
CHCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

Stand aside, non-heroes! Hero Boy will handle this. All the whirlpool needs is an iceberg! Psst! BB! Iceberg! (lullaby music) (BB yawns) Hey little sidekick! I know you're sleepy and all, but could you help me out here? BB play. Awesome, sea squirt! Thanks! Hero Boy powers GO! (triumphant music) (cheering) You're safe now thanks to- (cracking) Nope, not safe. NOT SAFE AT ALL! One last time and then I'll let you sleep. Promise. Okay. (magical chiming) (triumphant music) Ohh. (triumphant music) (laughing) Please. All in a day's work. I didn't say stop. (laughing) (triumphant music) Did you hear that little sidekick? I'm famous! (snoring)(lullaby music) Blob Woodward:Wow! A spectacular rescue from theswirling whirlpool of doom! Well Blob, it wasnothing really. Hero Boy is alwaysready and willing to leap into harm'sway and put- (grunts) And-and put his awesome andamazing powers to good use. (cracking) (dreaded chords)(crashing) Hopefully you can use thoseawesome and amazing powers to use in this pit! Into which Blob iscurrently falling! (Blob yelling)(intense dramatic music) (screaming) (groans) Blob Woodward:Help me, Hero Boy! You're Blob's only hope! Uh oh! BB! I mean, hero powers!Wake up! BB? Oh no! She's stillup at the top! (BB snores) (intense dramatic music) Hurry, Hero Boy! This intrepid reportercan't hold on much longer! Come on Lemo, think! I know!I'll call Lettie! She'll do mythinking for me! Hey Lettie! Lemo, stop withthe Hero Boy stuff and put BB tobed right now! Um, I would but I have a littleproblem I need help with. Oh really? Your teeny problemwouldn't happen to be that you and Blob are beingsucked into a massive pit above a swirling whirlpool that is threatening to flushyou both into oblivion, would it? Hey, how did you know? (thudding) 'Cause it's allover the Big Blue! Come on Lettie!Stop fooling around! Just bring the Calypsoand use the grabber arm to rescue us! I would if I could! But since you didn't botherto fix either one of them, we're forced torescue you in a taxi that smells likeboiled kelp! Sorry, that was me. Lettie:Listen to me carefully. I want you tograb hold of the- (ping) Wait! (suspenseful music) Blob Woodward:What is poorHero Boy to do? Will Hero Boy save this reporterfrom his untimely demise? Stay tuned! (suspenseful dramatic music) What am I gonna do? That is the questionthat everyone's asking! Is Hero Boy comingto the rescue or has he decided to hangup his tights for good? (suspenseful dramatic music) (gasps) That's it! My tights! This intrepid reporter,signing off FOREVERRRRRRRR! Lemo:Gotcha! Yes! And we're back! Wait! Who are you? Just a regular boyin his underpants. (triumphant music) It's okay Lemo, who hasn't been caughtcrying like a baby in their undies on TV? Phil:Guys! Check it out! Lemo's on the news! I know, I know. Hero Boy is a fake. Messes up rescue,blah, blah. Lettie:Guess again bro! But the real hero of the dayis this unassuming young man. He showed us you don'tneed powers to be a hero. You just need your heartin the right place. Thank you regular boy,for being my hero. See Lemo,you are a hero! A hero who did somereally dumb stuff, but still a hero. Thanks Lettie, but I should never havemisused BB's powers. I guess I don't needpowers to be a hero. I can just be me. Lemo VO:With the Big Bluesafe once more, it was time forHero Boy to embark on his most daringmission yet. (snoring) Lemo VO:Catching some ZZZ's! With of course,his trusty sidekick. (triumphant music) Let's go Put it together, Rusty Rivets Go, Rusty Rivets Rusty Rivets' lab is a mobile thrill

Yeah, he'll combine it and design it build by build Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits and Botasaur And friends you've never seen before So let's go Put it together, Rusty Rivets Go Rusty Rivets Yeah, let's go If you can dream it, you can build it Go Rusty Rivets, let's go RUSTY: Rusty and the Flying Skunk. (Bits laughing and chattering) (Whooping) Good job, Whirly. You're totally rocking the obstacle course. (Laughing) Woo-hoo! (Whooping) Wow. Whirly has some rad flight skills. What amazing thing can you do, Frankfurt? (Snickering) That's it? Toast? We can do better than that. After all... I am the greatest inventor in the world! Come on, Frankfurt, it's time for you to fly. (Laughing) The park is perfect for your first flight. You can use the track as a runway for takeoff. (Cawing) Get ready to soar like that giant bird! Let's see, what can I attach to you to make you fly? An umbrella! No, no, no. Ooh, a jackhammer! But that won't help you get off the ground. A-ha! A propeller! That's sure to make you fly higher than Whirly. Perfect. Prepare for takeoff, Frankfurt. Fly, my little stinker! Fly! Now, to take you higher than Whirly. (Alarm sounding) Uh-oh. Ahh! He's going too fast! The propeller Fritzed out. I can't control him! (Alarm sounding) Frankfurt! (Whirly whooping) RUSTY AND RUBY: Woo-hoo! Ahh! Whoa! Watch out for the flying robotic skunk. Wait. What? I didn't know Frankfurt could fly. He can now, way better than Whirly. Except he can't steer or stop, and I don't know how to get him down. (Chittering) But aside from that, he's an awesome flyer. We could help you, Frankie. I've got it all under control. Ahh! But if you really feel like you have to help, I'll let you. Whirly, grab Frankfurt. All right! Hello! Whoa! (Straining) Ahh! It's blowing Whirly away. Whirly! WHIRLY: Whoa! (Crashing, cat yowling) Are you all right? I'm okay. It almost hit her, too. We need another way to grab Frankfurt. FRANKIE: He's flying away. I'm gonna lose him! Got another idea yet? Hmm. Not quite. How 'bout now?! Not yet. How 'bout now?! Yes! We can use a suction cup launcher to pull him down to the ground. Oh, thank you. I mean, took you long enough. Let's go get my stinky buddy! Time to bolt! (Tires screeching) FRANKIE: There he is! we're coming, my little stinky-poo! (Chittering) Ready, aim, suction cup! (Snickering) RUBY: Yes! You've got him! FRANKIE: Yay, Rusty! I mean, uh, that wasn't terrible. RUSTY: Whoa! Oh! Oh! RUBY: Rusty! I have to let go! We have to catch Frankfurt before he flies away and I never see him again.

Don't worry, Frankie, we'll save him... somehow. We have to stop Frankfurt. He's my best friend! I promise we'll get Frankfurt back on the ground. We just need something that can fly super fast. And is stronger than Frankfurt's propeller. Yoo-hoo! Whirly! Whirly! What do you say, Whirly? Will you help us? Yay! That's a yes! Woo-hoo! That's a double yes. Let's combine it. And design it. We'll start with Whirly. Then, we'll add a mega jet to make her even better at flying. And a turbo engine, so she can fly super fast. Put it all together and we've got our plan. Time to go mobile. Modified. Customized. Rustifed. The Whirly Jet 5000. (All cheering) Hop in, Frankie. So, we're staying pretty low to the ground, right? All right, Whirly, prepare for takeoff. Takeoff! RUSTY: Three, two... (Gulping) One... RUBY: Jet! (Whooping) (Frankie screaming) BOTH: Woo-hoo! Ahh! There he is! RUBY: Uh-oh. (Beeping) (Alarm sounding) We're coming, Frankfurt! (Chittering) (Chittering) Whoa. He's going super fast. We'll catch him. (Whistle blowing) Was that a flying robotic skunk being chased by a fantastical jet? Nah, couldn't have been. RUBY: We're getting closer. Whoa. We're over the desert, already? Frankfurt is going fast! (Squawking) Now we're in the Antarctic? We're going really fast! (Chittering) (Chattering) We're going really, really, really, really, really fast! We're so close! But we still can't reach him. Let's dive to get some speed, Whirly. Game on! RUSTY: Hold on, everyone. ALL: Whoa! Now, swoop back up! Let's kick it into high gear! All right! Woo-hoo! Whoo! Ahh! RUSTY: Almost there... (Engine sputtering) (Alarm sounding) (Chittering) The propeller broke! He's going to crash! No, he's not. ALL: Woo-hoo! Yeah! Frankfurt, you're okay! I never knew I could be so happy to see toast. I missed you, buddy. (Squawking) Hey! Get your claws off my stinker! We're coming, Frankfurt. Oh, no. Our jet is super fast, but we're too big to move like the bird. But Whirly can. It's time to launch the Whirly Pod.

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