
CHAN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Bryan: It's come together well. Ooh the da. Sarah: I know. The reading nook is probably one of my favorite spacesin the entire villa. Originally it was the bathtub, now I think it's muchbetter use of the space, and t really functionswell for the guest. I see our children sitting here in the heat of the day and taking a little... Lincoln: Hi! Sarah: I'm showing daddy this room! Bryan: What do you think? Lincoln: Wow! Bryan: You guys likethe Someday Suite? Lincoln: Yeah. Bryan: Maybe one day we'll just move in here. Lincoln: Yeah. Sarah: This is this for ourguests, not for the Baeumlers. Bryan: This is a hugechange in these villas. That's been a reallygood few weeks on site, we've accomplished a ton. So, it's importantsometimes to b and enjoy and celebrate those high moments. Sarah: There's more work to be done. Let's go! Bryan: Come on, we're not done yet. Bryan: Next timeon Island of Bryan. Bryan: The clubhouseis coming along, faster in some areasthan others but we have to get moving on it. There's so many stuff like this when we get to it and you're like "Hmm, let me think about it". Sarah: Well that'swhy it's just--Bryan: Which is why we have stuff half finished everywhere. Bryan and I are butting heads a little bit. Obviously we're both stressed. Bryan: (bleep) (groans) The list gets longer. Bryan: Occasionally Sarah and I have a different vision. Sarah: Better? Bryan: If that's what you like. Sarah: It's not what I like. Bryan: And we butt heads a little bit. Bryan: What do you think? Sarah: You love me or hate me with this? Bryan: It depends what you say in the next ten seconds. As dysfunctional as it may be, but what it means is we're both so invested in this project, Bryan: (gasps)It looks amazing. Bryan: And the end result after all the chaos is something incredible. Sarah: We've made a lot of upgrades to this villa. Bryan: I'm aware. But it's... It's exhausting sometimes. Sarah: On a lighter note. Bryan: What do you mean on a lighter note? That entire thing could fall through the ceiling and crush you to death right now. Adam: Hi. (Bryan sniffs) Ugh,where's that been? Stop feeding her the popcorn! jo: She likes it.Charlotte: She's gonna get sick! Jojo: She likes-- Charlotte: Just like youwhen you ate too much bacon. Adam: Isn't yourrthday coming up? Bryan: Shut up.Adam: What's that gonna be, 45? Bryan: Yeah. Adam: That'll be fun.Bryan: Still notas old as Holmes. Sarah: No more,no more chocolate. Bryan: You want one?ooo, no! CONTESTANT: This is the time. Go for it. ANNOUNCER:Survivor,three hour seasonfinale tonight on Global. ANNOUNCER: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. 9-1-1,all new Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find youat I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided at Legacy Senior Living. Make memories and new friends. Explore new interests like taking a yoga class or spark some friendly competition. Live your own legacy your way. Call today. Major league show jumpingreturnsto ThunderbirdShow Park May 24th to the 26th. Tickets are on sale nowexclusively at TBIRD.CA This is major. When you grow your own garden flowers, a more vibrant, food is fresher and the wobecomes a better place. Get started at Gn Works with everything you need to make growing your own easy. Garden Works, Everything you need to make your garden work. When your check engine light goes on, you want to bring it inasap,At Budget iagnose the issues, and get you back on the road.

Engine Light? Bring it to Budget. Budget, Budget, Budget Auto Centres lobal news at noon -- the london drugs employee data cyber criminals may release -- and the deadlr ransom demands plus -- the massive tax bill to pay for a controversial deer cull on a bc island and -- a wind storm knodown trees and knocks out power to the south coast. >> Announcer: you're watching global bc, this is global news oon. >>coleen: good afternoon. I'm coleen christie. Thanks for ining us. London drugs has now notifiedall employees that their corporate data could be posted to the dark web -- after confirming the company was atened with a multi-million dollar ransom. As emily lazatinyber attackers have given london drugs until tomorrow to meet their demands. >>reporter: pay up or else...... That's the threat from a ransomware gang based out of russia. The cyber crime syndicate called **lock-bit*** is demanding **25 million dollars** ----- and if london drugs doesn't pay up --- it's going to leak data it claims to have stolen from the retailer. The demand was posted to the dark w >> Lockpit has been one of the most prolific operation since 2015 a day launched a successfulattacks against thousands of organizations. They are known tohave reaped more than 100-million in ransom demands. >>reporter: it's not known what kind of information lockbit claims to hold but the deadline for the 25 million ransom — is thursday........ Lockbit says — london drug offered to pay 8 million dollars. The retailer neither confirming or denying that claim. In a statement --- londonsrugs says it is on unable and unwilling to pay the ransom. >>i heard about it, it's terrible, my former company had the same issue. >> They are maintaining that customer information has not been compromised, trust but? >> I think so, not 100 percent sure but you never know. >>reporter: the group says it was behind last month's cyber attack — forcing london drugs to close all its stores across western canada for more than a week. Experts say the retailer will need to work hard to repair relationships with loyal shoppers. >>one of the problems with private sector — security is always a bottom line issue — it's a net cost, and there's no money to be made on security but it's also as we see a reputational cost. >>reporter: the company maintains no **customer** or *patient** databases have been% compromised but on saturday confirmed corporate files were breached --- files with employee information. >>these people are untrustworthy, bad-faith actors. There is no guarantees that paying the demand will you the keys to decrypt the data, or whatever data was stolen will be deleted. >>reporter: with less than 24 hours to go.... The clock is ticking...... Emily lazatin, global news >>coleen: an extra low afternoon commute for some drivers -- the result of a possible hit to a cn trainoverpass in langley. The ministry of transportationeves the vehicle -- carrying another vehicle on a flatbed --contact with the overpass -- just west of 232nd traffic slowed to a crawl while police investigated -- and spoke to the driver at the scene. A witnesss he saw the truck initially stop -- then heard the passenger teg the driver to keep going. >>i rolled down my window and I yelled at guys like you're not gonna make it, stop call for help. >>they started moving the semi truck and the load came into contact with the overpass and the roof of the truck that they were carrying got jammed completely under the overpass. >>it's inconvenient fhe commuters and this seems to be happenall the time. >>cn: the crossing is being assessed for damage -- and an investigation is underway. Bc's police watchdog is investigating aftev-p-d crui-- struck a pedestrian. It happened on a stretch of east hastiwhere pedestrian safety has long been an issue. Kristen robinson explains. >>reporter:s police watchdog is investigating---after a man was struck by a vpd vehicle on a hastings---notorious for pedestrian collisions. Vancouver police say officers were driving along hastings street just after midnight tuesday---when they struck a pedestrian at dunlevy avenue. The man was seriously injured and hospitalized. The vpd notified the independent investigations office---which would only say it is probing an incident that occurred around 1230am near the intersection. Several witnesses told global news the police vehicle involved

s unmarked---and travelling eastbound in excess of the area's 30 kilometre an hour speed limit---when the pedestrian was hit in a crosswalk. >lights, no sirens. Especially at night time, this is a black. This car is basically a ghost car literally a ghost car. >>i saw a cop car come flying me and...about 50-60 I heard a kah-thud later shortly after few seconds and then I heard somebody yelling that the car had hit somebody. >>the cop car was coming from down the street over there and then he hit him on thatcrosswalk and he stopped on this one. >>looked up and then of a sudden there's the guy's suitcase and his shoe over there and then he was kind of almost behind the car. >>we saw the person who was hit laying on the street on thei back and motionless so there's no movement whatsoever. >>reporter: the man's current condition is unknown. Earlier this month, a vancouver police officer was found gy of excessive speeding---for striking and seriously injuring a pedestrian on east hastings between columbia aain streets---in september 2022. That collision was captured on camera---and the police vehicle did not appear to have lights or sirens activated. Constable jack zhao received a 2-thousand dollar fine. As the iio investigates—vpd would not say whether the police vehicle involved in the may 21 collision was en route to a call kristen robinson, global news >>coleen: north vancouver r-c-m-p are looking for witnesses to a fatal collision involving a dog. On friday morning at around 11 o'clock -- police received reports that a dog was run over at the intersection of west third -- and forbes avenue. They say a man was waiting to crosshe street with his leashed dog 'sweety' -- when a commercial vehicle making a turn -- jumped the salk -- running over and killing the dog. The vehicle -- described as a dump truck with two dump beds attached -- did not stop after the collision. > Owners are very devastated by the loss of their pet and our hearts go out to them. >>we have not spoken to the other driver because they did not stop, no might be possible that they didn't see or witness or realize they had run over something or an animal. >>coleen: any witnesses or those with dash cam footage of the incident are asked to call north vancou the canadian tax payers federation is raising alarms over the huge cost of a controial plan to eradicate a species of don a small -- erin ubels explains. >>reporter: then by parks canada focuses on the european fallow deer population on ey island — located between bc's mainland and vancouver island —and the goal is to restore native vegetation, tree seedlings and shrubs. But there's a hefty bill — accordto access to information records - the canadiax payers federation says a detailed project budget shows it'll cost nearly 12 million dollars to cull of the deer species — which were initially introduced there for hunting purposes in the mid-1900's. Phase one of the operations reportedly will cost more than 800-thousand dollars — which workt to nearly 10-thousand dollars per deer - if you take into consideration how many were actually killed. >>during phase one of the deer cull, snipers were taken ad the island in a helicopter while firing on the deer below. >>the expert marksmen from the us new zealand only managed to kill 84 deer, 18 of which were the eporter: parks canada estimates there are between 300 and 900 invasive deer on sidney island. Phase two of the operation, is scheduled to beg this fall, and will involve ground hunting with dogs. The canadian tax payers federation notes the eradicatiof the deer could easily be done through recreational hunting - noting last fall - resident of sidney island organized their own hunt of the species — where they killed 54 deer — and at no cost to taers. Some welcome news today for the thousands of fort on residents who have been forced from their homes due to a wildfire. Preparations are underway for them to return home. Rain hashelped dampen the "parlake" wildfire -- so steps are being taken to prepare the town ready for the safe return of its 47-hundred residents. Mayor rob fraser says utilities crews are working to restore essential services including hydro, natural gas -- and telecommunications. Steps are also being taken to ensure businesses -- including grocery stores and gas stations -- are up and rng. No ific date has been given for a return. Residents were evacuated on may 10th. More municipal chaos out of harrison hot springs over the

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