
CHCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

- If you see me - If you see me - And I see you - And I see you - Say hello - Say hello - How do you do - How do you do - Feelin' pretty good - Feelin' pretty good - How 'bout you - How 'bout you - Say hello - Say hello - How do you do - How do you do - Feelin' pretty good - Feelin' pretty good - How 'bout you - How 'bout you - I'm feelin' pretty good - I'm feelin' pretty good - How 'bout you - How 'bout you Announcer:CBC Kids has some furry, fuzzy, fantastic new friends. -Hi, Mittens. -Hi, Pants. Announcer:So get those tails wagging and join in the fun. Yay! Announcer: Hang out withMittens and Pants. Weekdays onCBC Kids or stream free onCBC Gem. he house The house of Aunty B Where everyone is different but we're one big family Turn the key! And come along Join us as we sing this song song A house of love, so much joy and kindness is the key Come on in, welcome to the house of Aunty B! Cause there is nothing better than home It's a place where we belong, we'll never be alone Come on in! Welcome to the House of Aunty B (Laughing) Whoa! What's withthe streamers Khadijah? We're not setting up for abirthday party, we're setting up for Shelley'sdad coming visit. Streamers aren't just forbirthday parties, they'refun for all occasions! I think we have enough streamers for now, thank you Khadijah. You can never have enough streamers. How are you feeling, Shelley? I'm excited! And a little nervous. I felt the exact same way when my family would visit me at my foster home when I was younger. I want everything to be perfect. And it will be... because your dad will be spending the day with you, and that's all that matters. Thanks, Aunty B. Anytime. Oh! Speaking of time, he should be here any minute now. I'll go look out for him. Shelley! If you run out of fun things to do with your dad, I have a few ideas. Let me guess, they all involve streamers? What? No... I think I'll be okay, Khadijah, but, I'll keep your offer in mind. Shelley? Daddy! Ohhh! Hello, my sweet girl. I've missed your squeezes. I've missed your squeezes too. And who do we have here? This is Zachary and Khadijah. They live here at Aunty B's house, too. Hello, Zachary. Hello, Khadijah. Hi, Shelley's Dad. Hi. And you already know Aunty B. It's so great to have to here. Please, make yourself at home. Thank you. All right, Let's leave Shelley and her dad to enjoy their visit. Hmmm, what should we do first? Oh, I know! This is your first time here why don't I show you around the house? I'd love that. Well, this is the backyard. Those are the flowers, those are the trees, and that's the watering jug. C'mon, let's go into the house! This is the living room. And finally... this is my bedroom. Well, not just MY bedroom, I share it with Khadijah. It looks really nice. I see you have some new books. Yeah, Aunty B takes us to the library once a week. Just like you used to. I mean, you know... Of course. This is my bed. It's super soft and comfy. I mean, my bed back home was comfy too. Way more comfy actually. Hey, I'm just happy you're being so well taken care of here. I am. I have an idea! What if we make a craft together? That sounds like a perfect idea! This is fun, right? So much fun!

The last time I made a sock puppet, I was, oh, I was about your age. (Puppet voice) Hello, nice to meet you, sir. (Puppet voice) You seem really nice. Let's be best friends! (Laughing) I've missed doing crafts with you. Um, I'm getting hungry. Aunty B is making us a picnic lunch to eat outside, if that's okay. A picnic with my favourite person in the whole world sounds perfect. It looks so delicious! Try the lemonade! I made it myself. Is it too sour? (Laughing) No it's the perfect amount of sweetness. Just like you. Dad! You're so corny. Umm, I'll be right back, okay? Sure. Khadijah, I need your help. I don't think my Dad is having fun. Say no more, I'll go get the streamers unpacked! What is it love? What happened? I thought I planned out a fun day for us, but I don't think it's going very well. Hmmm, why is that? I can tell when he is sad, even when he tries to hide it. I wanted our visit to be perfect. Why isn't he having fun with me? You know your dad loves you very much. I think you should just talk to hiim. What should I say? Just being honest with him, (Singing) Speak from your heart... it's the best place to start... Thanks, Aunty B. Shelley? Are you okay? You got this. I'm sorry your not having fun. What do you mean? I'm having the best time with you. But you look sad. You're right, I am a little sad. But it's not because I'm not having fun. Every second I spend with you is precious, and I could never be sad about that. Then why? Have a seat. Becuase I know soon this visit's gonna end, and I'm sad, because I'm gonna have to be away from you again. I'm sad about that too. I know, and it's okay to be sad sometimes. But guess what? The end of one visit means we can start looking forward to the next one - and nothing makes me happier. I love you. I love you too. More than anything. Sock puppets? (Puppet voice) Now, what do you say we go finish that picnic? Sounds good. (Puppet voice) Sounds good to me too. (Laughing) Sorry to interrupt. But you wouldn't happen to know why my room is overflowing with streamers, would you? (Laughing) Come on and meet everyone It doesn't matter where your from This is my foster family Shout out loud and sing a song This is my foster family Gonna get tothe bottom of it (Me, you,in The Big Blue) There's a deepocean world waiting tobe discovered (Me, you,in The Big Blue) A sea to see,secrets to be uncovered (Me, you,in The Big Blue) I said we'redivin' deep down, Gonna get tothe bottom of it (Me, you,in The Big Blue) I said we'redivin' deep down, Gonna get to thebottom of it (Me, you,in The Big Blue) Lemo: Dumb chores. I shouldn't be wasting my time with chores. I should be out in the Big Blue saving people from the bad guys and standing up for the- Lettie: Lemo! You better not be goofing around! You have a ton of chores to do! After you're finished cleaning the hallway I need you to fix the grabber arm and change the Calypso's power cells! Okay! Okay! I know! Oh barnacles! (BB gasps) (intense magical music) Yeah! (intense heroic music) Yes! (intense heroic music) (magical chiming) (bubbling) (triumphant music) That was amazing BB! I wish I had powers like that. (thud) Maybe I can. (rhythmic electronic music) Lemo: In the ocean's deepest depths, where pressure crushes the courage from the bravest of us, one hero has the power to save the Big Blue. Da-da-da-daaa! And his trusty sidekick, the BB Kid! It'd be cool to have real powers. But having you around BB is the closest thing. Hop in! BB, give me a bubble. (magical chiming)(triumphant music) Thank you! I've been trappedunder there for days! Breaking news! Mysterious masked crusader

singlehandedly saves eel! Who, me? (pop) (bang) Eel:I'm okay! Blob Woodward:So what name do we callyou mysterious boy? Who is a hero. Boy? Hero? (triumphant music) Call me...Hero Boy! (camera clicks) Freddie:Mysterious maskedhero saves the day? Wow! That's so cool! Hey guys!What's happening? The Big Blue has anew masked crusader! Hero Boy,they're calling him! Apparently he's a hero. With real powers. (BB giggles) Lemo! Lemo- (squeaking) Our little super secret,okay BB? Uh, I wonder whohe really is. That brave, heroic,also handsome lad. Lettie:Oooh, he saved someone. Gee, wow. We save people all the time. I saved a pod of whales and broke up a shark fight. And that was just on my lunch break! (lullaby music) (BB yawns) Whoops, it's past nap time. Lemo, go tuck BB in, please. (heroic music) Right! (heroic music) Hero Boy, on it! (music cuts) By which I mean regular normal Lemo is on it. To the bed place! I don't understand why you have to put a bucket on your head to be a hero. (in unison) But what a bucket it is! (zooming) Listen, BB. We can't let anybody know about our secret identities. Why? Because then it won't be secret! As masked heroes, it's kind of rule number one. Well, sleep tight. (BB yawns) Phil: Well I don't know about you, but I feel a lot safer knowing Hero Boy is out there patrolling the Big Blue. Sure hope that guy never sleeps! Hey sidekick, you thinking what I'm thinking? Huh? There's no time for naps when there's hero work to be done! (dramatic heroic music) (meowing) (dramatic heroic music) (dramatic heroic music) (screaming) (dramatic heroic music) (magical chiming) (triumphant music) (gasping) (triumphant music) (engine sputtering) (dramatic heroic music) (crumbling) (dramatic heroic music) (beeping) (dramatic heroic music) (crashing) (thumping) (triumphant music) (BB yawns) (stroller squeaking)(dramatic heroic music) (thwack) (screams) (magical chiming) (thud) (BB yawns)(dramatic heroic music) (triumphant music) (body fall sound) (squeaking)(dramatic heroic music) (dramatic heroic music) Oh! (camera clicks)(triumphant music) Hero Boy! You just rescued abus load of guppies! Anyone you'd liketo shout out to? Nope. That was all me! Hero Boyyyy! Hey, look! Hero Boy's doing thatfunny dance that Lemo does. Speaking of Lemo,where is he? How long can it taketo put BB to bed? Hey Phil, his mask looksjust like our mop bucket. That's so cool! What?! BB's not in bed? It's so adorable how his capeis the exact same colour as BB! (intense dramatic music) (computer beeping) (intense music swells) LEMO! Dah-dah-da-dah-dah-da! Dah-dah-da-dah! (phone ringing) Hero BOYYY! Hotline. So Lemo, where you at? Uh, the storegetting some kelp? No need.I got some yesterday. I ate it. Ate it all. Can't get enough ofthat wonderful kelp. Nom, nom, nom. No kidding! You still got somein your teeth. Really? Where? Did I get it? (squeaking) Lettie:I CAN SEE YOU LEMO! Now quick goofing around and bring BB backfor her nap. NOW! Blob Woodward:This just in! Adorable twins trappedin a massive whirlpool. (static crackling) Their only hopenow is Hero Boy! Lettie, you're breaking up! (imitates static) Going (imitates static)- through (imitates static)- cavern! I can still see you Lemo. Gotta go,hero duty calls! Phil, plot a coursefor the whirlpool. Are we gonnameet Hero Boy? (gasps) I wonder ifhe'll sign my shell! (duck quacks) FULL POWER! (engine engages) (engine sputters) Let me guess. Lemo didn't change thepower cells like I asked. (intense music)(screaming) (intense music) Lemo: Never fear! Hero Boy is, aahh! Here. Haha! Help Hero Boy! Those little lobsters are surely to be washed away!

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