! Haha. - Okay! Silly dance, with the bowl, got it! - We're waiters, we're-- wo-woaah! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Lunch is silly served, again! (giggling) Does everyone have exactly what they want? - Yes! - Yes! - Chope. Chee-cheepa cheepy choo! - You wanna share with me? I'm a customer now! - Now all your customers have exactly what they want! (gasp) - Exactly?! We did it! Ya-hooo! - Yay, us! - Yay, us! (chimes) - We're Waiters, we're making mistakes. - Aw. - Aw. - Then getting it right. (cheering) And being customers too, like-- (all): Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. (giggling) - Now it's my turn! Introducing... The Cartwheeling Waiter! That's me. - Cheepy. (upbeat music) - I wanna thank you, I wanna thank you. Thank you for playing with me. You and I are just

a play away! See ya later! - Can I take your o-order? - I'll have the ca-art whe-eel rolls! ( ) Subtitling: difuze y! I'm Ladybird Lu! - With Gus. - Declan. - Biba! - Elodie! - And Barnaby too. Lu And the Bally Bunch Lu And the Bally Bunch Lu! And the Bally Bunch Lu! And the Bally Bunch Lu and the Bally Bunch Ah, ah, ah... Goodbye Rain Boots! (cheery music) Teapot Cafe, Teapot Cafe I'm gonna get... cake It looks a bit wet out there. Do you want to wear your boots, Lu, in case you see any splashy puddles? Splashy puddles! Splashy puddles! (hums) I get to wear my dinosaur boots. Rarr! (giggles) I'm gonna splash in so many puddles. Well, they'll need to be on your feet for you to do that. (grunts) Come on, dinosaur boots. Oh, dear. Is it time for new rain boots, Lu? (gasps) What? You'll need new boots if your dinosaur boots are too small for your feet. (grunts) (sighs) I do not want new rain boots. (grunts) Ooh! There. On. I love my dinosaur boots. Ooh, ooh. Well, all righty, then. Here we go! Hi, Gus. Hi, Gus's granny. We're going to the Teapot Cafe. Oh, we'll be there a bit later. Gus, do you wanna have a splashy run through the puddles? - Yeah! - Let's run to the postbox. - As fast as we can! - One, two, three, go! - (giggles) - Oh... Ouch! Stop pinching, dinosaur boots. - Ugh! - Come on. Why are you running like that? Oh! My boots pinch so much. It feels like little dinosaurs are eating my toes. Oh. What about just a normal splash? Yeah. (gasps) Oh, no! Lu? Everything all right? (gasps) Oh, dear. Is that a hole in your boot? I'm guessing that means a very wet sock too. Are you sure you don't need new boots? It's only a very small hole. It's actually not that small. (Lu) Well, my sock is only a little wet. My dinosaur boots are the best, and I don't want new ones. Oh, Lu, you love your dinosaur boots so much, you'll want to keep wearing them forever. Yeah, forever and ever and ever! We'd best be going. See you at the Teapot Cafe later. Bye! (giggling) - Hi, Lu. - Hi. Hi, Declan. Hi, Dermot. It's a splashy day, isn't it, Lu? Yeah! (humming) (gasps) (wails) Lu, what happened, love? I love my dinosaur boots, but they pinch my feet, and it feels like there's dinosaurs eating my toes! And there's a big hole, and my socks are soaking wet! And one of the eyes is missing. And it's just so sad! Oh, Lu, it's so sad when you outgrow something you love. - Yeah, it is. - Yeah, it is. My feet got too big for my Super Slug rain boots too. I loved them so much. - Oh? - Yeah. They gave me Super Slug powers! Da-da-da! Super Slug! I was really sad when my feet got too big for them. Then I got these new ones. Well, they were Dermot's before. Oh. And now I like splashing with them. - Splash! - Wow! Lu, maybe my old boots would fit you. There's no holes, and Super Slug's got both his eyes.

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